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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. I agree - the last show was satisfying in that they wrapped everything up, but it did seem pretty predictable without any real trademark breaking bad twists/surprises. It was nice seeing skinny Pete and badger one last time All in all a terrific series with writing that makes it a true literary classic
  2. Great job! Any chance you'd be interested in doing some work for me on an outdoor fireplace?
  3. Looks like I have to buy a new pistol since mine just expired! Think my wife will go or that one?
  4. I prefer tall this list the "usual suspects"
  5. I can't believe I wasted the time to read this thread. Time for a trip to the Waffle House....
  6. That would be cool And who doesn't love a chuck e cheese to take the little monsters
  7. The notion that laws that have been passed MUST be funded is a canard. The Congress has chosen not to fund plenty of Laws through out the years - this would not be the first time such a tactic has been tried. Don't let the lefties fool you into thinking this. Congress has the power of the purse precisely so that unpopular laws and projects must constantly be reconsidered by the current Congress. Thus no Congress can really pass any law that another congress can't refuse to fund or change through a new Act.
  8. Probably the most sensible thing said today at the senate!
  9. Lets hope they're related to the Illinois nazis http://youtu.be/t101rO7WuAM
  10. I don't see a happy ending here. The entire how we've seen whatever WW touches turn to crap. He will mow down the NN but I don't think good things will come with his family. I'm really hoping they don't kill the baby
  11. I didn't say he was a Muslim, just that he went to a Madrassa for many years. He clearly sympathizes with the barbarian cult.
  12. Thats pretty much the going rate - now get a c&r and it would have cost you $10 less after your $30 license fee
  13. He went to school at a Madrassa in Indonesia Nuff said
  14. Holy crap - Todd goes full on psychopath !
  15. Got my form 1 for a ptr91 SBR - submitted January - received in September - 8 month wait
  16. Mazel Tov!
  17. Is that the old Swingin Midway Drive In?
  18. Awesome
  19. Just workplace violence. Nothing to see here. Move along now
  20. That phone call was to save his wife from her criminal involvement. Shows there is still some humanity left in WW, which of course is the beauty of this series - that such an evil dude can come across as somehow empathetic even after getting into a knife fight with his wife!
  21. My wife bailed on the Walt fan club yesterday after he snatched baby Holly.
  22. That Todd kid is one scary dude Who has a purpose built obluiette at their place?! Creepy!! Jesse is now the meth cook slave. I don't see Todd offer him a suit, so its clear that he only needs him for a couple of cools to "get it right"
  23. +1 on the lee cutters - cheap and effective for low volume prep work You will want to get a chamfer IMHO as ie found the lee cutters to sometimes "flatten" the edges of the trimmed case mouth. The outside debur/chamfer takes care of this. An rcbs trim mate is your friend here for @$100 I'm on of those anal people who does use a case gage. I prefer the dillon ones since they're stainless and won't rust
  24. To bear is a verb the same as to carry If you want to understand the legal issues around 2A take some time to read The heller and McDonald opinions. They're actually very readable - you don't have to be a lawyer to understand them and they provide an excellent history lesson on gun control/laws in the USA since our founding Heller: http://www.scotusblog.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/07-290.pdf McDonald http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/09pdf/08-1521.pdf


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