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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. Sals Pizza on Stewarts Ferry Pike Hands down best NY style pizza in nashville
  2. Scum I hope the all have to write an essay to vote and pay $1000
  3. Depends on the meaning of "in" Since i have no guns buried in the walls of my house then i can answer "no" The guns are located on my premises. Take that common core!
  4. Aint that the truth!
  5. Guns shows cause protests?
  6. Flying in on a redeye - what will i find when i land in nashville at 10am Saturday?
  7. Looks like $25 plus tics http://tnguncountry.com/pages/information/tngc_info.html
  8. Tennessee gun country are stand up guys
  9. Welcome to another wilson countian! Ditto on GGC
  10. My Agent told me that those items are considered parts of your normal Personal possession covered under the regular homeowners policy. Guns are the only exclusion as already noted here. I use the Itemizer app
  11. Oscar for best car chase !
  12. Tons of these on amazon. Search for wireless security camera. Here's a popular one: D-Link Wireless Day/Night Network Surveillance Camera with mydlink-Enabled (DCS-932L) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004P8K24W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_yRMKwb725NT97
  13. https://ring.com/stickupcam
  14. One has to wonder how these gun show only "dealers" obtain their firearms with enough of a discount since they are not getting dealer pricing from wholesalers to actually be profitable after accounting for the costs of booth rent and time? But maybe i missed that day in mba class.....
  15. I thought this thread was about our own Cartel!
  16. Background checks are just as much as infringement as voter id checks - if libs are against id checks then they go f themselves on background checks
  17. Best part is he is totally in on the joke
  18. The show was designed intentionally to see how long it would take a viewer to realize that they find they can no longer Root for Walter White - hence the title - breaking bad.... Its an interesting show when you watch it with the idea that the main character is really an anti- hero.
  19. Yup! And its awesome! http://youtu.be/unnLg1TPCYM
  20. Ash vs evil dead!
  21. Gotta love that awesome 74 brake. It really does the trick in maintaining muzzle direction
  22. General Vasily Chuikov led the defense of Stalingrad - he fought on to Berlin and accepted the german surrender there http://www.nytimes.com/1982/03/20/obituaries/marshal-vasily-chuikov-82-dies-commanded-stalingrad-s-defense.html
  23. She was immortalized in song by Woody Guthrie http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SHKjOl9ocR0
  24. I can't recall I do know i never would put a 74 style brake on a 47 [emoji12]


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