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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. Lester - you've got some info quite incorrect - medication and therapy are not only for the "tough cases" If you have concerns about your melancholy I'd recommend speaking with a physician you trust - there are a wide range of options available, none of which would disqualify you from owning a gun.
  2. Surely there is a TGO attorney who would be willing to do some pro bono work for David?
  3. Jeffersons presidential reserve 18 year bourbon. Sipping it now while watching Sarah Palin on CSPAN at CPAC- Yum!
  4. I also Carry my 238 in condition 1. I use a desantis pocket holster and never have had an issue with the safety. It requires a firm amount of force to disengage. I love this pistol. Only Complaint is in dress pants it will print more easily than a poly gun like an LCP for example.
  5. Tapatalk profile no longer shows people's location. That was there before. Very helpful on the sale boards to know where people are located. Any way to get this feature back?
  6. The big dude on the show with the prepping youtube show lives right here in middle TN! So much for his op-sec! One quick google of his name put a pin on the map to his house. I found it interesting that the "experts" would rate the preparedness and then tell you how remote a chance of the concern was. PS: I'm glad the gal in Houston enlisted. She was worrying me with her obvious acceptance of the idea of selling her body to get by.
  7. Any Israeli markings on the sigs?
  8. Was there a decent supply of milsurps? Id like to go to these shows but hate to waste the time in a fruitless search
  9. Lots of chatter on gunboards about this. The omega rifle will be a beater - the new ones are hit/miss
  10. I went pending mid October on my SBR. Called last week and ATF said 6 months. Geez.
  11. Russian sks with a "white" bolt are more valued than the plum colored arsenal refinished bolts. Look for matching numbers, and condition of wood and metal. Be sure to check out the gas tube for any corrosion.
  12. Depends where u live. My CLEO is awesome and usually has a 24 hour turn around on the paperwork. I drop it off, got to a drug store to get my pics taken, go back when they call me and into the mail it goes. Easy as pie. YMMV
  13. I am truly astonished at the posts and more importantly the foolishness of making public comments like this.
  14. Naturally no statistics or facts are presented to support their argument. Rather, heated rhetoric and inflammatory appears to emotion. But it is filed under opinion......
  15. I left my iPhone accidentally in the Philly airport, and the lady who find it answered the phone and sent it back to me - made my day to know there are still honest people out there
  16. Where are you seeing that deal ?
  17. I use my saiga 12 at idpa 3 gun matches at gallatin. Fun!
  18. Where are you seeing the Cleo removal being discussed?
  19. +1 I'm thinking CIA operatives
  20. That was The Colony - Discovery channel I think The second series was particularly good - set in a katrina trashed area of New Orleans. The tribe got screwed in the end - never could get their security taken care of - and paid for it every episode.
  21. Hasn't this been shown already? I swear I've seen it before
  22. Brian - smith and I are on the same page here. Your story was perfectly fine as a comparative piece on the differing viewpoints on the issue. I am not suggesting your story is untruthful. My point is that as a journalist your goal should be to seek the truth, not all the possible truths, and then let the reader figure it out. Your story mentioned the McDonald case, which combined with Heller make for compelling insight into American gun rights. The readers of this board provided ample evidence of founding fathers insights. These are the Truths (with a deliberate capital T). Everything else is opinion - which is certainly interesting at times but can't be a substitute for Truth. I for one appreciate your dialogue with this board, and do believe it has given you unique insights which have come out in your writings. It's just that we seem see the role of the reporter differently. PS: guns are neither good nor bad. They're only a tool with neither a soul, morals, free will nor sentient.
  23. One would hope that prosecutorial discretion would be used here for the woman's sake. All the bluster by our legislators may not be as helpful in this regard as they intend, as it may push Bloomberg into a hardened position. Hit her with a disturbing the peace charge so Hizzhonor doesn't lose face, and a citizen trying to do the right thing isn't sent to jail.
  24. Brian - i think you just nailed the disconnect many of us have. The society of professional journalists code of ethics lists "Seek Truth and Report it" as its first guideline. Not report all sides of an issue, but report the truth. This may and should include presenting opposing viewpoints, but it does not make a viewpoint the same as the Truth. http://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp
  25. How did John at TFLAC get missed as a source for the article?


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