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Everything posted by turkeydad

  1. yeah the more research I do. . .the more its looking much cheaper to go ahead and add a new ammo to the mix. . .those above mentioned sp101 in 9mm are selling crazy high. . Or better still I dont have to hurry. . .she uses my p95 on the night stand at night. . shes shot it about 250 rounds its ready to go with 16 9pble(s). .that charter arms rimless revolver looks awefull good to me. . might just wait for that to come out. And if a real good bargain in a .38/.357 presents itself in the meantime. . .well heck just might do that too
  2. I love her but for $1400.00 I might just shoot her myself. . .lol
  3. Here in the next couple of weeks going to be looking for a bedroom gun for the boss. . .she currently uses my p95 but its a little bulky and she would prefer the simplicity of a wheel gun. I really wish Ruger hadnt discontinued the sp101 in 9mm. . .that would be perfect as I have a ton of 9mm in both standard and +p+ offerings and would be just another 9mm consumer in the gun safe since I have the above mentioned p95 and a pc 9. Im not really too keen on introducing another pistol caliber into my gun budget (one pistol caliber 2 rifle calibers and 12 gauge is enough) especially for someone like me whe feels like he is out of ammo if gets under 500 rounds of each. Anybody else other than Taurus make a 9mm revolver? Any ideas?
  4. I want to thank David for posting about this. . .I work in technical support for a cell phone company and sometimes dealing with people with unreasonable demands and expectations gets me down. This thread just reminds me no matter what you do, you get a certain percentage of these god awful wastes of DNA to deal with. Off topic: Mr Enfield, what happended to Curly Bill? When all that mess in that other thread was going on and the banning was over with all I could think of was the line where Johnny Ringo says. . ."Smell that Bill? Smells like somebody died.." But I wasnt touching that other thread with a 10 foot pole.
  5. Ive heard about some red dots giving trouble when its cold. . .under 40 degrees. . .wonder if that was it
  6. turkeydad

    mac 90

    +1 more or less I have a maadi arm with thumbhole and was going to convert but after adding the 1" recoil pad that installs with same screws 4 trap door plate changed the way it felt as has too short before (im 6'1"). . now its just fine. . .refinished mine in honey oak. . .looks pretty good. Now I understand its still not 922r compliant with 30 round mags but who's enforcing that anyway. . .just my 2 cents
  7. O I love my p95 DC above poster is right about the couple of variations. . .Mine is not the double action only model ( and I dont recommend those) . . .and i love it love it love. . .i have ran over 1200 flawless rounds through. . .most wwb but about 500 rounds have been 9bple +p+. . .just stock gun is more than accurate enough. .in rapid fire can put all 16 in a spot about the size of your fist up at coal creek at the 7 yard mark . .thats all you will ever need. . gun comes apart super easy for cleaning with no tools... I know people spend big money on high dollar pistols.. and God bless them... but I guarantee you my friend the bad guy on the business end of a properly handled p95 will be just as fubar as he would be on the business end of some $1000 2nd child-hood wet dream safe queen . . .
  8. +1 on the p95. . .only way to go in your price range
  9. Yep theyll be just fine. . .although if it these where 5.56 to be ran in an AR you need to use Woolite in the gentle cycle. . . LOL
  10. Yep. . .hot lead with just a hint of snuggly softness. . .
  11. Sounds like a slave cylinder as well. . .may be able to add some fluid for a while. . .but will get worse also make sure the bladder in the reservoir makes a good seal and dont over tighten the cap. . No adj in hydrolic clutches. . .there is an adj is in old spring style but if you vehicle is under 30 years its old its most likely hydralic
  12. I think they would be better off allowing Kippy run the thing until you find who they want... and it needs to be someone with ties to TN. Hell give Kippy a one year deal and see what he can do. . .
  13. Absolutely Smith. . .but how else am I going to justify the $150.00 to $170.00 that Im going to spend on the trigger group, stock set and compensator to wife. . .I mean "its a legality issue" sounds so much better than "I really wanted to make it look like a russian AK". . .just following Mr Twain's advice from your signature. . . Back to the task at hand. . . Whats the difference between single hook and double hook trigger set? Never really paid any attention to mine. . .
  14. I appreciate the sentiment. . .burden of proof lol . . . but ive been really wanting to to add a compensator and one of those Ironwood Designs stocksets died ruske red would look awful good on my maadi. .+ trigger group then good to go..
  15. Thanks...according to that article if I make the above changes with american parts will be aok. . . thinking about one of those strikeforce stock sets. . .make a all black rifle out of it. . .lol
  16. I have a Maadi ARM. . .Intrac import from 1995. Rifle is stock (still has thumbhole stock but I did refinish it and added a 1 inch butt pad for length even had a hole so could still use the trap door for cleaning kit). Added a side mount plate (thank you CCA they did a good job) and mounted a 1.5x6x44mm low light illuminated reticle scope and just love it to death. When I bought the gun came with 1 5 round clip and 4 30 rounders I also purchased some more (all imported eastern european steel mags). For some reason I had it in my head that I could use hicap mags without 922r issues as long as they were foreign made...now learned that is not the case so I need to convert it. . .it does have a threaded barrel with a cap tack welded on it... my question is this: If I use an american made pistol grip and stock (but use my current stock front grips)...remove the threaded muzzle cover add an american made compensator and a tapco trigger group that should take care of my compliance issues correct? Also any recommendations for getting these items here between Athens and Ktown
  17. turkeydad

    Great Deal!

    I wonder if they are lo-cap ak's
  18. turkeydad

    922r confusion

    Since the Saiga is foreign made he should be able to use hi cap foreign made mags correct? Without any 922r issues
  19. ammo seems to be coming down now I stocked up last year on 750 rounds of 9bple for $15.00 a box of 50 , 750 rounds of winclean for $10.00 a box of 50 and 1500 rounds of wolf 7.62 154 grain at about $4.25 per 20 wont need ammo for a while but Ive been watching the prices. . .even cheaper than dirt (I call them higher than hell) had the same 9bple right now for $19 and some change. . .its stabilizing
  20. let no one fool you 7.62x39 for a mini 30 will not be cheaper than .223. . sure there is alot of steel cased 7.62x39 that is alot cheaper than .223 but the mini 30's do not like the steel cased berden primed cheap ammo
  21. turkeydad

    Ak-47 input

    another option that hasnt been mentioned yet are the egyptian maadi's. . .theye were made on soviet equipment and are as close to a true russian ak 47 as you can get. . the maadi arm imported by intrac of knoxville is very good as well as the ones imported by pars international. . you have to be carefull though and not get one labeled as misr 90 or misr 10 from century as they are cobbled up crap i have a maadi arm its awesome
  22. that makes since Im sure this was one purchased at Tallents Hardware in Tellico Plains goodness knows how long ago...
  23. Was in the gun safe today prowling around and got out my old 16 gauge Cherokee shotgun. . .been in my family now for at least 3 generations anybody know anything about them. . .
  24. thanks for all the input I guess Ill take my maadi arm on the deer hunt where we are going is very brushy id say 50 yards most likely be the longest shot I dont feel like I use the carbine enough. . .lol
  25. i have a ruger pc 9 with bsa stealth tactical r/g/b mil dot sight any body think you could deer hunt with this thing if using a hot round like 9bple say up to bout 75 yards sorry was trying to put in pic but cant seem to figure out how to attach


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