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About TwinVeprs

  • Birthday 01/20/1994

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  • Location
    Wayne County
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Fishing, Kayaking, Hiking, History, Chevy's
  • Occupation


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    CZ 75 P-01

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  1. TwinVeprs

    Komrad 12ga

    I've got a vepr and I can't say I've ran that but I've never had a problem out of any ammo after the 1st month. It would hang up on Winchester white target loads, maybe one in a mag. Shot a good bit of buck & pinged steel with slugs to break it in n its been super smoooooth.
  2. I'm sure its gonna be a simple fix as I'm figuring its a spring issue with these being so old. I'm a sucker for old Eastern bloc guns so when I seen czechslovakia I had to get it. Lol
  3. Sorry, I just got back from the beach & rested today so I'm just now getting back to ya. But yeah its a sear issue, my 1st guess. The hammer doesn't stay back at all, manual or fired. Thank you for replying tho.
  4. It's an older European surplus gun im sure, so it's probably a spring issue, but the hammer doesn't stay back after firing a shot.
  5. Uncensored Tactical. Talking Lead Survivalist Prepper Brion McClanahan Show Tom Woods The bottom two shows are news, history, etc.
  6. Yes they are, last one I seen was whenever his house caught on fire. I'm glad he's still chugging along.
  7. I've been a member since July but as always I forget passwords or never think to get on. Lol


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