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Everything posted by Hershmeister

  1. Tyrants who care not for the constitution
  2. That is one of several options to qualify. You do not necessarily have to operate a business and certainly you can be in the start up stage where you have no income but anticipate future income. https://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/revenue/attachments/f1308401.pdf I strongly recommend bringing the form i person to the TN Dept of revenue as there will be a guarantee that some stupid thing wont be to their liking and you can solve the issue on the spot vs mailing back and forth.
  3. I had my money on carol - damn woman gets stabbed and shot twice and is still alive!
  4. You should get an agricultural consider an agriculture tax exemption certificate if you plan to engage in any farm activity - it will let you get tax free off road diesel and also save o other farm related purchases. Also - you may want to take a look at buying a new tractor- all brands offer zero percent financing and if you think you may file a schedule F you can write off the purchase as a section 179 expense in its entirety. This will lower the price by your marginal tax rate - probably 28% for most people. Buying used really is tough to argue for given those two things
  5. Good lord - so many stupid moves getting sucked into ambush position after ambush. Was the walker in the dumpster a foreshadowing of glenn's death? I hope so - his character is beyond annoying at this point.
  6. My wife refuses to let me take any on our property...ugh
  7. Gunbrokers ffl search is pretty comprehensive but would not capture every single ffl as many ffls are services only and not retail operations
  8. Just glad to see they are securing contracts for this new puppy. Will have to spray some serious amount of febreze though!
  9. My understanding is the 5320.20 only needs to be sent in for Interstate movement. If you will be keeping the weapons at a different location in the same state you shouldn't have to do anything
  10. Outpost armory has plenty of barretts in stock - they're proud of them though... Of course thy are adjacent to the Bartett factory :) http://www.theoutpostarmory.com
  11. Not to mention all that hot brass burning your arm!
  12. Tom showing off to a hen in my neighbors yard
  13. Ordered a set of these punches from amazon - worked like a charm when it happened again (intentional test this time) Starrett S248 Extended Length Drive Pin Punch, 1/8"-3/8" Pin Diameters, 8" Overall Length, 3-1/2" Pin Length Pack of 5 in Starrett Red Cardboard Box https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0006J4K5Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_w5b-wbVAZH243 Broken Piece of crap home depot punches can kiss my butt PS: did not have to send the die back - just carefully reran the collet back into the die and the threads fixed themselves
  14. This jake came through my front yard yesterday chasing two hens - got to love his enthusiasm!
  15. The answers to question 5 and 7
  16. IANAL, but That opinion letter is pretty weak IMHO
  17. Same area but will be in the new expo center thats under construction, I would expect http://www.wilsoncountytn.gov
  18. I just want to know Who was holding his beer?
  19. The court Liberals must have had their heads spinning on this case - ban a certain type of gun or allow an endangered woman to protect herself - the essence of the 2A The care is about a Massachusetts woman who bought a taser which was unlawful to possess in that state. She successfully brandished it to fend off an abusive boyfriend, but at a separate time consented to a police search of her car following a shoplifting charge by a store (which proved incorrect). Never give Consent - only bad things happen..... This case though help blow more holes through the current Lefty agenda of trying to ban weapons due to their being "dangerous" or "weapons of war" http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/15pdf/14-10078_aplc.pdf "Electronic stun guns are no more exempt from the Second Amendment’s protections, simply because they were unknown to the First Congress, than electronic communications are exempt from the First Amendment, or electronic imaging devices are exempt from the Fourth Amendment." "If Heller tells us anything, it is that firearms cannot be categorically prohibited just because they are dangerous." "If the fundamental right of self-defense does not protect Caetano, then the safety of all Americans is left to the mercy of state authorities who may be more concerned about disarming the people than about keeping them safe. "
  20. I had two toms in the yard today fanning and chasing after a hen.
  21. Once you own a reloading rig, there is no sense not loading everything. The marginal cost only becomes a set of dies and if rifle some sort of trimming device.
  22. Heck - they can just come over to any of our places in the ZA - they'll be good for a long time - lol


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