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Posts posted by papa61

  1. 8 minutes ago, RED333 said:

    A modern engine put out way less pollution, The US is way ahead of the rest of the world with this. On the EV thing, I want .gov out of them, let private company's run the research. I will get in line to buy an EV when the battery holds a charge in below 0 temps and 100 plus temps and is covered for a life time free replacement.

    I'm a hard no on pure EV. I know Toyota has said they are close on solid state batteries that would solve many of the issues of electric vehicles. I just refuse to sign on to moving the pollution and oil dependance around so that it appears we are making progress. I totally agree with getting @gov out of the picture though. It takes time and miles to lower the carbon footprint of an EV to below that of ICE. Most EVs are being traded before that equalization. If I recall correctly, two years by the average American driver. Therefore, EVs are greater pollutants at this time than EVs. Meaning the extra energy required to build EV is higher than that of an ICE. This is all before the used up batteries are factored in. This doesn't factor in where we would get the power needed to charge all of them. A hybrid with the modern ICE efficiencies you mention overcomes these issues. 

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, RED333 said:

    We should be paying by the mile for road use, regardless of what you drive, or ride. Yes peddle bikes, EV scooters and all the like should pay my miles as well. If the latter do not have some kind of trip meter than charge a flat rate.

    maybe tax by the pound since heavier vehicles put more stress on the pavement. I like hybrid vehicles, I think they are the long term solution to pollution and oil. But I do not agree with giving any vehicle lane priority or tax breaks. Maybe our state needs to tax all of the freight hubs rather than giving them tax incentives. They will build where it is most convenient for their interests. Bribing companies to locate in our state has caused the current road/traffic issues, not hybrids an EVs.

    nope, I am not progressive.

  3. 2 hours ago, gregintenn said:

    Lol! This led to building mama more shelves to store canned goods. A trophy husband’s job is never done!🤪

    I don't do that either, me and wood do not get along. I just go to Home Depot and buy them or pick something up from marketplace/craigslist. I mean, I measure 3 times and use a square and still can't make a 90 deg corner. If I went to a barn raising I'd have to cook.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  4. Damn, average Tennessean only getting 24 MPG? Guess I need to drive my truck more to fill those potholes since 120 miles per day at 30 MPG isn't paying my fair share. I didn't know they were hitting them so hard. Consider this, the average EV owner has higher income level and this tax will not sting them as badly as the working class commuters who drive hybrids by necessity.

  5. 1 hour ago, Alleycat72 said:

    My best friend that is a lieutenant colonel. A couple of years ago he texted out of the blue asking is I was prepared. This was when BLM and antifa was hot and heavy. We worked together some in non-related areas so I got the message. We have encrypted messaging. He has not sent a message about the border. I'm just some guy on the internet so.....

    I have a friend like that. Been Radio silence lately.

    Good for you Greg, Have yet to learn canning.


  6. Stopped at Specialty Arms in LaVergne today. They have two of the 327 Toros in stock. I still like this. Have a bid in on GB so not buying today but they are nice.

    And they were broken into again. I remember three break ins so I asked. The number was six. The customer entrance and the gates were boarded up, new posts set in the parking lot to one side of the concrete (not sure what to call them, bigger than ballards, slightly smaller than a VW).

    • Like 1
    • Wow 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, chances R said:

    respectfully disagree with some of your generalizations.  "most of us" maybe, but not the generally untrained, incompetent permit holders.  I'll take my chances with LEO in comparison.  You are responsible for your own safety and are your own 1st responder.  If a business chooses to post their property, you have the choice not to go into that business.  Take the USPS for example, no different than any other business except it is illegal to possess or carry on their property.  Property owners rights must be respected, as is your choice.  I do agree that the carry past signage should be a simple trespass at most.

