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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. One christian whacko does not create a moral equivilance of islam's utter and total hatred of non-muslims Please square this circle: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (9:29) The jizya is a tax Or The Jews “strive to do mischief on earth” – that is, fasaad, for which the punishment is specified in 5:33: “they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Or this gem that is part of the hamas charter: The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews.' (Recorded in the Hadith collections of Bukhari and Muslim)
  2. Escape Fish Bar in the gaslamp district. Awesome fish tacos and more. I had business lunches here during a convention a few years ago. Great food http://www.escapefishbar.com/#2722
  3. Buy it cheap and stack it deep!
  4. This isn't the first time islam has been in the news - in fact it was there at the beginning of our nation - see the Barbary Pirates Also - see your history books for the following topics: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_war
  5. http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-threat-to-melt-the-electric-grid-1430436815
  6. Folks - islam demands submission of non-believers - called dhimmi, and the act of self censoring oneself to comply with islamic rules/laws is called dhimmitude. So all those who say its not a "good idea" to draw mohammed are already on board with islam - even if you don't intend to be - becAuse you have submitted
  7. We did an FHA on our first two homes and yes their inspectors require a bunch of repairs to meet standards. Annoyed the crap out of both me and the sellers! If you are looking for a nice move up home, give me a buzz - we'll be listing our place in lebanon in a couple weeks!
  8. I'll affirm this - i have a 1992 2wd toyota with 48k miles and have only had to change the oil, tires and spark plugs once. Frankly plastic stiff is starting to just finally break down at this point but thats easy to deal with. Great truck - just a little small bed sometimes
  9. Hershmeister

    Kel-Tec RDB

    I shot a full auto one last year at the bullpup show in kentucky. Very cool rifle and one i plan on buying
  10. Nice cartel! Here's a few more variants for you to acquire: Bulgarian Ak74 folder, Polish folder, Egyptian crutch folder and Yugo M72 Rpk
  11. Thread winner! FYI - Dig 'em the frog and toucan sam have been an item for some time now....
  12. The rifle is missing its upper handguard. I'd say you paid about right to slightly below value. Those handguards are not cheap
  13. I think rock hill is slightly hotter than blantons.
  14. Willis68 has made me into a protech snob
  15. I got this shirt
  16. I picked up 4 drums for $520 - a fal, m1a, ae-15 and hk91. Most were returns or second but can you say SCORE!? They had olive drab hk91 drums with a $170 ask and were dealing on the 308 and ar15 mags. End if show specials
  17. Also got some nice deals from pro shot - got some cleaning kits for friends getting into shooting
  18. Just left after spending 3 hours on the floor - managed to whip thru the whole thing but was very selective where i stopped. Picked up some great deal on X Products drums - they are discounting them heavily - and i do mean heavily. Cash sales only
  19. Wow - and boxer brass to boot!
  20. I will leave an open invite to TGOers to my place in Lebanon for a TGO bourbon tasting and general socializing / fun. Caveats: Minimum of one year and 100 post count on TGO. I reserve the right to limit/exclude or disinvite people (my house /my rules) Doors open after I move in the new place - so looking at late this fall Who is in?
  21. Lol! I loved the tornado release - wondering how this cured oak will be? Dang shame i'm in nashville !
  22. FWIW we use EMT conduit to form a crossbar to hang string off of for climbing plants. Use 3/4" for the vertical two pieces and 1/2" for the crossmember. Use some pvc tees to tie them together on top and clamp to your raised bed. Cheap and easy


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