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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. Just checked and aim is sold out of the m44s
  2. Got an email last wednesday from aim for a mosin package of a 91/30 and a m44 for @$200. Not sure if it's still available
  3. I have a spare rcbs trim mate and other reloading equipment - pm me if you're interested
  4. I wonder if they sold a bushmaster right after?
  5. Picked mine up at the apple store last weekend. Just walked in and they had some in stock. Go figure.
  6. That's normal for a Mosin
  7. Smg (smith manufacturing group) in Texas is developing a semi auto FG-42. It's priced at 5k. I have a semi auto Bren of theirs. Nice work
  8. Yes, and Sig has the nite sights which are handy
  9. Looks like Crappy sights compared with the sig238. Will there be other sight options?
  10. Title says it all. Happens when Using iphone 3g as well as a 4s. When I click on the forum icon , I get closed out back to my home screen. Not having the issue with Other forums. Any advice or help?
  11. Try the Chinatown restaurant across the street from the green hills mall. It's in the shopping center where the donut den is. Great authentic Chinese food. Try the pork and green beans and the dried tofu and pork from the Chinese part of the menu. Yum!
  12. Two tips: 1) Check with your county tax assessor to determine what amount of acreage puts you into an agriculture tax rate. For example in Wilson County, 15 acres is the cut off. The tax rate is much lower once you hit that number. 2) for financing, check out Farm Credit Services. They have great rates and programs for land and rural home purchases.
  13. Congrats! Sig recently had a deal for 3 of 7rnd mags for around $100. Call them up and see if it's still good, and get on their email list. Good deals every now and then. For cheaper 380, try gun-deals.com to spot some deals, or roll your own for less than 6 bucks a box
  14. They're about 3 years late to the party. On the other hand, wal mart continues to be a key teotwawki site!
  15. I bought my 238 here on TGO Post an ad in the WTB board ... Someone will likely come along. +1 on the 7 round extended mags. Not as clean looking as the original 6 but easier to hold. The sig can be a bit heavy for pocket carry in light weight dress pants, but it hides well in a nemesis holster. I also wear it IWB with a don Hume and it's very easily hidden under a sportcoat - no printing at all.
  16. I have both an LCP and a 238. The 238 wins every time. Single action makes it way easier to shoot, and it just is better built.
  17. I have a bunch of new 40 for sale on the gear trader- magtrch and UMC Remington. My sig 226 ate them both up great.
  18. Dude! That's MY end of days shopping list!
  19. Had a great time at the zombie shoot today!!!
  20. I have a bunch of extra reloading equipment and manuals. Pm me if youre interested and I can send a list
  21. darn - all my evil rifles are sidefolders! might be time to get an plain jain AR......
  22. +! for sgammo!
  23. Picked up the foregrip furniture that works with the underfolder at knob creek. Now I can shoot with the drum much easier! Still debating if i like the cone flashhider vs the classic slant break.
  24. +1 on Woodford tour
  25. Pocket carry with desantis holster and Pearce extensions. No prob --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=28.424523,-81.463858


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