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Everything posted by BimmerFreak

  1. Rest In Peace Mars. Thank you for your service and dedication to our country. You will be missed!
  2. Are you required by law to have a pistol lower marked PISTOL? no. Are there some that feel it's a good idea? yes.
  3. I have those in stock as well lol
  4. I spend less than .50 to get to work every morning on my motorcycle. I spend 2.00 to get to work if I drive my truck
  5. I use a Storm Case (available at Hero-Gear ) iM2400 that has separate compartments for handguns and ammo. When I travel, I have the gun and mags separate (different dedicated areas) with the magazines loaded. I have NEVER had an issue traveling this way.
  6. Yeah, driving halfway across the State would be crazy. But, driving from Chattanooga to Hero-Gear is 65 miles. Simple math: 65 miles @ 20mpg = 3.25 gallons x 4.00 per gallon = 13 dollars each way or 26 bucks round trip. I aways suggest you explore and exhaust all local options before you drive to another dealer, or buy off the internet. If you have done all of this, and still cant find an honest dealer willing to work fair numbers on your trade that also have the selection you are looking for; im sure we can MORE than make up for that 26 bucks spent.
  7. Are you referring to me? or Jonathan at CCA?
  8. I fly SWA all the time. No issues.
  9. Respect.
  10. Yeah, a Zombie lower could be in the works. I need to get the regular Hero-15 lowers produced first, but expect unique CNC'd lowers from us in the future....
  11. Nice Love the BAR.
  12. Its cool man I could have kept my head down on this one, but felt it was important to stress a point; If you really want the best deals, establish a relationship with a dealer. If you want to waste your (and mine) valuable time by calling or emailing people price fishing, don't be surprised if someone doesn't bend over backwards for you.
  13. The funny thing is Frank (the OP) did sent me an email, and did ask for a quote. Now, I don't know Frank from Adam nor do I know if he has ever been in my shop before. My guess is no. The 24/7 Pro he requested pricing on is $475.00 MSRP, and we price these guns at 399.00 in our shop. I let Frank know that this was the price, and he responded back that he had some dealer in Minnesota for 338.00. My exact words were: Not exactly the approach to take with me if you want a good deal and to build a relationship with your local gun shop. I can guarantee that if Frank would have taken the time to come in, introduce himself, take some time and get to know us, his price would have been less. *Hell, I sold 2 of those exact same guns for 369.00 each (388.00 out the door) last Saturday. Oh yeah, both buyers got a couple boxes of ammo thrown in for free. Good luck with your search Frank. The Taurus is a quality and affordable gun, and I am sure there are plenty of dealers out there that will sell you one for the 338.00 price you are looking for.
  14. Guys, this stuff was "coming soon" from Kel-Tec two years ago....dont hold your breath.
  15. Tom is out of business, but I think Orion purchased some of his stuff. I have Tom's original Zombie Killer lower (which has been featured in a previous thread)
  16. BimmerFreak

    My new toy

    Nice MP15A. Great rifles!
  17. Yeah, or we could just shoot at live goats that have laser death-ray guns mounted on their horns.
  18. Some random thoughts and ramblings- While I agree that gaming is just that; gaming, I do feel that any vehicle that encourages gun owners to step outside their comfort zone is a good thing. Manipulating the controls under stress is much different than on the firing line. If you can introduce stress in a semi-controlled environment, its much better than finding out how many things can/will go wrong when it really counts! Every Zombie attack isnt going to be a static target, 10m out, and at your 12:00. Shooters that do nothing but print pretty picture at 10m are going to get their feelings hurt if they are ever in a real world situation. You CAN get good experience and "training" out of gaming if you keep a few things in mind: TRAIN AS YOU FIGHT! -Don't pull up to the range and take your "carry" gun and gear off of your belt, and then gear up with your "gaming" gun. I would rather see you run the gun that you normally carry. -I realize you are working against a clock, but try and run realistic lines and use of cover. No Superman moves. No Standoff at the OK Coral engagements. -Keep in mind (in the real world) that if you can see the target, the target can see you and is equally armed. -Try to run at least one stage per match in your real world carry configuration. Its much slower and much harder isnt it? One final thought on gaming. The military does the same thing, we just have different names for it. There is a reason why combat troops briefing an Operations Order will include: map recons, build sand tables, conduct dry runs, and practice battle drills; To take as many unknown elements out of the equation as possible. Practice doesnt really make perfect, but in total chaos, it sure makes for a better day if you have some sort of plan going in.
  19. I have to believe that if the Feds go to such lengths (obtain State/Fed Search Warrants which allow them to copy or seize my bound books, then use said books to start a house to house round up) then we have much bigger issues to deal with. If it comes down to black SUVs in your driveway, and agents at your doorstep demanding the firearm recorded on page 9, line 14 of my book, dont think for a second all of those "off book" lowers are safe. If you have been in my shop, you will know that we dont subscribe to the hype/fear that a coming/future AWB will be like the last one. There is no way to hedge against a future ban, because it wont be like the last one. My crystal ball tells me that Washington learned their lesson with the last AWB. They wont do that again. Its a losing battle to try and outlaw guns. Political suicide. What they WILL do is tax ammo, and firearms to death. 200.00 NFA tax stamp? That could become 2000.00 or 20000.00 overnight, effectively grinding all acquisition and transfers to a halt. 11% FET? That could become 110% overnight. Forcing firearms manufactures out of business, or into massive pricing increases, thus reducing the number of firearms manufactured and sold. .10 Ammo tax? How about a 100.00 Federal tax? Perfect way to slow/curb purchase of ammo. and perhaps the MOACFS? (Mother Of All Federal Cheeky Shenanigans) will be a Federal Firearms Registry. It would be very easy for politicians to convince the general public that a Registry is the way to go. "we dont want to take your guns. We just want all legal guns registered. It will help get illegal guns off the streets" This sounds good in theory, and many would be suckered into doing this. So, a Federal Registry gets approved. How easy would it be to go back and impose a 500.00 per gun tax/registration fee/permit fee for each gun registered? You then have to pay money to keep your gun (many wont), risk jail time if caught with an "off list" firearm (some will) or turn in firearms to the collection centers to avoid additional fees or taxes (many will) The next attack on firearms will not be an assault on or round up of guns. It will be where it hurts us most; our pocket books.
  20. We have 3 in stock for him to play with and fondle Keep in mind that if you order a DSA, you are looking at 2-6 months for them to build it. The best be is to find a dealer that has them in stock. Try Guns and Leather, as I am pretty sure they stock DSA, but if you strike out we would love for you guys to come visit
  21. Great guns. Pretty much THE (new) FAL to have. We have them in stock, and sell them on a regular basis. Haven't seen an unhappy customer yet. Does your boss have specific questions? if so, email or call us and we can help him out.
  22. I dont know if there is a fool proof way to keep the dealer from knowing what you paid, but I totally agree with you; it's none of the receiving FFL's business what you paid for the gun or if you paid anything at all. When I receive guns in on transfer, I dont care what they paid for it. When I transfer guns to other FFLs for my buyers, I will put my FFL in the box for them, and the invoice/receipt in a SEALED envelope for the buyer, with their name on the envelope in hopes that the dealer will respect the privacy of the transferee and not open it.
  23. Thats awesome! Congrats! Question: "new G19" whats that all about?
  24. The field gun has the suppressor installed in the pictures. If I have time today, I will install the cans and take pics of the others.


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