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I'm a huge fan of police trade pistols and accessories. They are some of the best deals around and leave room in the budget for accessories/ammo. Below is my latest setup from products mostly purchased through end of the year and during New Year's sale promotions on various websites. The Gun - A 9mm P320 C police trade in with 3 magazines ended up in my cart on sale for $299.98 at Botach. At that price, I figured give it a shot. I don't know where it came from but, I don't think this thing was ever used. With surplus trades, you usually get a few scratches and scuffs but this thing came pretty clean. Wilson Combat Grip - $60 delivered with an opticsplanet coupon code. The cool thing about P320 surplus guns is you're likely to change the grip out anyway and that might be the only part that actually shows much wear. Sights - Ended up getting a set of Warren Tactical Fiber Optic Sights for half price and free shipping during their end of the year sale. Came out to about $23. Weapon Light - TLR7X - Amazon - $130 Holster - Safariland Basket Weave ALS P320 C TLR-7 from Kings Firearms in Columbia. - $14.99 https://www.kingsfirearmsonline.com/products/safariland-528 All in - After shipping, taxes and fees - Came in at about $640 OTD. How'd I do?
I've been a big fan of V-crown lately too. Sierra and Sig made a winner at a good price point. Good call. Made you click? Wanted to see if there were any new brands/product lines I should check out other than the mainstays I'm familiar with for handguns.
What are your favorite loadings in 2023? I've been a longtime fan of Corbon, Federal HST, Gold Dot, Underwood and Hornady Critical Defense for JHPs. I also like Lehigh Defense's Xtreme Defense and Penetrator rounds for woods/wheelguns. Do you like certain brands for certain calibers? Certain projectiles?
P220 Carry. It's similar to a commander 1911 size version of the P220. Mine has been super reliable with all types of projectile profiles and types. P229 sized slide with P220 lower. Fits P229 holsters. DA/SA has become far less popular in recent years but I still like them. It's similar to having a stick shift car. If you know how to drive, it's good. I like 45s. The original Springfield XDS 45 post recall is another I still like. Before the GRIP ZONE. This is another 45 that's been an absolute omnivore when it comes to ammo. I got it back in the G43 days when the 9mm capacity advantage was only 1 more round and the XDS was similar in size to the G43. XDS came with decent sights stock. Both of the P220 carry and XDS above run reliably dirty. 45 ACP isn't popular anymore because of projectile tech advancements. The question I always ask everyone who preaches 9mm is: how many cases of premium JHP rounds do you have on hand? If the answer is one 20 round box, I'd take the 45. FMJ to FMJ the 45 will be the winner for me. For the record, I like all calibers but I feel like this unpopular opinion is often overlooked in the echo chamber. Also, +1 for the Ruger P series, cool workhorse guns.
Me not caring for grip sleeve designs is looking at my own purchase history and use as well. I have plenty of these designs and accessories myself. But I also remember the years I bought those setups and not having a flush fit option. With all the new models out, now we have choices and I notice myself looking for the non-sleeve options. Also, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Total respect for that opinion. There isn't a right or wrong answer. I didn't think about adding more length to some of the larger micro models like the P365xl for the purpose of grip since the XL is already the larger model. That makes total sense though. For you guys who have bigger hands, do the newer shorter compact designs interest you? Like the P320 X Compact and M&P 2.0 3.6 Compact. Similar to the size of G26 slide with a G19 frame. Seems like you'd get the best of both worlds especially carrying OWB. Similar overall footprint and an easier reload. Same mag in some cases. Picture found searching G26 Slide with G19 Frame. If Glock made that, I'd be interested.