    As I have stated, I see both side of this and I agree it should be a leave or misdemeanor trespass. I believe in a property owners rights but I also consider a business as public. It's not the same as one's home and property, you are basically inviting everyone in. We as a people have made it clear that you cannot refuse service based on race, religion, color, sexual orientation etc. There are exceptions based on appropriate age such as R rated movies, bars, tobacco but I do not believe ther should be an exception for exercising one's God given rights. The assumption made is if the business is posted you can choose not to got there. Suppose now that it is your place of employment, your choices are narrowed. If my employer has a dress code that does not conflict with anyone's religious beliefs, ok fine, it's not going to kill you to dress properly to convey your professional status. My office is a stones throw from Hickory Hollow Mall, what if my business posts no guns? Sure, I can change jobs but we have allowed the vilification of guns to overcome common sense in this case. The rally cry is honest citizens are disarmed and defenseless while criminals do not obey the laws and signs.

    I stand firmly by my generalizations. MOST firearms enthusiasts are better marksmen than most LEO. Law enforcement has a huge amount of responsibility on their collective shoulders, much of which is not law enforcement. They are by Federal court rulings not responsible for your personal safety. It is their job to arrest criminals. I can't quote case law on this but ther have been more than one. The trend of asking cops to be social workers, public relations agents, dispute mediators and all the rest needs to end. 

    • Like 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Jamie Jackson said:

    I'm pretty intrigued by the. 327 Toro. 

    I have a .327 LCR and as I handload I can actually afford to shoot it. 

    Not. 327 Mags,  but 32 S&W long and 32 H&R Mags. 

    Having RDS capabilities is a plus with my aging eyes. 


    yeah, I'm not set up to reload 32 though I need to be. But 32S&W long with light loads is what I think would be good for the wife. I am in the same boat vision wise but I just cannot handle the look of optics on a pistol. I do have one on my AR pistol, but it serves a different mission. All that and I just like the 327 mag, good bullistics with the 327 and softer shooting with the S&W long.

    Still want a Single Seven,,,I can dream.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, papa61 said:

    Taurus announced the 605 now available in executive grade
    .327 Defender
    aaand (drum roll please) the Deputy Single action in .45 Colt and .357 magnum

    how hard is my choice in next revolver NOW!!

    This is serious, been considering a 605 as companion to my 608. With better trigger ???
    I have been thinking of a .327 for the wife, with light loads she might even like it
    I do not have a single action nor a 45 colt. I have the dies but not pistol, always checking out Ruger's Vaquero 🙂
    being a cheapskate, the Taurus might be better since it's just a fun gun. only SA I've ever had was a Ruger single six.

    which brings me back around to the 327, Always liked the Single Seven in 327 but never got my hands on one, now they are ridiculously expensive. DAMMITALL! that means TWO guns instead of one, oh woe is me LMAO

  10. Taurus announced the 605 now available in executive grade
    .327 Defender
    aaand (drum roll please) the Deputy Single action in .45 Colt and .357 magnum

    how hard is my choice in next revolver NOW!!

    • Haha 2
  11. 5 minutes ago, papa61 said:

    I agree in theory. But consider this, does the business owner have the right to refuse service? We have decades of civil rights decisions that say no. I agree with Stan, if they don't want my money it's their loss.

    forgot to add; if I leave my firearm and patronize a business unarmed, how many are willing and able to provide for my defense? I have always wanted to ask owners of no firearms notices how they plan for my safety and if they are ready to take on that responsibility.

    I remember when the law allowing businesses to ban carry was proposed, the language had security and metal detectors in there. can't recall the exact wording now.

    those who feel unsafe around armed populace should realize that most of us are better with a handgun than are most LEO. Not throwing shade at any officers, but firearms training and use is secondary to what most see as their job. When I was in the military, I would come in just under the max time during PT tests, push ups, sit ups and running two miles were low on my list of needed skills. Firearms qualification was always expert, since I not only felt it necessary to my survival but fun.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, BigK said:

    As much as I'd benefit from its passage, I think this law violates the business owner's property rights. If the law only affected public places, I'd be all for it. I just think that if you own a property and you don't want guns there, we shouldn't be able to take away that owner's rights.

    I agree in theory. But consider this, does the business owner have the right to refuse service? We have decades of civil rights decisions that say no. I agree with Stan, if they don't want my money it's their loss.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, aknifemaker said:

    I had a VW beatle years ago and had studded snow tires for the winter, never got stuck in that thing.

    this is why Beetles were used at Baja and on beaches and dunes. 🙂


  14. 6 hours ago, OldIronFan said:

    It really is interesting to see the change in norms. 

