I have been sitting on the sidelines following this thread, and I can hold my tongue no longer.
1. I am sorry that your business has been broken into several times.
I am also sorry that you are not able to get proper insurance to safeguard yourself against these types of losses.
2. While I agree that Taurus is known in the industry for taking their sweet-ass time when dealing with customer service requests, I dont see how you can blame them for your problems.
Your place was robbed. That sucks.
A Taurus was stolen and then recovered. Cool! you got the gun back!
The recovered Taurus has damage. Hey, at least you got it back.
You contact Taurus, expecting them to repair or replace the gun for free. ARE YOU INSANE?
I am 100% in favor of manufactures and distributors doing what they can to help the dealer carry their product, and hopefully make money.
I am amazed that you would actually expect (and get pissed when they dont) Taurus to be left holding the bag here.
Your point that "they are bigger than me, so they can afford it" is complete and utter BS.
I think that your attempt to flame Taurus and make them out to be a-holes has done nothing but make you look like a tool.
I think you should request that this thread be locked, and hope that it goes away.
Its the only way you are going to NOT look like the chump in this case.
**If you cant get insurance because of your location, perhaps you should think about MOVING!
Good luck, and let me know if you find some manufactures that are willing to trade me my used, broken, or cosmetically challenged guns for brand new ones so I can get in on some of that action!!!!