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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. Upon reflection today, here is my final submission http://youtu.be/zPsLB11POtQ
  2. When the 1st tower was hit I remembered that during WWII, a US army bomber had crashed into the Empire State Building, so I figured it was another terrible accident. When the 2nd plane hit we all knew it was intentional. I will never forget the poor people clinging to the side of the building then jumping to their deaths. To me that's the most searing vision of the terrible nature of terror - and the media quickly stopped showing those scenes. My daughter was 3 and a half and I made sure she saw it and I told her this was a part of history that will affect her the rest of her life. She still remembers.
  3. Waterworld - dennis hoffman is awesome! Any max max movie Any ape movie Logans run Matrix series Escape from NY
  4. Anyone in Antioch who wants to make sure they do a good job and correct any mistakes should go! [emoji48][emoji48] https://act.everytown.org/event/beSMART/1507/signup/ Moms Demand Action has created the “Be SMART” campaign to educate the public about responsible gun ownership and to prevent child gun deaths. Join us to learn how you can Be SMART. Light refreshments will be served. When: Sunday, 13 September, 2:30 PM Where: Southeast Branch-Nashville Public Library Antioch, TN 37013
  5. Breach of fiduciary duty to the citizens of Hawaii. Surely this is criminal?
  6. Glenn is a tennessee treasure The SCOTUS followed his same logic in the McDonald cAse http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/09pdf/08-1521.pdf
  7. Check out Gunboards.com. Tons of info there. As others have stated, for a german k98 a russian capture is the entry point with prices around 450. Mismatched non captures run more and once you get into matching your close to 1000 or so it seems. Lots of fakery going on with these so buyer beware
  8. I see what you did there
  9. The 74 brake on an ak74 works remarkably well in reducing muzzle rise. Have not tried the 74 style on a 47
  10. We usually require displaced yankees to live in memphis for a year as a probationary period
  11. Is it me, or does The dad just have that horrible beta male look?
  12. Nice job CZ - i find that most people have no idea what the gun laws really are, and support so called common sense laws which are already on the books. The 4473 is a great learning tool. I walked my anti-gun sister thru it and said i agree with you - felons should not have guns, certifiably crazy people, illegals, etc etc. then i showed her the 4473, explained all those restrictions are already the law and then ask her what else should would like to see that does not involve eliminating the right altogether. Crickets followed
  13. Bad news is the anchor's father was interviewed last night by megyn kelly and said he would make it his personal mission to have gun control laws passed. Sadly this was after the fiancé stated he did a lot of stories on mental health issues, which clearly is the problem here that needs help
  14. The dude was nuts. Skimmed his "manifesto" and its the ramblings of a narcissistic personality - everything was about him. Sadly a lot of this in the world and this dude premeditated murder. Sad for the families.
  15. My thoughts: Liked the opening - that druggie kid ambles like a zombie lol Mom has resting bitch face Step Dad is a typical TV beta male Son is druggie? Ugh...i hope he develops some likability, otherwise its gonna be tough Bio Dad - you can keep him! Yep!
  16. I like this trimming tool from lee to hold the brass on your drill http://www.midwayusa.com/product/352653/lee-zip-trim-case-trimmer-universal-3-jaw-chuck-case-holder
  17. Have fun! Once you get bit with the bug you can buy a receiver from these guys and have it look just like the original from your kit http://74ullc.com
  18. Not true Hermitage Steakhouse in opryland and Flemings do steak right. You'll pay a pretty penny but it will be delish I like my steaks from Houston's Butcher shop in Mt Juliet. Coat them in olive oil, salt and pepper to preference then grill on highest heat on my outdoor grill. Flip when the top starts to "sweat". They'll be medium rare ready in about 2 more minutes after that depending on thickness. Yum
  19. Way to go Bev! http://wilsonpost.com/spickard-wins-marksmanship-title-cms-86274
  20. Hershmeister


    Thanks - will be moving to the new place later this year - no fences up yet, so i am good there. Just trying to decide how much i like having someone cut my grass vs saving money so i can buy more guns :)
  21. I have an aimpoint micro as well as a meprolight. Both are nice. I like the mepro for a bigger field of view - at close range you will hit whatever is in the glass. Who cares about the little x
  22. Hershmeister


    Any reason i wouldnt want to buy a 60" deck?


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