    When I was young a factory 4x4 truck was a rarity. A vast majority of of trucks sold were 2wd. 
    Now in the current full size truck marketplace the vast majority are 4wd. If you want a 2wd truck you are either buying a fleet/work truck or a small midsize truck like a Frontier, Ranger, or Canyon. 

    AWD was virtually unheard of. Now it is also common place in sedans, crossovers, and small SUV's. I started driving at a point were cars were transitioning from mostly RWD to mostly FWD. 

    I currently have a 2wd full size truck (F150), a FWD hatchback (Mazdaspeed 3), a RWD sports car (MX-5), a FWD Van (Mazda 5), and an AWD crossover (Forrester) in the fleet. 

    I stole the wife's Forester last week to get to work. Snow mode and AWD made life easy. Today I took the FWD van since the roads are all but clear. I will probably drive the truck the rest of the week since it has not had any exercise in a couple weeks. 

    A good front wheel drive will get a long way. I drove a 1980 Fiesta up I65 one night and had it all to myself. Made it up the hill on Hwy10 into Lafayette where there were no tracks in the snow. There was so much wet snow that when I got home the car was missing slightly, seems snow had packed in between the radiator and the engine and the distributor was wet.

  15. 1 hour ago, Tom B said:

    Gotta say I had a good chuckle reading this thread, after living most of my life in CT.


    For those that dont particularly like the way other folks seem to be moving here to TN (among other warmer, southern states) ,  picture the weather you have had for the past week or so lasting from November to April, only with a lot more snow. I remember a winter a few years before we moved that we seemed to get a blizzard every week in Jan and Feb. My mailbox was actually hidden by the snow for a week, had to dig it out when I was shoveling. The fact that I worked outside was the prime motivation for moving south.


    Moving here was the first time I moved without packing a shovel and snowblower-lol.

    For some strange reason my area only got a few inches of snow, I hear Knox got 10+ inches.

    From the time I was around a year old until I was 16 we lived in Toledo Ohio, yes I have seen worse. But we aren't equipped for it here so those of us who can just stay home. I didn't know they closed school for snow until I was 16 years old. Blizzard that year . First got 6 inches or so then before the streets were cleared we had freezing rain followed by 17 plus inches of snow. It was a mess. I delivered the newspaper back then and not one of my customers missed a single copy. You just get used to it. Of course I was dragging my bag on top rather than carrying it as my weight went through the top layers to the ice. Perishables like milk were hard to come by for a few days and it took the National Guard a while to dig out the airport and some roads. The drifts buried an 18 wheeler on Airport Rd.. I could tell a lot more horror stories but y'all get the idea.

    • Like 2
  16. 2 minutes ago, spdfrk70 said:

    You know after thinking about it a bit further I suppose a card in your hand isn't really up to date on everything you may have been doing up to this day and making one I suppose is possible


    IF the state keeps up with what they are supposed to do it is up to date. If a person is convicted of an offense rendering them ineligible for CCW permit, the state should revoke said permit. The current system of no intrastate sales is actually outdated. With the Federal criminal database, we should be able to purchase by mail from any FFL in any state, your local sherriff no longer need be the key. What brought me to pose the original question was to point out the hypocrisy of banning intrastate handgun sales. Obviously, private party sales are exempt from background checks as the assumption is we are responsible enough to have an idea of who we are selling to. If one state recognizes another's CCW permit, why does the fed deny sales? I'm sure that the recent USSC decisions and the coming battle between states and the DEA regarding marijuana rights will lead us to this. Sadly, I'll be pushin' up daisies by then.

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  17. 2 hours ago, spdfrk70 said:

    I've got a question related to handgun carry permits 

    I would think logically the answer would be no

    Do you still have to pay $10 for a background check if you possess a current handgun carry permit


    2 minutes ago, Jpoc700 said:

    Yes unfortunately you do.

    Background checks are only good for 30 days if I recall correctly. Then one is guilty until proven innocent again. Just an annoying under the table tax on one's rights.

    • Like 2
  18. 49 minutes ago, Garufa said:

    Would a 12 gauge slug or .45-70 be appropriate for breaking up some seriously thick ice on the front walkway?  😀

    ain't ya got no rock salt loads???


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