Admittedly this is a bit of a rant. Before I get going with this question I want to expressly say: This is not a knock whatsoever if these products or concepts work for you. I'd like to start a discussion on grip extensions in 2022 Question: How many of you run small pistols with grip extensions, grip sleeves and pinky extensions etc? Follow up: If you had the option for a slightly higher capacity flush fit model from day one and got to hold them side by side in the store, would you have picked the smaller model? Examples: P365, Hellcat vs P365XL, P365X, Hellcat Pro Opinion: In 2022 I think grip sleeve extensions make otherwise awesome expensive looking guns, look and feel cheap. Also, If you can't get your whole hand on it, you're at a disadvantage with current options. I know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm happy that in this day and age that we have many stock options out there now to fit different needs. The question is, why design the 10+1 variant first with weird grip sleeve solutions, just to release the normal version after the fact? Wondering if we'll get a Shield Plus Plus or a More Max 9 in the future. All of the guns in question look cool to me with the flush fit form factor and conversely look retrofitted and cheap with their grip sleeves. It's similar to having a direct mount optic vs some gnarly bolt on metal adapter/mounting plate. Example: If you carry this mag setup, wouldn't you rather have this? Same overall footprint, same magazine. The Angles: When I see pictures on social media, retail sites and print magazines of these guns that have grip extensions built into the design, I can't help but notice some obvious, make it look better with the angle photography. Which, hey I get it, make it look as appealing as possible. It reminds me of profile pictures on dating apps. Examples: Reality: Notice the overall footprints and aesthetic when look at it straight on. (pictures of these angles were harder for me to find online.) Function: I understand the idea of having a small magazine in the gun for concealment and a higher capacity backup reload. If this works for you, I completely get it, but do you actually carry an extra full size reload with you daily? Wouldn't it make sense to upgrade to a compact if you thought your chances of running into that much trouble were high? Background: I like the Glock 26/27 form factor. I suspect that the the G26 influences grip sleeve designs on OEMs to this day. The G26 was ahead of its time IMHO at 10+1 with minimal printing. This is the only firearm I've shot in the last 10 years that I thought made sense to me to have the pinky dangling. I shoot these guns well and feel right at home because I shoot mid and full size Glocks regularly. The G26/27 are also cross compatible with most of the parts from their larger counterparts, this is a huge advantage in a pinch. Example: G26 fits G19/G17/G34 Holsters. (This cross compatibility with the larger counterparts is not the case for the modern micros.) Having said that, if I was going to do something like this to myself, I'd rather just run a G19 100% of the time. To each his own. Just food for thought. Rant complete.
Thanks for breaking it down. I've been reading your write ups and appreciate the sharing of experience. Ah man, now I want a S&W 3913! That's a cool piece. I started warming up more to some of the double action stuff lately. A good, metal, DA/SA is becoming more of an acquired taste in the sea of budget striker fired plastic (which I love too).
M&P surplus is a solid option too following the same philosophy and looks like it comes in a little cheaper today. Good call. https://aimsurplus.com/le-trade-in-dept-marked-smith-wesson-m-p40-40s-w-handgun/ My preference is the Glock because of aftermarket support. With the hotter rounds, I found the dual recoil spring assembly in the Gen 4 makes a difference, your mileage may vary. I noticed it more with the G20 than the G22.
Any standouts for the time periods if you had to pick one per decade? 90's - 00's - 10's - 20's - I feel like capacity was king, then the trend was slim, then the 365 came out and now it's why not both. J Frame will always be cool and useful. I find myself going back to it especially in the summer.
Cool evolutions in carry history. The G43X with the S15 mags and mag catch interest me lately but I can't justify the full switch from the 365X form factor. Might still end up doing that just because someday. Never had a Kahr but I liked the ones I shot. I always wanted a Kahr K9 in blackened stainless but the planets never aligned to make that one happen. I'm also one of those people who can't leave well enough alone and would have paid extra to put wood grips and tried putting the MK9 metal floor plates on the magazines. When pricing it out it became expensive quickly.
Curious what carry choices people have made over the years and feelings about them. What did you start with and what did you grow into? Was it worth switching models? Here's my carry history by model over the last 10 years. Trading, upgrading, downgrading, trend following etc. G19 > P938 > XDS 45 > 442 > G27 > P365 w/XL grip The P938 ended up being my preference for the longest time. I thought it was the winner in the G43/Shield era. I bought it before the G43 came out and didn't see a need to change. Surprisingly, I ended up liking the G27 way more than I thought I would and ran that for a long time before changing to the P365X.
Could be one or a combination of many things on the 1911. But you can eliminate some variables before having to go to the smith (if needed). Also pictures of the stoppages if it continues to have issues will help identify the failure and speed things up for the smith. As others have said, it could just need a break-in period. I'd start with these two variables. Magazine Try different magazines if possible, especially if you can easily borrow them from your other pistols. 1911s can be picky with mags both brands and designs. Sometimes people ditch the 7 rounders that come with many of the more classic design 1911s for the 8 round versions right from the get go. Try both and check results. I'd try every mag I had available but that might be obsessive. If you use a mag each from the big mag manufactures like CMC, Wilson Combat or Tripp Research and it's still failing, it's likely not the mag. Ammo The first thing the smith/warranty always asks when troubleshooting is what ammo. Then they ask if you tried other brands, lots, case material, projectile etc. I like to get ahead of that so I have the information before taking anything in to a smith. I also like to check OAL variance between the brands. I usually just put them on a table top to eyeball if one is longer than the other side by side. I had one that was really picky years back and running my ammo (even factory) through a Lee Factory Crimp die remedied the issue through the break-in and then it cleared up. Once these two issues are ruled out, we can then move to type of jam and each solution. FTF, FTE, Stovepipe, Three Point etc. 1911s can be picky but they really are cool pistols. Labor of love.
