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Everything posted by BimmerFreak

  1. Hey Frank....any word on the Form 3 for my Wilson Combat machinegun?
  2. Yeah, we have a demo gun, plus we have them in stock for sale. I will make sure I bring it for people to shoot when we have our GTG Our demo gun is semi. We could get a Class III sample, but I have other toys on the list that take priority.
  3. Here is a post I made on another board: **this is prior to the sights/optics being added. I finished building up my latest rifle last week, and got a chance to test fire it on Saturday. Basic Specs: Wilson Combat Lower Receiver (started as a stripped lower) www.wilsoncombat.com Rock River Armory National Match Trigger http://www.rockriverarms.com/item-detail.cfm?ID=AR0093NMK&storeid=1ℑ=nmtrgg.gif&CFID=36519980&CFTOKEN=99545411 Vltor VIS-2 Upper Receiver http://www.vltor.com/vis.htm Noveske 1/7 Recon Barrel http://noveskerifleworks.com/cgi-bin/imcart/display.cgi?domain=noveskerifleworks.com&cat=17 Magpul CTR Stock www.magpul.com Magpul MIAD Grip Magpul Trigger Guard PentagonLight Tactical Laser/Light combo http://www.pentagonlight.com/item_detail.cfm__id.382 Not pictured: YHM BUIS and Flip up front sight (I had them in stock for my rifle, but had to use them for a customer's rifle on Saturday :mad) Trijicon ACOG (I am bumping from the 1.5X16 Compact to a TA33) http://www.trijicon.com/user/parts/parts_new.cfm?categoryID=3 And the pics....
  4. Welcome Dan. Tell us about yourself.
  5. My son Connor with 50bmg of long-range love Me on a little airborne op....
  6. The love of my life: (my wife...not the rifle) Dan Sam Me
  7. Lets see some action shots! If you post pictures of yourself or other members, please identify them so we can put a name to a face.
  8. This is my wifes load-out kit: I recently got her a 1911 compact, so I will post pictures of that once I get back into town.
  9. Does your wife or girlfriend own a gun? If so post pictures! **And for the ladies....feel free to post pics of your man's gun (firearm that is...)
  10. and my wife shooting my evil camo rifle...
  11. Lets see some EBRs! I will post a few to get things started...
  12. Welcome!
  13. Thats the Don Hume H715 We sell TONS of these holsters, and have always received great feedback on them. Once set, they provide a very secure holster to carry and draw from. Best thing? For less than 25 bucks you get a 100% made in the USA, full grain leather IWB holster. Are there better holsters out there? yes. Are there better holsters for the same or less money? no.
  14. Depends on the date and time.
  15. FYI; If you are thinking of getting in the 1911 game, we stock around 2 dozen at all times, and between Dan, Sam, and myself, we own A TON that you are welcoem to take out and shoot. We will make sure to bring a bunch to the Class III demo day for you to fondle and shoot.
  16. I would love to hear your opinion on this.
  17. Im going to go ahead and quote this for prosperity.
  18. I think what Dan is trying to do here is promote thought, discussion, and education. He has commited to starting and moderating a monthly discussion on a gun related topic Is that so bad? We have members here with all different levels of experience and knowledge. These discussions will be a benifit to all that participate. My suggestion to you; If you know all the answers, feel free to share them. If you want to sh*t all over an attempt at making this a better place; Click that little X in the upper right hand corner of your computer and spare all of us your crappy attitude.
  19. That would help. I dont really like the format of the current gallery. It would be better for someone to upload all of their pictures to an image hosting site, then post all of the links in a thread. Like: Thread Title: Check out my new Daisy BB Gun Be able to include lots of text, links, and info about said pictures Then allow others to view, comment, and post their own pictures, text, links, and info in the same thread. This isnt anything new. Most (read: all) forums I am a member of (and if you ask Dan, I am a member of a BUNCH!) have this sub-forum. Yes, the bonus to all of this, is it allows members to post tons of pictures and media on the forum, and not take any of the server space or bandwidth. This will become very important as this site grows.
  20. Those ARE really good...put me down for one!


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