I have a Dillion power trimmer for my 223 - you set it up in position #3 of the toolhead and the resizer/decapping die in position #1. you do have to hold for a second or two at the bottom of the stroke to ensure a complete cut - don't rush through it. Changing the dillon to another caliber is a bit of a pain IMHO because you have to set up the trim die into the trimmer and it takes a few times to get it right. Add to that as you tighten the lock rings to hold everything in place you can bump the setting.
I also use the Lee case trimmers on the 3 Jaw chuck tool. Its a lot faster to move the brass in and out. I'll sit on the patio and trim away. Only bad thing about the Lee setup is the trimming needs a good deburring as its usually a bit rough on the case. I run an RCBS case prep station with the lyman chamfer and deburring tools - which are awesome - much faster than the ones that comes on the RCBS unit.
I load a lot of mil surp rounds, such as 7.5MAS, 7.7Jap, 303 Brit, so the Lee set up works best for me - although I can dream about dropping some coin on the Giraud, I just can't justify it yet.