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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. Clearly we need a ban on High capacity pressure cookers. Or maybe just a ban on lids.
  2. From an economics perspective this plan shows you don't consider the opportunity cost of your time. But you may get some intangible benefit by providing this charitable service.
  3. Just got a nice surprise! A case of Pringles from grafs! They came through for me. Great company with great service
  4. We agree then that these are not normal times
  5. Sorry, but in your fantasy world where everyone will suddenly only buy one box of ammo off the shelf even when only 10 are present does not exist in reality. There is a reason why prices go up when demand increases and supply does not. You can not wish it away. Just try this next time there is a natural disaster - go to the back of the line at a store selling gasoline, generators or any other high demand good. There will be none left for you. And if your need is great, then you will be hoping that you can buy one from somebody and you will be willing to pay a premium. PS: Please no discussion of morals here - we are discussing the dismal science after all
  6. "Scalpers" actually perform a valuable service. It may not seem that way, but in a market where demand outstrips supply, they ensure that the customer who has to have the product the "most" and is willing and able to pay for it can get it. Without the scalper and assuming stores kept prices at prior levels, only the first few customers would be able to purchase products for themselves. The scalper creates the opportunity for a secondary market accessible to more people. Note I did not say more affordable. Just more accessible. Now one argument that has been made here is that it is the scalper who is creating the supply problem. But that is not the case at all, because if one were to believe that you would also have to believe there isn't a demand problem either. This is basic micro economics. That all being said, I totally understand the frustration of not being able to find the thing we want at the prices they "should be at, but there are always substitutes. Shoot cheaper calibers reload, enjoy a different hobby while you wait for things to cool down, etc. The market will correct itself. It always does. God bless the invisible hand.
  7. Just because new imports are drying up doesn't reduce the value of the c&r. The ability to purchase c&r eligible firearms nationally and also get discounts at online merchants like midway, brownells, aim, grafs, etc are significant.
  8. We need a law banning any kind if cooking device other than 10" or smaller pans. No one needs 3 quarts to cook a deer
  9. Another soros group designed to undermine our constitutional republic "After receiving the unapproved applications, ProPublica tried to determine why they had been sent. In emails, IRS spokespeople said ProPublica shouldn’t have received them. “It has come to our attention that you are in receipt of application materials of organizations that have not been recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt,” wrote one spokeswoman, Michelle Eldridge. She cited a law saying that publishing unauthorized returns or return information was a felony punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and imprisonment of up to five years, or both. In response, ProPublica’s then-general manager and now president, Richard Tofel, said, "ProPublica believes that the information we are publishing is not barred by the statute cited by the IRS, and it is clear to us that there is a strong First Amendment interest in its publication.”
  10. Just got my c&r back in under 3 weeks! Mailed 4/24 and received 5/13!
  11. Mine leaks out so its changed every time I put a couple of pints In
  12. Wet finger? I'm just gonna stop there before I get in trouble .... :)
  13. If medical issues are a important factor, I would research where the best docs/hospitals are located for that condition and then plan my move into that area. None of us get younger and it's a reality of life that you spend more time with docs the older you get Chattanooga area should be on your investigation list as well as Nashville area. They're all great.
  14. I'm going for the zed burger of course! With extra maggots and black juices!
  15. I was recommend this restaurant for a business dinner in Chicago. Somehow not sure they see the name quite the same way as I do..... http://www.zed451.com
  16. Who are these people? Sheesh
  17. Inconsistent powder throws often are a result of not holding for a few seconds at the bottom of a full handle pull. It may sound silly, but check to be sure that you're pulling the handle all the way down and ensuring all the powder drops.
  18. SBR an AK pistol. The only way to go
  19. “Until further notice, the United States government claims control of the information.”
  20. Receivers are cheap enough I Gabe no idea why people bother
  21. Crap - got an email saying they ran out even though I had an order in :(


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