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  1. Good day, I'm look for feed back on the copperhead k. Wanting a 9mm small package but have no experience with sig products. Thank you for your input.
  2. Welcome, I transplanted for Colorado 9 years ago my self
  3. Seat will fit 09-23 touring, tour pack pad 14-23. Hope this helps
  4. I have been wanting to build a "glock" based p.d.w. since seeing rhe flux raider. Will pick one up as soon i see chassis available.
  5. That is a compact correct?
  6. How does the mat-9 on fm9 lower run? Have been thinking about that combo .
  7. Is this a bufferless design?
  8. I have one of the bufferless .223 and runs great. I have never shot 300, but reliability seams to very greatly.
  9. Any one here have experience with one of these uppers? Trying to decide if I should pick one up when tha 9in ones come back in stock.
  10. I'm interested, sent a pm


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