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Everything posted by BimmerFreak

  1. It was good meeting you yesterday! Im glad my jedi-mind trick worked on you, and I was able to sucker you into buying that J-frame Hope to see you at the end of the month for our big event!
  2. Then they would come to the Hero-Gear event on 27/28 March and purchase one While they were there, they could enter the free drawings for several firearms, custom knives, and other really cool stuff! http://hero-gear.com/?p=482
  3. All you need now is the official Zombie Tshirt
  4. whats up with the grips?
  5. I guess the OP should have asked "do these pants make my ass look fat" with all the opinions being thrown out there. I dont think he asked "do you like my mag pads" but "which is the correct placement...."
  6. BimmerFreak

    4 questions ???

    +1 This man speaks the truth. 1. Would you trust your life with a 9mm round (17 rounds to be exact)? (don't think that it is all you can get your hands on, would you choose it) I HAVE trusted my life, and it HAS been very effective Remember; shot placement (accuracy) over displacement (size) is what counts. 2. Would you trust your life with a Taurus Semi Auto? Would I? Sure. Taurus makes good reliable guns. Make sure yours is in serviceable condition and you will be fine. 3. When carrying concealed, if the gun you felt most comfortable with was a bit too big to be perfectly concealed (the handle pokes out a bit in a shirt), would you still carry it or find a smaller gun? Carry the gun you are most confidant and accurate with. A "carry gun" you cant use effective is no better than a sharp stick. 4. This is a long one; As far as a hand gun carry permit, would I qualify? I think you do, but only one way to find out....
  7. I posted the correct answer key for you
  8. Browning Hi-Power? Priceless. Trying to update a classic design with digi? Selling your soul to the devil for the sake of a few extra sales. Voted: Lame.
  9. I would talk to the boys at CCA since you are close to them. They are very qualified to help you, and im sure they would love your business. If you want to come down South, I am more than happy to help you as well. One thing I will recommend is go with a experienced and established dealer. Things I would look for: - Level of experience in dealing with NFA items - Number of NFA transfers they complete per year - Actual stocking dealers of NFA items that can let you hold the item prior to making a decision - Are they professional? Do they actually have a real business or is this a hobby? - Are they fair priced? This isnt rocket science, but you should always look for good shops that know what they are doing when purchasing these items. (actually ALL items...) Good luck!
  10. The Benelli guy will be able to answer all of your Stoeger questions.
  11. Just confirmed that the Smith and Wesson factory rep will be on site for both days :_)
  12. 1. Welcome to TGO from a fellow F7 (Pathfinder) 2. Please dont refer to semi-auto rifles as "assault rifles"
  13. There are plenty of all three on order, but your guess is as good as mine.
  14. Hush! You can NEVER have enough 1911s....
  15. Guys This is going to be a great event! Our stock is amazing, and I challenge you to find a better selection of cool stuff under one roof! Looking for a DPMS LRT-SASS in .308? Yeah, pretty much the hardest gun to get from DPMS....we have FIVE! LWRC? yep. Colt 6920s? yep SAIGA 12s? Yep, lots Glocks and XDm pistols? We are swimming in them! Mags? TONS of everything (but freak'n Pmags....dont ask. lol) GSG-5 rifles, pistols, PK models? oh....around 40 of em! We have over 1000 premium grade firearms in stock! As an added benefit to our customers, we will have factory reps from Smith and Wesson, SUREFIRE, BENELLI, CZ-USA/DAN WESSON, 5.11 TACTICAL, CRKT, LONE WOLF KNIVES, in the store to answer your technical questions, listen to your concerns, and help you with product selection. *We are working on getting other manufacturers reps in the store that weekend, but are still waiting on confirmation of their schedules. We will have CRACK-HEAD pricing on selected CRKT knives, Smith and Wesson handguns, and many other lines! More to follow
  16. It was designed to hold exactly 24oz. of cold frosty beer (or other beverage) with another 1oz. of headspace factored into the design. The mug is designed to mount your existing carry handle, BUIS, EoTech (beer goggles) etc, but we will offer a discounted carry handle for those customers that dont have one laying around. In regards to coffee....expect to see the Combat-Cup in the future. We are 75% done with the design of this one, and will launch it as well once complete.
  17. Not cheap, but understand these start as a 13lb. solid piece of aluminum, and is then CNC machined to what you see here. Both CNC and anodizing facilities are NASA/DoD contract facilities, and these are being built to mil-spec standards of manufacturing. Target pricing will be around 300.00 The possibility of group buy pricing exists with unique/special edition mugs being offered for Military units, LE depts, webforums (TGO?) with a minimum of ~20 mugs.
  18. Patient paperwork is pending, website is being built, mugs are having Type III (mil-spec) anodizing applied.... so figure 30 days.
  19. Remember my Battle-Mug project? Coming soon......
  20. Further details which I received early this morning
  21. If you are interested in buying locally, I would suggest giving Coal Creek Armory a chance to earn your business. If you are serious about 1911s, come see me down at Hero-Gear. We have around 50 in stock


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