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Everything posted by BimmerFreak
RIP. Sorry for your loss.
New toy in the shop today: MicroTech STG-556
BimmerFreak replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Long Guns
Yeah, those have had quite a few problems...so much for "special edition" -
New toy in the shop today: MicroTech STG-556
BimmerFreak replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Long Guns
I almost crushed his hand a few months ago when we shook hands. He was like most typical Marines....melted in the presence of greatness (ie: Army) Im just kidding Gunny....don't fly out here and "rip my head off, and sh*t down my neck" -
Got one of the very first STG-556 rifles in coyote tan today. Hows this for a sight picture? Listed here for sale: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=89355394
Hope you enjoy your gun Chris! It was nice meeting your Dad, and I hope he enjoys the PM7.
Good one.
They sell for 900-1200 depending on the dealer and the configuration. A used one is worth 700-850+ depending on configuration and condition.
HUGE Gun Sale: 19 January 2008 over 400 guns marked down!
BimmerFreak replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Events and Gatherings
Not to be a prick here, but no. I don't have the time (nor have we had a chance to tag and price each every gun yet) to spend all day and night posting prices, condition, details, etc. All I can say is; talk to the MANY members of TGO that have made that drive and purchased firearms from me. We provide outstanding service and selection, and EVERY customer leaves knowing they got a fair deal. If you are looking for crackhead prices, keep in mind this is a SALE. Not a "I need my fix, so let me sell grandpas WWII Colt for 50 bucks" -
HUGE Gun Sale: 19 January 2008 over 400 guns marked down!
BimmerFreak replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Events and Gatherings
Updated the original post with a partial inventory... -
HUGE Gun Sale: 19 January 2008 over 400 guns marked down!
BimmerFreak replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Events and Gatherings
Mike, you must LOVE those HiPoints..... -
Wow, those are really bold statements regarding manufactures. Mind if I ask what experiences led you to those conclusions? Im curious, since if asked my recommendations, those are the three I would recommend AGAINST.
HUGE Gun Sale: 19 January 2008 over 400 guns marked down!
BimmerFreak replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Events and Gatherings
In that case... Lorcin Raven HiPoint etc..... -
HUGE Gun Sale: 19 January 2008 over 400 guns marked down!
BimmerFreak replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Events and Gatherings
Sorry guys. I didnt realize our sale would conflict with the meet and greet. -
HUGE Gun Sale: 19 January 2008 over 400 guns marked down!
BimmerFreak replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Events and Gatherings
ummm...............NO. -
Santa didn't bring you what you wanted for Christmas? No problem! Hero-Gear has guns stacked to the ceiling, and NEEDS to make room for new inventory. The sale will be on 19 January from 9am to 6pm. 100s of guns will be displayed on tables, grouped by caliber or type for easy viewing. Here is a partial listing to give you an idea of whats going to be available. Keep in mind, this is just one lot of guns and doesnt represent our total inventory. Ruger Single Six Colt Detective Special x3 Beretta 92F x3 RUger P89 Ruger P97 Ruger Mark III Ross 720 Smith & Wesson 1006 Taurus 85 Smith & Wesson assorted .38 revolvers (all pre-lock) x5 Smith & Wesson 442 Ruger P89 Smith & Wesson .380 Sigma Taurus .357mag Revolver x2 Smith & Wesson 411 Smith & Wesson 469 Ruger 22/45 Ruger P95DC Ruger P90 Smith & Wesson SW40V Walther P38 Ruger P89 Winchester 1994 x2 Marlin 336 Marlin 336CS Marlin 60 x3 Remington Nylon 66 Stevens 62 Stevens 311C Steven 325 Remington 700 .243 Winchester 70 30-06 Marlin 783 Glock 32 30+ new Glock 22 with nightsights 12+ used Glocks (21,22, 19, 27) Ruger Super Blackhawk Smith & Wesson 60 Ruger P89 Smith & Wesson 30-1 Ruger Single Six Mossberg 500A x12 Winchester 1300 x4 Ithica Model 37 x4 Ithica Model 66 New England Single Shot 12g. x10 Stevens 58 Stevens 4F Mossberg 88 x3 Beretta Couger .357sig Browning Citori Colt AR15 SP1 100% period correct (1977) Hi Standard .22 Heckler and Kock 91 Polytech AK47 Underfolder stock, chambered in 5.56x54 Remington 700 .243 Remington 1100 x3 Rossi Revolver .38 x3 Ruger 10/22 x2 Ruger Security Six Ruger P89 x4 Savage 110 Smith & Wesson .38 Smith & Wesson 36 Smith & Wesson 19 Smith & Wesson 65 x5 Smith & Wesson 36 Smith & Wesson 64 Smith & Wesson 500 Smith & Wesson 586 Smith & Wesson 12 Smith & Wesson 36 Smith & Wesson 659 Smith & Wesson 5904 Smith & Wesson 6906 Smith & Wesson 4516 Smith & Wesson 4586 Smith & Wesson 5903 Smith & Wesson Victory Model Springfield XD40 Winchester 1300 x2 Desert Eagle 50AE x3 Desert Eagle 44Mag This is just a partial list, and does NOT include our already amazing inventory of: 1911s from: Wilson Combat Nighthawk Dan Wesson Smith & Wesson Colt Kimber Springfield Armory Sig Sauer AR rifles from: Smith & Wesson Colt DPMS LMT (we are now the TN LE dealer for LMT, and awaiting our first shipment for stock) Bushmaster Sig Sauer 556 Pistols from: HK Sig Sauer Smith & Wesson Springfield Armory FN Rossi Taurus Kel-Tec Wilson Combat (the ADP) etc. etc. etc....you get the point. While you are at the sale, make sure you enter our free drawing to win a FREE GLOCK which will be given away at the end of the day on Saturday. (If not present at time of drawing, you must return at a later date and complete a 4473)
We moved a GSX-845 yesterday. If you dont have a lift gate or fork lift, you're pretty much screwed. These things are big and heavy! Yours will come on a metal pallet, which I suggest you keep the safe on until it reaches the final destination. **I dont know who you purchased your safe from, but when you purchased it, they should have asked you if you have a way to get it off the truck. They should have offered the option of a lift gate equipped truck for an extra 50-75 dollars. (at least thats what we offer our customers) Good luck! (you're gonna need it.)
