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About tarheelbball

  • Birthday 08/04/1971

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    S&W Shield 45
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Dan Wesson Guardian 45

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  1. I believe this happened closer to Chattanooga (Hamilton County)
  2. I'm far sighted and sights are blurry even with glasses sometimes. My RMR red dot looks ok but the Holosun 507C circle in green dot actually looks a lot clearer to me.
  3. Carter’s on Hwy 58 Sportmans Warehouse on Lee Hwy Academy Sports
  4. Carbon Fiber and Mini Bugout walked into a bar... Seriously? This is no joking matter - the Benchmade Mini Bugout with Carbon Fiber/S90V has landed! https://t.co/RATtrchWia https://t.co/UQFqTPzusB
  5. I’d like to see if Jeff Fisher could turn it around
  6. Haven't shot it yet. Trying to find me a green Holosun next.
  7. Ok, thanks
  8. I’ve got a buyer for a gun and he is out of state. I talked to a FFL and he said $25 + shipping. The other guy has emailed me his FFL info, so after his check has cleared I told him I would ship it. My question is what do I get from the FFL? I don’t think there is a form for me to fill out, I guess I could pay with a card?
  9. But I’ve been practicing one handed manipulation like forever
  10. I have 2 of the GS 2 holsters and they are comfortable and rides close to the body. https://rgrizzleleather.com/owb-holsters.html
  11. Sounds like it's an officer magazine trying to use in a commander/full size frame.
  12. https://www.bigdaddyunlimited.com/trijicon-6-5-adj-red-rmr-type-2/
  13. Just sent in my payment. #44


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