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Everything posted by southernasylum

  1. I was hoping that this was just a few branches as the one on 96 if Franklin had not posted until very recently. I've been in there hundreds of times cc'ing and no one was the wiser. Now I'll have to use the drive thru. I guess now that they have these signs up they can take down the height ruler sticker next to the exit doors as they will no longer have any more armed robbery attempts. They should have put up the no gun stickers sooner.
  2. Is the Deathstar just too small? What would a dark Sith Lord carry as a backup?
  3. I sent an email from Regions.com expressing my displeasure with the recent postings locally. I explained what we all know, signs don't stop criminals. I know nothing will come of it but it was good therapy. I've been a Regions customer for ages. -southernasylum
  4. 9mm is useless. I'd be glad to take them all off your hands. -southernasylum
  5. Good read. -southernasylum
  6. It's been a while but last time I was there there was a piece of cardboard taped to the front counter with "ABSOLUTELY NO FIREARMS!" Didn't see it till I was inside and already paid so I had to go out an lock my gun in my car. I haven't been back since.
  7. I'm waiting for the guns and church or guns and God don't mix argument.
  8. Haven't seen the movie yet but looking forward to it. I've read the book and it was one of the best stories I've ever read. I couldn't stop thinking about it for months. -southernasylum
  9. So since it is past May 31st does that mean we can now carry in WC parks? Again, if you live in Williamson County please contace the Councilmen and ask them to allow park carry. Williamson County, TN - Official Site
  10. I wrote to the Parks and Rec commissioners asking them to allow park carry. If you are a Williamson County resident I urge you to do the same. You can use the following link: Williamson County, TN - Official Site
  11. I was there with the family last week and carried concealed into the Aquarium. No signs posted but they do search bags. I had to stop by the car before world of coke to stash the weapon. They had metal detectors and signs outside the building. When you go to world of coke don't drink the beverly! I still have that bitter taste in my mouth. Also go right when they open before it gets too crazy.
  12. "............This town depends on tourists for tax revenue and we need to make sure people think our cabs are safe and the companies that run them regulated............." This is one of the many problems with government. They worry more about the public perception of safety over the reality of it. Maybe they should put up no rape signs in cabs! -southernsaylum
  13. I don't think it's nutmeg I think it is cinnamon. I prefer Goldstar.
  14. LOL, and yes the future is very strange!
  15. I can't remember who said it but I heard someone say this is the first time the government has tried to tax someone just for the act of living. Car insurance only applies to those who chose to drive cars. This new bill requires you to buy a product if you want to continue living and not break the law. If we could travel back in time and explain to our founding fathers what has transpired I think they would be in shock. First thing they would ask is "what in the world is health insurance?" Oh it's this really cool thing you can buy to cover your butt in case you get sick.....(I digress)
  16. That's funny. This article sums up the exact thought that went through my head when the bill passed. Does anyone even know when the first health insurance company was started? I am so upset that our leaders think they can force citizens to buy a product! HEALTH INSURANCE IS A PRODUCT! I you like it you can buy it. If you can't afford it you should save up or make a plan to obtain it. If you don't want it don't buy it. There are several things that I like but can't afford. What is the standard for the government to say that everyone should have one? Maybe in a few years the new 4th gen Glocks will be considered such a great product that they will subsidize them. Or maybe now that Blueray has beat out HD the government will decide everyone deserves one. Is this not the same justification used for Health insurance? I could go on and on but I have to stop now as I feel my blood pressure going up. Good think I'm insured! to better days, southernasylum
  17. Some things go without saying.
  18. I think you did fine in this situation. My smarta$$ remark would be <smartass>....you should have done a sideways shooting dive taking out all four tires, hitting the ground in a barrel roll smoothly transitioning to the kneeling position taking aim at the passenger frist(the driver has his hands full trying to control a truck with no tires) if he makes any aggressive motion double tap to the head then align your sights on the driver and let him decide his fate...</smartass> p.s. how come there is no sarcasm font?
  19. He said that some people call him paranoid. It's no paranoia if several people have already tried to kill you! I think after the first couple of incidents he would just say screw it, I'm movin' to Memphis where it's safe! (yes i'm joking)
  20. Most under rated thread ever!
  21. I have a mutt that is part Australian Cattle Dog part hellhound. Does it count if I'm just raising her for food?
  22. No, actually it was ruled unconstitutionally vague by a single judge with an agenda.
  23. Thanks guys. I learned something new today. I've always dropped one in the chamber then inserted the full magazine on my Beretta 92 and Taurus Millenium. I'm lucky I haven't broken my extractors. I'll change my ways.
  24. Good review. I may try this sometime. My only concern is the gun in the seated position pointing at my leg. I know guns don't just go off on their own but I just don't like the thought of the muzzle there. I usually carry IWB around the 4:30 position and sitting is comfortable but the gun tends to tip out a bit more this way. Gonna give the appendix thing a try for a bit. BTW I think this carry method discriminates against those who have had their appendix removed!
  25. +1 for Jasmine. Great food and very reasonably priced! There was a time I was eating there 2 or 3 times a week.


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