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Everything posted by BimmerFreak

  1. That guy must work out.
  2. Yep! More info : http://www.shop.battlemug.com/Combat-Cup-by-Battle-Mug-CC001.htm
  3. I currently have 4 patents, with another 4 pending.   If your item is firearm industry related, I would be happy to put you in touch with my IP attorney. I am confident in saying his firm is the best in the industry.
  4. People just love getting their hands on my TITS! Our M56 is selling very well. Check it out: http://www.shop.battlemug.com/M56-Tactical-Incendiary-Travel-System-TITS-M56TITS01.htm
  5.   I'm still nailing down a few cost points, but it's looking like ~89 bucks
  6. Thought I would show you guys something I've been working on.... Addressing the question that has been asked for hundreds of years; how do I keep my victory cigar safe as I climb the highest peaks, hump through the deepest woods, drive the muddiest trails, bang the hottest whores or shoot the baddest guys in the face? How many times have you sat on a smoldering pile of full-tilt awesome, only to find your celebratory stogie wet, crushed, and flaccid? Solution? One word.... TITS! Made from 6061 T6 Aluminum, this 100% USA made cigar storage solution is a must for the man about town, or the global trekker in search of his next adventure. A few pics: Fresh tubes waiting for mil-spec Type II Hard Coat Anodizing Completed assemblies waiting for engraving Crenulated caps with rubber O-Rings keep your valuables safe and dry. Use as a standalone device Or use it as a handle for your Battle Mug! (30mm scope ring not included) Custom engraved caps will be available in the future! Available soon at www.battlemug.com *Target MSRP will be 89.00 More to follow...
  7. You know the only thing cooler than a PVC patch? A F&#*King GLOW IN THE DARK PVC patch! BOOM!
  8. Sounds fun. I love to see big American iron slide around and make noise!
  9. I'm more of a bug-in and defend...but if needed:
  10. For sale: 1 each 50 caliber bullet (New, unfired)   $600.00  or trade for a Glock 23
  11. Looks like that "line in the sand" has been replaced by humble pie....   http://www.youtube.com/user/JamesYeager
  12. Well....it's on Huffpo http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/10/james-yeager-start-killing-people-obama-gun-policy_n_2448751.html
  13.   Well, if they did, it would certainly give him the opportunity to validate that "line in the sand"
  14.   Damage control?  or are there black helicopters hovering YouTube Headquarters as we speak?
  15. No way he will be able to "pull" the video... It is sitting on the desk of every Gun-Grabber, FBI and ATF Agent, as well as The King himself.   The internet is a MoFo.
  16. I didn't see this posted anywhere, so please delete if this is a repost You will have to view the video from one of these sites, since James took the video off his YouTube channel http://soldiersystems.net/2013/01/10/james-yaeger-speaks-out-on-possible-executive-orders-restricting-firearms/ http://thegunwire.com/blog/youtube-video-james-yeager-pack-your-bags/
  17.  lol.  Will do Mark.
  18.   Thanks for the clarification.   That is not the message I got from your post #3 and #6
  19.   Do I understand you correctly? Are you really proposing to throw those who own guns classified as, and regulated under the NFA under the bus to draw attention away from your own?   It's that same bullshit attitude by people like Bill Ruger that helped the AWB get passed the first time.   The thinking that "well, we will let them hammer/ban XYZ, and that won't affect me and my guns" is a very slippery slope. Give the Feds an inch, and they will take a mile. Let a AWB bill gain momentum, and even if version 2.0 doesn't take away YOUR guns this time, the 3.0 version may.   If you are any sort of pro-2A/Pro-"ITS MY RIGHT TO OWN GUNS" supporter, you would see that throwing ANY of our kind to the wolves in attempt to save your own ass (guns) is shady and dishonorable at best.
  20. When is the next gun show in Middle TN? I avoid them like 3 dollar hookers with "cold sores" but I wouldn't mind going just to witness the lolz......    
  21.   Hmmm.....We might should talk :)
  22. TGO SPECIAL! Put TGO and your username in the comments section at checkout, and I will refund your shipping PLUS throw in some Battle Mug SWAG! *CONUS only
  23.   You Sir, are a genius.


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