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Everything posted by BimmerFreak

  1. Not anymore..... \Yes, I believe you do...
  2. The only downside is size and weight. You wont see much (if any)performance loss when shooting .22LR through a .223 suppressor. Most .223 and .22LR suppressors are threaded 1/2 x 28 TPI, so mounting should be no problem.
  3. Si.
  4. Yeah, did you hear that Hero-Gear was purchased by a new 1911 company in West Tn, that is using Mexican slave labor to make Les Baer pistols?
  5. We use Caspian, Ed Brown, Cylinder and Slide, Novak, Kart, and Wilson Combat parts....100% USA baby
  6. RIP Billy Jean. Thank you for your service and dedication to our Country. Thoughts to you and your family.
  7. Yeah, I would say your wife really loves you! (because you are one ugly dude! ) Congrats and hope you guys are enjoying your new toys!
  8. Very nice collection.
  9. Yeah, we are all complete tools here, and dont know what we are talking about.
  10. No, there is no way the OP will be able to legally keep the MP40. (if it's not on the NFA registry) While I agree the NFA sucks, keep in mind that the owner (or the family) of this firearm needs to pissed at himself/themselves more than anyone. There WAS an amnesty. The government DID offer to give the appropriate papers out to those that applied. The owner failed to do their part, which not only cost them a ton of money (that MP40 would be worth 20k with the correct Form 4) but put them in a compromising situation which could land someone in prison (not jail, but Federal pound you in the butt prison) Not going to happen. Im not the Mod for this sub-forum, but I will go ahead and warn you that references like this are not good for you, TGO, or this sub-forum. This sub-forum is not a place to come and bitch about how much the ATF or the NFA sucks. Its also not a place to come make suggetions about rubberbands or bump firing. This IS a place to discuss the legal ownership options for people interested in items currently managed under the NFA.
  11. BimmerFreak

    2nd TRS

    Congrats on the TRS!
  12. OP: That firearm is more than likely about 900% in violation of the NFA. Feel free to contact me privately and I can explain your friends options for dealing with the MP40 in a very legal manner.
  13. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/hero-gear-llc/35243-new-website-blog-estore-launch.html
  14. damn. Beat me to it...
  15. External Internal
  16. We like the idea of a rotating schedule as well, but if you think promoting an event is a PITA out of one location, imagine coordinating it out of multiple locations.... I think the plan is to find a "home base" and then try to expand into some sort of traveling event once we have a few more of these under our belts.
  17. If you convert the pistol to SBR, you can Form 1 it yourself, or have a SOT convert it hand transfer it on a Form 4. Either way, the manufacturer has to be engraved on the receiver: Form 1 = you Form 4 = SOT
  18. I would go with the one made in America......
  19. FYI We have sent Doug (HMFIC at TBI TICs) an email wondering why we have had such a high % of initial denials in the past 30 days. I dont know if they are training new people or what, but have have had a ton of them denied only to be turned over 24 hours later.
  20. Guys, We (David and I) as promoters asked both attendees, vendors, and casual observers a few questions leading up to, during, and after the December expo. We wanted to know: 1. Do people believe in our concept and vision? We received overwhelming positive response 2. What can we do it make this a better event? We received the follwing feedback: -More vendors -More attendees -Closer to a major city Winchester was selected as the host city for one simple reason: I had access to a large building at an affordable price. As a promoter, I am committed to the success of Guns and Gear Expo. This means that I am (as well as David) are willing to actually listen to the feedback many of you have offered, and if that means selecting another location for the Expo, then we are willing to do that. As it stands, we are looking at the Nashville/Franklin area as well as the Chattanooga market. Both have +/- factors, and we will be working hard to make a decision in the coming months on which area of the State we are going to put down roots. As always, feedback and advice is welcome.
  21. Hornady stepping up for the 6.5 crowd Hornady Manufacturing Company :: Ammunition :: Rifle :: Choose by Caliber :: 6.5 Grendel :: 6.5 Grendel 123 gr A-MAX®
  22. I agree- OR- purchase a slick side upper receiver.
  23. There is absolutely NO reason to use the forward assist "in combat" or in a training environment for that matter. The last thing I want to do if a round doesnt seat/chamber properly is "assist" it by jamming it home. Smelly brown men trying to steal your pokemon cards? Round doesnt chamber? extract and try again. MUCH faster.


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