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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. I have a Dillion power trimmer for my 223 - you set it up in position #3 of the toolhead and the resizer/decapping die in position #1. you do have to hold for a second or two at the bottom of the stroke to ensure a complete cut - don't rush through it. Changing the dillon to another caliber is a bit of a pain IMHO because you have to set up the trim die into the trimmer and it takes a few times to get it right. Add to that as you tighten the lock rings to hold everything in place you can bump the setting. I also use the Lee case trimmers on the 3 Jaw chuck tool. Its a lot faster to move the brass in and out. I'll sit on the patio and trim away. Only bad thing about the Lee setup is the trimming needs a good deburring as its usually a bit rough on the case. I run an RCBS case prep station with the lyman chamfer and deburring tools - which are awesome - much faster than the ones that comes on the RCBS unit. I load a lot of mil surp rounds, such as 7.5MAS, 7.7Jap, 303 Brit, so the Lee set up works best for me - although I can dream about dropping some coin on the Giraud, I just can't justify it yet.
  2. This. A transfer is easy money - and often a higher margin on low cost guns than what the store would often make if they inventoried the item. I'd be just as happy paying a higher transfer fee on a high dollar gun just so as to avoid the tax bite! a $2000 gun = nearly $200 in sales tax!
  3. Ride away Have a stick Spray Gun should be your absolute last resort
  4. I carry my sigp226 .40 IWB no problem. I put hogue grips on mine and have liked it for the past 3 years. Never have had an issue.
  5. The ATF really belongs in the IRS, since its core focus is taxes, licensing and some regulatory concerns. Consolidate the "police" work it does at the FBI.
  6. What are the costs to reload shotgun rounds if you do not cast? I reload pistol + rifle, but no shotgun yet.
  7. +1 on farm credit services The best way to finance - low rates and easy simple low cost refi programs
  8. Sherrif is the way to go - definitely gets the other party's attention
  9. I have a used one I'd be willing to sell. Pm me if you are interested
  10. +! for allan - great explanations for the guns - and always seem to wind up better looking than you were expecting. You might pay a tiny bit more at his shop than trying to find a "Steal", but every gun is "hand picked" based on the description, so you get exactly what you bought - no surprises - well worth the money. Subscribe to his e-newsletter - but don't dally if you see something you like - the guns don't usually last long once he posts them for sale
  11. great tip - thanks!
  12. Thats Rode hard and put up wet!!!! I just run water down the barrel and let flow through the gas ports. Same treatment with the gas tube I then clean up with barret heavy bore cleaner on all surfaces and the barrel
  13. Be sure to clean your gas tube - easy to forget about it I like the Yugo - and an AK is super easy to clean up
  14. The Yugos are the only bolt hold opens that I'm aware of. I bought a bunch from r guns a few months ago for $20 each
  15. I like the Yugo mags as the have a last round bolt hold open follower. Easy way to get a visual check you're out of rounds vs having some sort of problem. Of course the bolt flies forward as soon as you remove the mag, so you still have to charge the gun after inserting a fresh mag
  16. Whah! My sig p226 trigger has never broken and I'm stuck with just a regular one!
  17. I have a ton of used reloading equipment, dies, books etc that I'd be happy to sell. Shoot me a pm if you're interested.
  18. Ive used them in my saiga 12 - no prob
  19. Converted Saiga 12 with MD Arms 20 round drums.
  20. You'll be super close to the Gallatin Gun Club - IDPA every month there!
  21. I've never seen a sign.
  22. I witnessed the abuse - this rifle took a licking and kept on ticking!
  23. Ditto on the Wall Street Journal Excellent writing and op-eds My 13 year old Reads it now


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