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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. I was pulled over for speeding a couple years ago and informed the officer of my pistol which was on the passenger seat (I was returning from the range). He was fine with that and then asked me if I had other guns in the car. Frankly I didn't think it was his business to know but I answered "yes". He then asked what kinds and where and I informed him I had a couple rifles in the trunk. At that point I had the priviledge of sitting in the squad car while he write me up. I've never felt so humiliated.
  2. Great tip! Are there any municipalities which have their own fire codes, or is there just a state standard?
  3. I'm bringing my camelback to my next NYC trip and fill it up at the self serve fountain !
  4. Dolomite - you're thinking like a businessperson! Silly!
  5. I think a warm climate island would be better - zombies would rot up faster in the heat. I think the that cold would actually help preserve their fleshy integrity longer...plus, who wants to be shivering at TEOTWAWKI ! I want my saiga 12 and an umbrella drink!
  6. Iran has stated the will wipe Israel off the map and they're developing a nuke. What would you do as the leader of that country? Nothing?
  7. Islam is at war with the West - western liberal values in the traditional sense of that word. it's as simple as that. And it doesn't matter what your faith (or not) and how you feel about Israel in a religious regard. Israel is the sole outpost of Western values in the region and we are foolish to think that we can sacrifice Israel to Islamic Jihad and we will be left alone.
  8. I had to fly on business on 9/11. I've avoided it for the past eleven years. Hardly anyone at the nashville airport, extra cops and a somber vibe. I always opt out of the body scanners and hit the jackpot by alarming the explosive residue detector and has the privilege of getting a second pay down and junk grab. Got to love false positives and the sad, sad reminder of the civil liberties we've lost due to the islamist terrorists.
  9. This is only partly correct. Islam believes that the jews and christians corrupted the Old and New testaments. Additionally Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet, not the messiah and was Muslim and never christian. In fact the koran describes the death of Jesus (Isa) as being a trick and his body was replaced by a double. http://www.answering-islam.org/authors/durie/islamic_jesus.html Christians and Jews have corrupted their scriptures. (Âl 'Imran 3:74-77, 113) Although Christians believe ‘Isa died on a cross, and Jews claim they killed him, in reality he was not killed or crucified, and those who said he was crucified lied (An-Nisa’ 4:157). ‘Isa did not die, but ascended to Allah. (An-Nisa’ 4:158) On the day of Resurrection ‘Isa himself will be a witness against Jews and Christians for believing in his death. (An-Nisa’ 4:159)
  10. Why don't they build you a cake or something
  11. You can walk up stone mountain. It's not steep at all. Need a new plan unless you're planning on rappelling down the face and hiding in Robert E Lee's carved out pupil.....
  12. And now Chuck Norris joins in the fray: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg14hRntRpg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  13. I thought it was brilliant. It allowed for an attack on Obama during the convention, but not from the candidates - rather a man of the people so to speak. I an offended that the same media would attack an 82 year old man for a few halting words in the midst of telling us powerful truths - this is the same media that suffered a near vegetative and incoherent Dick Clark on us every new years eve! Now - Get Off My Lawn!
  14. I'd be happier if Washington dc was shrunk In size to just be the federal govt business district and the rest given bsck to Maryland. It's ridiculous thAt they get electoral college votes for a population that is directly attached to uncle sugars tit. PS: this already happened with the portion that was adjacent to Virginia!
  15. Be mindful not to have a flight that might connect in a no gun state. If for some crazy reason you are delayed and have to spend the night you're in for a big problem. Non stop flights only if possible
  16. You can always use the bayonet to cook the pig when you're done!
  17. Fast zombies = frightening Slow zombies = good
  18. I will stress again that folks should be far more concerned about a civil case than a criminal case if you were justified. The standards for guilt are much lower in a civil trial (think OJ Simpson). A guilty verdict in a civil trial wont send you to jail but can result in bankrupting you and your family. I'm not an attorney and you should not consider this legal advice It would be great if one of our TGO attorneys chimed in on this point
  19. What ammo were you using?
  20. Agree that prepaid legal is useless. Just because you would want to talk to your attorney does not mean you have to have had one pre-selected. In fact I would think this would give you more time just to get over the shock of having just shot another person. I do recommend that everyone buy an umbrella insurance policy. You can be sure you will get sued civilly by the victims family if you killed someone. Most of these policies run about $100-$200 a year per million in coverage. It also protects you for many many other things such as car accidents, etc.
  21. The COC is redundant to the form 1/3 paperwork. Classic government bs


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