A 4" 38 is just a cool gun. It's hard to justify that size gun for EDC or even open carry with the availability/capacity/reliability/weight/size/ballistics of modern automatics. There is one use for the wheelguns that I think is often overlooked: exotic ammo delivery platform. ...and not just snake shot. Take feeding issues out of the equation and it makes a few newer rounds more viable and more interesting. The examples that comes to mind specifically are the Leigh Defense xtreme penetrator or xtreme defense because they push the limit with modern ammo technology. I normally stick with the more traditional bullet designs for ammo HST, Ranger, Gold Dot, XTP, Corbon etc., but the Lehigh stuff, scratches some weird steampunk sci-fi itch, especially in a wheelgun. I really like rounds loaded with the xtreme defense projectiles for my 442. This one's different because the traditional, "reliable expansion" doesn't need to be achieved to be effective. Another thing to note with these projectiles is that reputable ammo companies are developing loads with these. http://www.black-hills.com/shop/honeybadger/38-special-honeybadgerp/ https://www.underwoodammo.com/38-special-p-100-grain-xtreme-defender.html
I'm sure the G22 serves your brother well and will for years to come with very minimal maintenance. That's the exact type of situation I was thinking with this post. The trade-in G22 and a box of premium name hollow points, like federal HST/winchester ranger/underwood/corbon/doubletap/black hills/hornady/buffalo bore etc., is a great value these days. We all wish we could practice with a case of ammo a month and some of us do. But, the reality is majority of gun owners don't shoot at that volume. If that's the truth for the individual situation, the G22 trade-ins feel like a solid value right now for defense.
In my normal site and promotional email browsing for ammo prices I've been seeing 40 s&w coming in at comparable prices with 9mm depending on the brand, bullet, steel cased vs brass etc. Usually the 40 I'm seeing for sale lately is made from better components when factoring in the cost per round. Yes I know this is due to demand/supply chain/politics/trends and will change in the future but it's been like this since 2020 and still now in 2022. When 9mm was $7/box for brass cased fmj, I was 9mm all day but things are always subject to change. The unpopular opinion I'm starting to think the surplus Glock 22 might be the best all around value for a workhorse pistol right now, coming in at $349. Especially if the person buying is planning on using it as a defensive piece. Examples: https://aimsurplus.com/leo-trade-in-glock-22-gen-3-40s-w-handgun/ https://aimsurplus.com/leo-trade-in-glock-22-gen-4-40s-w-handgun/ https://aimsurplus.com/glock-model-22-15rd-40cal-magazine-used/ Ammo: https://www.targetsportsusa.com/40-sw-ammo-c-59.aspx Reasoning For starters, I just like guns, so I don't really have a caliber preference. I own and shoot a variety. If I can hit with it and I have ammo for it, awesome. If the argument against the 40 is recoil, I'd venture to say my G22 kicks less than my P365 (neither of which I find an issue). Full size helps eat that snappiness up. The gun The G22, while it has fallen out of popularity in recent years, used to be a reference standard duty gun. It's a proven design. The surplus piece might come with night sights that still have some life and it has a rail to mount a light. It's crazy to me seeing them valued at around the same price as a M91/30 Mosin rifle in the current market. I remember when the G22 was $600 and the Mosin was $60. The ammo I've noticed that decent JHP rounds for 40 s&w run about the same price as range ammo in 9mm when the panic buying sets in (2012, potential assault weapons bans, pandemic, I'm sure there will be something else in the future). If it costs the about same to buy brass cased JHP in 40 as it does to buy syntec or steel cased 9mm, I'm going to go with the 40. If/when pricing changes and 9mm becomes close to where it was pre 2020, convert the thing (or put it in the safe and shoot your other 9mm guns). - https://aimsurplus.com/aimsurplus-ss-9mm-conversion-barrel-for-glock-22/ For the gun guy With the newer ammo technology, and I'd speculate with a bit of renewed popularity of the 10mm, there are some 40 rounds that might make this budget blaster a fun range trip and a different defensive piece than years past (just like the 9mm tech advanced). Some of the 40 stuff from Underwood, Double Tap, Buffalo Bore has some zap to it and it's fun to shoot. Examples: https://www.underwoodammo.com/40-s-w-165-grain-bonded-jacketed-hollow-point.html - Muzzle Velocity (fps) : 1,200 https://www.underwoodammo.com/40-s-w-135-grain-jacketed-hollow-point.html - Muzzle Velocity (fps) : 1,400