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KevinMichael last won the day on September 30 2022

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    Dyer Country
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  1. Beautiful revolver. My wallet is grateful that we live on opposite sides of Planet Tennessee.
  2. When you get that range set up, invite me down. I havent shot out past 30 yards in 2.5 years. Kevin, from just north of you.
  3. If we weren't a worlds away from each other, I would take that Combat Magnum. I had a nickel 19-5 that I sold years ago with much regret.
  4. I have two Caniks; ridiculously inexpensive, super reliable, and amazingly accurate.
  5. Price drop, now asking $1000
  6. These are solid guns that get solid reviews! GLWS
  7. While I can't vouch for the firearm itself, I can vouch for Kimber; he's a man of solid character and integrity.
  8. The original company were pioneers in the development of HP/expanding bullets. Found these boxes among a family member's stash (who passed away). Super Vel went out of business in 1974 (but has been re-born in Nevada).
  9. Am willing to consider trades; Colts, particularly 1911s, An AK-47 (but that may require additional cash), mini 14. Open-minded, will consider any offer of trade
  10. Would you consider British military? Trade my Webley + I will throw in some cash.
  11. It's payday...time to purchase a fantastic piece of history!
  12. Rasputin, on the contrary, appreciate the additional info.
  13. For your consideration: a 100+ year old British revolver. This piece has been sitting in my safe for 2 years after I inherited it and I realized it needs to go to someone who will appreciate it. Mechanically it appears to be excellent; locks up tight. Dry-firing, everything feels and sounds good. The cylinder is uncut (cutting these was common) and the seriel number #2399, matches the frame. Cosmetically....good for its age! However, there are a couple things of note: The grips have pieces missing. Your options are to get them repaired, find an intelligent person with a 3-D printer, or leave as is. The nickel is decent but with several spots of wear and pitting. The barrel crown shows considerable wear. I tried to document the deficiencies in the photos. The bore looks pretty good. Although this is legally an antique and could be mailed, I doubt anyone would buy this sight-unseen. I will drive about 60 miles to meet someone for the sale. $1100.00


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