Yep, the Marines have always pushed that concept.
The test was: 1. A COMPLETE waste of time and money 2. Initiated by someone in Congress, not by someone that has/is/will ever carry any of these in combat. 3. Conducted in unrealistic terms and conditions, and im sure driven by the desire to discredit the M4/M16 4. Did I mention a complete waste of time and money? The reality is this: All of the 16 year old kids on ARFCOM and some members of Congress are convinced that hoards of U.S. Servicemembers are dying in the streets because of weapons malfunctions. This is not true. Most of the deaths from Operations Iraqi/Enduring Freedom today are from: IED attacks Non-Combat related vehicle accidents Suicide Helicopter crashes We have moved from a role of Direct Action, to a more static role where we are conducting more presence patrols than combat patrols. Even during the height of direct combat with the enemy, the only real documented weapons failures that led to the death of soldiers was from The Lost Convoy. The unfortunate death of the these soldiers was not failure of their M16s (they were ADA Support guys, so didnt have M4s) was: 1. Leadership failure. Inability to navigate from point A to point B without getting lost. 2. Leadership failure. Not stressing the importance of proper weapons maintenance. Bottomline: Those weapons failed because the support soldiers (read: traditional "in the rear with the gear" types) have historically not stressed combat skills, but were more concerned about a soldiers ability to do their primary skill. ie: cook, fuel handler, typist. Good news: The Army recognized the flaws and errors in this thinking, and have since then adopted the "everyone is a rifleman" concept. This, with the realization that no one operates in a rear echelon capacity in todays non-linear battlefield has made EVERY leader and soldier wake up to the reality that they could be called upon to use their rifle at any moment. In conclusion, I would like to see the number of soldiers that have died in combat because their properly maintained and equipped M4/M16 has failed when needed. I don't want to hear the speculation or "what my buddy told me" but real numbers pulled from official AARs. I am willing to bet that there are more deaths by suicide than from failed weapons in Iraq. /Rant
500-950+ if the right buyer finds the right gun. We have one in stock that is as new, chambered in 30-06, and I think we are getting ready to list it on Gunbroker with a 900.00 BIN. (early gun with the red stock cap) It make sell in 1 day, it may take 6 months to sell.
We have several SBR rifles in stock, and can help with the entire paperwork process. We can also help with the 16" barrel upper if you want to buy the entire thing as one unit.
No offense on the "cheap ass" comment. It wasnt directed at you, just in general. Like; its better to spend 200, rather than risk 10 grand by not following the (silly) NFA rules. Ok, let me break this down a bit further; The pistol is an AR variant that has never been a rifle, and was declared a pistol on the bound book and 4473. This item must NEVER have a stock or forward grip installed. With this item, you may install a 16" barrel, 20" barrel, 65" barrel...whatever. THE ONLY way to have the options you wish, is to complete the paperwork required to own a SBR. This will allow you to run that lower on 7" guns, 20" guns, whatever you want. It will allow you to remove the buttstock, install a 7" barrel, and use it like a pistol. (like in the RRA link you provided) And to answer your rifle to pistol question. NO. Once it is a rifle, you can not simple say "hey, heres my pistol" and remove the buttstock, and install a barrel less than 16" in length.
Frank may correct me on this, but our advice to customers is; Once you take a AR PISTOL and install a stock on it to use as the receiver for a Title 1 rifle, you can't take it back to the original configuration. Regardless of the length of the barrel (1", 7", 16", whatever) it is still a pistol, thus illegal to install things like vertical grip, stock, etc. In my opinion, you are playing in a very gray area. It is not worth the risk, just to save 200 bucks and 6 weeks of waiting. You can achieve your goals and be 100% legal by: 1. Form 1 a current or newly purchased lower, or Form 4 a lower already registered as a SBR. 2. Have 2 uppers, 1 full length (or whatever length you desire) and 1 in the SBR length of your choice. Bottomline; Dont risk jail, fines, LE headaches by being a cheap ass and trying to save 200 bucks.
Oh, im SURE that Frank can write AT LEAST nine pages on man on goat love...