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Everything posted by Darrell

  1. TN legislature is considering two new proposals: One, HB0042/SB1450 , will allow motorcyclists to ride without helmets, with some exceptions. The other, SB0298/HB1454, will allow lane splitting (or filtering). I first started riding on the street in California in the early 70's, where helmets were not required and lane-splitting was legal. I'm old now, and more cautious, and I personally would not ride on the street without a helmet, but I think that those who want to should be allowed. I REALLY like the idea of legal lane-splitting, which makes a lot of sense to me. I think the main opposition to lane splitting is that some people hate to see motorcyclists get to move a little more freely. If you ride, check out the proposals.
  2. I miss David Brinkley. I watched him "News Hour" for years and years before I finally discovered that he was a conservative. CNN and MSNBC don't even try to hide that they're shilling for the left. Fox shills for the right. I try to read a wide variety of news sources, (though I just can't get through an MSNBC article) but I still have trouble sorting out what's true and not. It's rare these days to read a hard news piece that doesn't have some opinion tossed into it. "Reporters" or more accurately, producers, cherry pick the statistics and quotes that they use to advance their narratives. "Gotcha" politics prevails, and when a politician can't give his honest opinion for fear of having it twisted to fit an opposing agenda then we know that the media doesn't serve us at all. I spent 24 years as a volunteer firefighter and I never read a story that had all the facts straight on any of the incidents I attended. And that was a small, local news outlet covering local events. I can't imagine how a huge organization based in New York can hope to get it right about anything at all.
  3. I've owned three of these RPR's for some time, including one in 338 Lapua. GREAT rifles at a fair price, in my opinion. GLWS.
  4. yes, and I've been carrying it for the past couple of weeks. It's a lot lighter than most of my knives, but it seems to be solid and is what I expected.
  5. The sniff test is the best way to tell. I've had some cans of powder for many years with no noticeable degradation. If smells good and looks good, and if the caps are not discolored or damaged, then the powder is probably good. If it were me, I'd probably dispose of any cans that are nearly empty anyway, and I'd load low-pressure loads with the powder I kept. Keep track of your loads and pay attention when you shoot.
  6. Kits are readily available. This one is inexpensive: https://www.amazon.com/Motorcycle-Wrench-5-0‑6-8mm-Caliber-Motorbike/dp/B0BGHBY7GB/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=spoke+torque+wrench&qid=1677847763&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzRjc5RlNURktPRDZEJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODAyNDM2MVdDUTRXVFhIMDExRyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDg0OTU5MjUzOTc5NEhOVDE3ViZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= Depending upon how you ride, you'll need to adjust your spokes more or less frequently. Generally, I go through the spokes on my trials bike twice a year, but those wheels take a beating. I have a spoked wheel on the front of my Harley, and I check alignment whenever I change a tire. I've never had to adjust it. You'll need something like a balance stand for checking runout, and a good dial indicator that can be mounted to the stand. YouTube can be your friend.
  7. I've had a similar problem with a Model 70 that I've owned since new. As Photoguy67 suggested, the problem was a gummed-up firing pin caused by old lube inside the bolt. But one would think that your rifle, having twice been to gunsmiths, would be clean and free. With the bolt out does the firing pin protrude through the bolt face properly when pushed all the way forward? Is the tip of the firing pin smooth and intact? Do you have a means to check head space?
  8. A couple years ago I went through my safe with the idea of getting rid of a few that I rarely shoot. The trouble is, I didn't want to be rid of any of them. I have a couple that I will likely never shoot, but I'm not going to sell them under any circumstances that I can foresee. I have slowed my acquisition rate, though.
  9. Thanks for the review. I've been thinking of buying some "off-brand" primers, and it's good to read that these worked out for you.
  10. While I agree that taxes would be a major point, it surely is not the whole point. Those kinds of proposals are insidious, and if you and I can think of ways that they could be used to benefit one political group over another, or to exert control over one group or another, then you can be sure that someone in government will see those ways as an opportunity.
  11. It really does relate to the 2A in a very fundamental way. If paper money goes away and is replaced with digital (and don't think that can't happen. Almost all your bank transactions and credit card purchases are digital) then Uncle Sugar will be able to monitor every purchase made by everyone. Data drives the modern world, and a fully digital economy would make it easy to see where you and I spend our money. The implications go far beyond the 2A, of course. I'm an old, retired guy. With the current ESG protocols it would be pretty easy to say, "Hey, that guy's retired, he sure doesn't need to fill his gas tank more than once a month", and set it up so that the gas station won't take my money card. I can think of some benefits, too, but those I can think of are not worth the downside.
  12. I'm sorry to read about your amputation, that's a shame. I've had no problem like that, but my father lost part of his right index finger in an industrial accident. He was able to continue to shoot very well after the wound fully healed. He just used the new end of his finger on the trigger. I think if I were in your situation I'd practice gripping the pistol every day for just a few minutes, working toward longer practice times. Maybe try one of those spring grip exercisers or squeeze a racquetball a few times a day. Are you seeing a physical therapist? I know that a lot of the medical profession is allergic to handguns, but here in TN we have a lot of shooters, so maybe your therapist might be able to offer up some good exercises and better answer your questions about recovery times.
  13. Mine was manufactured in 1987, but it looks just about as yours does. They're nice rifles, in my opinion.
  14. An appointment at the VA hospital in Murfreesboro coincided with a pretty nice day yesterday, so I road my R1200RT. The weather was just about perfect apart from some pretty big wind gusts that caught me out once or twice. The this morning's forecast said there was about a 20% chance of rain, so I hopped on the bike to go play racquetball. I got 80% wet about 20 minutes from home. I stopped to put on my rain gear, but it was a bit too late by then. Still, I love to ride, and the ride back home after r-ball was shirt-sleeve. I'm anxious to get back on my S1000RR, but I'll wait for warm weather AND totally dry roads for that bike. I just bought two new tires for it, so I need to put those on before I ride it, too.
  15. Thanks for the recommendation. I'd actually been looking at the Boker Kalashnikov, and so I ordered one this morning. I chose a different blade, though. I do have a tendency to slice myself with new knives, though, so I better be careful.
  16. I've lately had a hankering for an automatic knife. What's a good starter? Not too much money, but still a good quality knife?
  17. Ooooo! I kinda want this, but it would surely result in bandages and trouble.
  18. Howza about Charlize Theron?
  19. We'll always be the envy of the world, or at least most of it. People clamber to come here. But I get what you're saying: the political class kowtows to the media who love nothing more than hysterical headlines.
  20. Wow, that just came out of the blue, huh? Good on ya for stopping, not everyone would have.
  21. I used to work for the Navy in close proximity to warships, including ballistic missile subs, and special weapons. I always told my wife that in the event of a nuclear war, I hope we were both standing under the first burst. I'm fairly certain that I would not want to survive that kind of cataclysm. I noticed something interesting about the Japanese during the Fukajima disaster, though. There were a lot of victims of that situation, but unlike Americans would have been, they were very orderly. When relief supplies arrived the Japanese queued up and waited their turns. Perhaps their society has a better chance of surviving a huge disaster than does ours.
  22. What brand and model camera do you have? I've been thinking about buying one just for the reasons you imply. I only drive a couple days a week, but it seems I encounter oncoming traffic in my lane about every other trip.
  23. One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was pleased and left the shop. When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door. Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The cop was happy and left the shop. The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you ' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door. Then a Congress man came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill , the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The Congress man was very happy and left the shop The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congress men lined up waiting for a free haircut.
  24. Woo Wee! You must be the King of Compensation. I like the 223, but I don't think I could hit anything but dirt out at 1000 yards.


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