Mowgli Terry
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Hamilton County TN
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Upstairs at my house is a Remington Magnum Express 870 with deer barrel. The gun is loaded with five 3" #4 buckshot loads. The gun is plain. The gun patterns wonderfully with #4 buck and OO plus field loads. For other uses there is the original 28" vent rib barrel. If necessary, this rig would ,with factory deer barrel, work for anything smaller than Godzilla.
Many years ago I had a 28ga 870 with skeet barrel. I did some bird hunting but decided it was over my head. The only 28ga I have now is a Ruger O/U. Since there's no bird hunting these dats that gun is a safe queen,
I got lucky and picked up a pre-owned T3 in 338 Federal. It came cheap due to "oddball caliber." I form my cases and have used several different bullets. The accuracy is excellent. Later came a 16" Tx1. Both rifles are great.
Safety failure: Many years ago I had gotten one when those handguns were first introduced here. There was a recall since the gun would go off when the hammer dropped on safe. The pencil test is a grand suggestion, Those that failed were supposed to have been refurbished to look new. I sent my death trap specimen back for a refund. I was never too hot on the CZ-52 afterward,
I have had very good accuracy using 4350 and 100 gr. Sierra spitzer. The Roberts responds well to a pretty wide selection of powders. For 100 gr. bullet and heaver bullets it's somebody's 4350, I recently ran an experiment using RL-17 and 100 gr. Barnes bullets. This combo gave me 2902 fps with SD is 29 fps, The rifle is and older M-70 Featherweight. The load looked decent but sample was too small to judge accuracy, Varget has also worked for me with several heavier bullets with very good to excellent accuracy out of several 257 Roberts caliber rifles.
A friend has an FN-49 rechambered to 8mm-06. Seemed like a good idea at the time. The only hangup was the round was too long for the action.
My choice #! would be 300WSM. However, 150+yards is too open ended for me. I'm tinkering with a 300 Weatherby Vanguard rifle. I have successfully hunted with a .222 Remington at 150 yards +.
Thoughts on buying "rental" guns from ranges (unknown round count)?
Mowgli Terry replied to moodster's topic in Handguns
One of the benefits of the used range gun is being able to shoot before deciding. -
I was on the hunt for another G29. This G29 hunt was cut short when money went to buy gasoline, My G29 was sold some years back. I did shoot it and my G20 together. Here, personally, it sure looks like there is some performance sacrifice is made using the smaller gun. This notion came from my loading and chronographing 10 mm rounds. Most data on the 10mm I have seen came from full size guns. If we continue to compare calibers the outcome will be a Derringer in 460 Weatherby caliber. The easy way to deal with caliber controversy is to get handguns in both calibers. That's one way to conclude these comparisons are goofy.
I have not had a G29 in many years. I still have my G20.3. I found that there is a sacrifice going with the small gun. In chronographing the 10mm loads the was a cost to pay with the G29. I sold my G29 some years back. That was not a wise move. The G29, to me, is is unique compact handgun. I shot 40 caliber rounds in my G20. It works but I go with a G23.4. If I wanted a full size 40 S&W the hunt would be on for a police turn in. Those guns I saw and passed on were brand new condition. This reports of being thrown to the ground or crippled for life shooting a 10mm Glock is something of an exaggeration. For me, the 10mm is just another cartridge to reload. I like the big Glock's. The G20 and G21 are among my favorites. I got a 357 OEM barrel for my G23.4. The 357 SIG is also an interesting cartridge. Feeling here are If one wants 357 Magnum performance go buy a 357 Magnum. I feel the 357 SIG is a good round but the 357 Magnum revolvers rule here on the hill. There is no confusion about 357 SIG and 357 Magnum here.
Opinion: I have not had a heritage but do own a Wrangler. I was so-so on the Wrangler until one come my way in a trade. I found the fit and finish to be good. After getting acquainted with the gun accuracy is very good . This is not about the gun. I just do not like the looks of a Heritage. I could care less about a magnum cylinder. I have a track record with Ruger. Should there be something wrong with the Wangler it would be fixed. I Just don't know about the other handgun.
Who says .45 ACP is not popular anymore?
Mowgli Terry replied to Quavodus's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Look, all this stuff about 45 ACP going down the tubes does not stand the reality test. Look at today's choices in good 45 ACP caliber guns. I'd not make a decision on what is going out of style by what cartridges are on shelves anywhere. I am a reloader. My concern is the primer shortage. I could give a care less about the Big Box and steel cased ammo from the third world. Would I trade my Glock, HK or Colt in 45 ACP for any 9mm? Not is this lifetime. Well, maybe a Swiss SIG 210. This hype about 9mm has all the ring of repeated dogma from the gun rags. Wonder what will be the caliber rage in five years? If I'm still on the green side of the grass then there will be multiple 45ACP caliber guns back in the Skunk Works. My lone 9mm is a SCCY. -
Do it right and there's no need for an aftermarket barrel...unless you want one. I screwed up and sold my G29 2.5 but kept the G20. I had shot heavy recoil handguns so the 10mm was nothing new. My favorite bullet weight is 165gr. Not to the exclusion to anything else. The G20 responds well to the handloading. I'm too poor from the fancy store bought stuff. I can mix up some pretty potent homemade rounds. Right on shooting 40S&W in the 10mm.
I'm sharing experience but not answering OP question. I felt the data was sparse. One needed to on a hunting trip to find information. The situation looks to be getting better. I've used three rifle powders and two pistol powders from SW. I headed out shortly to shoot some 270 loaded with SW 4350. The Precision Rifle is similar to Varget. Heavy Pistol is similar to Accurate #9. Had it not been for SW powder I would have been SOL in several areas of my reloading. Most likely I'll continue to use the powder after the bogus famine is over. The SW equivalent of 5744 is about $10.00 less expensive than Accurate's. Be aware the price gougers are on the move here. Sorry, no Blackout experience.
I have had RIA 9mm that was a good, decent firearm. My current gun in that class is a 45 ACP ATI Commander clone. That gun is reliable and accurate. I understand these low end gun are no longer imported. This gun is tight and is better finished than my RIA gun Both are very good guns.