I'm always scared at the thought of someone watching out for my rights. I hear the arguments about full disclosure. But if money equals free speech, those with the most money have the most free speech. Corporations currently have the ability to fund politicians with limits and disclosure, and to exceed those limits by funding political PACS. Now there is the ability for unfettered dumping of funds to politicians.
What about multi-national corporations.? Most larger US corps are multinational and possibly run by folks that might not have our best interest at heart.
Who better for corporations to support than those politicians they can buy with campaign donations or in spending their money to produce media exposure.
It smells to me. I can't imagine any good outcome for the people from this ruling.
My problem with this ruling is that the legislative branch has been overturned by activist judges. The supreme court is making legislation through interpretation. This is wrong. We the people have no control over the judicial branch, At least with the legislature we can vote the b@$+@$ out of office. We cannot control the supreme court. You think the NRA can spend your way out of trouble with regards to 2A rights? The NRA is nothing compared to the ability of Multinational corporations to raise money. How much of the US debt does China own? If they decided an unarmed America was in their best interest what's to stop the flow of MONEY to politicians that will push for gun control?
Am I paranoid? Certainly. But this kind of crap is totally possible. When money becomes equal to free speech the individual is squashed.
Are you worried about democrats? They're the least of our worries. The damn Supreme court has allowed our government to to be up for sale to the highest bidder.