So I picked up a coule of FN 1905s one looks like it could use a new barrel. Having a time finding a site that can help. Some of the sites I have seen indicate a Baby Browning barrel can be used but I have not seen one that looks like my barrel. the Baby Brownings look like they have what may be called a "chin" at the end of the barrel. The FN 1905 does not have this chin and the chin would not fit through the slide barrel hole. Both guns fire well, the one with the barrel issue has a rather stiff trigger. I really have to hold the grip safety tightly, more than what I would call normal and use rather strong force on the trigger. After a few rounds it seems to get a bit easier. I did clean it well before going to the range. I put it in an ultrasonic cleaner with some Hoppes Solvent. Is there anyone out there that may be able to help?