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Everything posted by Tedro2022

  1. I had a Sig 2022 a long time ago, noticed early on the slide wouldn't go into full battery. Had to grease the slide to ensure it would go into battery after cleanings. Never fired when the hammer fell before I figured out I had to grease the slide. Guess I lucked out. Sold that one and got a 229, never a problem with the slide on that going into battery. That thing's a tank! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. This is how I talked the wife into letting me have a liquor cabinet in the new house. Just told her that it was for kitchen "prep" items. Lots of whiskey, rum and vodka up there which we don't drink much of. She rolled her eyes like she typically does when I talk about being prepared and having things on hand. But she can't reach this particular cabinet so I didn't get too much push back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Several reasons I suppose, and a couple good ones already listed here. The one I haven't seen listed yet is for a "get home gun." There was quiet a good thread on this a while back. In societal collapse/shtf scenario if you have to abandon your car or truck because of traffic gridlock, would you want just a pistol to navigate populated areas with? Or would you rather have a long gun to keep you company on the way to your safe place? With the prices on components for building AR's these days, one could build a complete barebones AR for around $400. I'm not rolling in money, but if I put $400 in a trunk gun and my car/trunk gun was stolen 1. my insurance would cover it, and 2. I wouldn't be broken up about it. Just replace it at my earliest convenience. Just my line of thinking. But the other reason already given that was my second answer to your question was "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I'm getting more annoyed at the volume disparity between some of these scenes. If it weren't for the dvr I'd have little idea of what's going on in half of the show right now. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. As a Denver fan, I'll take this scenario. This will be Peyton's last year playing, and I'd like to see him go out like Elway. [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. You can all give me your .40 ammo. I'll make sure it gets properly dispatched. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Didn't Daryl build that bike from parts they had laying around? Aaron had a bunch in a garage and what wasn't there he scavenged from outside Alexandria, I thought. Could be wrong, it's happened a time or two. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Personally, I think folks out in the country would band together much easier than folks in the cities (bigger cities, not talking about small towns). In the major metropolitan areas I think you'd see looting, robbery, burglary & even killing just to take someone else's supplies. There would be groups of people/neighbors who banded together, and they would probably out number the looters. Folks who live farther away from those bigger towns would see a small amount of looting/violence but I don't think they would tolerate it and would squash it rather quickly on their own. But eventually the survivors of the metro areas would have to start heading out of their metro areas to get what they're looking for. Then it would turn interesting. I know I need to load some more ammo, work on the food preps and chat more with the neighbors in my new neighborhood to feel them out a little. My biggest accomplishments this year have been relocating to a safer neighborhood & starting to get a little medical training under my belt. I plan on continuing that for as long as I can. Let's face it, you partake in dangerous activities and eventually your number is gonna get called. You either get lucky and it doesn't, or you're prepared when it does. I'd rather be lucky AND prepared if I can help it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I have a buddy who works for Franklin PD, he's told me that I'm the past businesses can ask the PD to have an officer park their car in a lot overnight to make it appear that there's an officer there. But if you're a criminal, you wanna take a chance that it's just a car? I wouldn't, but then again, I'm not a criminal either. As said before, situational awareness probably saved you a headache. Good on you for paying attention. We should all do the same, no matter what part of town we live in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Good stuff guys, thanks for the help. My FFL has only ever been used to get discounts through Midway and Graf's (I know, I really should exercise my rights a little more). My SBR is in my name, not a trust, but very good information WarPig. Thanks! I'll be filling out forms for both after we get moved and get them sent in. Once again, TGO has come through with them help I need! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. So my wife and I are getting out of Davidson County (Woohoo!!!). Sold our house for a good price and are upgrading to a little nicer neighborhood out of town a ways. Looking forward to quieter nights around the house. But as moving day creeps up on us and I started thinking about forwarding mail and changes of address, I had an "oh crap" moment when I remembered my FFL (class 3) and my sbr. So my question is this, do I need to file a change of address with the ATF for my sbr? I know I will for the FFL, but wasn't sure on the sbr. Hoping that the vast knowledge on the TGO board could help me out. Thanks for any help you guys can shed on this in advance! Tedro
  12. I'm in for a Spike's lower with the Confederate Flag on it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. MLB is gonna save a fortune on foul balls being recovered in the game... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. My wife (then girlfriend) used to live in the same apartment complex as one of those guys. Might have even been that very one, looks pretty similar. I never went over to see her without going armed, and got her moved out of there as soon as I convinced her that there were better places to live! 
  15. At this rate, the group isn't gonna have to take anything over. They're just gonna outlive the folks from Alexandria because they're all incompetent! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I like Phil Valentine's idea: close down the police department, move all the officers to some other town and let the citizens deal with it all themselves. Parts of the community don't want the police there, give em what they want and let them sort it out themselves. Sooner or later it'll work itself out, won't it? Law abiding citizens are free to leave town, everybody who wants the cops gone can have a town to do whatever they want in, no strings attached. Oh, and have Sharpton pop in to live with em too... How long you think that would last? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I wanna know who took the Glock out of the blender that Rick hid. I'd only surmise that someone from the community (maybe the younger girl?) was following Rick? Or potentially someone from another group was following and watching him. Either way, there's a handgun on the loose and I think it shows itself in the not too distant future. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. No wonder he's a clean shaven Lands End model!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Since multiple folks have mentioned the number of casualties in past attacks, let me just ask this: what is an acceptable number? You guys all good with the number that we've already lost? You good with 25 a year? 100 a year? 3500 in one year and then about 100 total in the 10 years after that? Why are we talking like any number is acceptable? We are talking about people's lives, right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Agreed Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Again, I'm not arguing that you're wrong. We all need to be cautious of Islam and its followers. Personally, I like the line in Lone Survivor that Matt Axelson supposedly said, " Schwack 'em, Schwack 'em all." If I were in their shoes, I couldn't argue that I wouldn't have said the same thing. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. I don't disagree with what you're saying, just pointing out what the country was founded upon. Take away religious freedoms next thing you know we're no longer a free country. Where does the slippery slope end? I don't have an answer for the question, I can see both sides. I can tell you that I won't stand for some Islamic radicals trying to "cleanse" me. The Bible tells me that I'm not to stand by and watch my friends and loved ones be killed if I am able to prevent it. We're a long way from something like that happening on a large scale here in America with no law enforcement there to do anything about it, but should we reach that point I'll stand up and die for what I believe in. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Careful, one of the reasons America was founded was because the settlers wanted religious freedom. When our country has been founded on freedom of religion, all religions, it becomes hard to say which religions are and are not allowed. Currently we do not allow religions that break our laws (i.e. Use of drugs, possession of controlled substances, etc) or put people's wellbeing in danger. Can we argue that Islam puts people's lives in danger, sure. But when you only have a small amount of them that are radicals and want to cause that danger to others it becomes a witch hunt of sorts. Am I comfortable with Islamists or Islam? No. Am I a supporter of them being able to practice their religion? If they do it peacefully, yes. Do I pay attention to my surroundings and have a plan to kill everyone that I meet? Yep. Should we all have the same plan? Yep. What you are proposing is the same thing that liberals propose about firearms. "All guns are bad, no one should have them." You and I don't think that's the case. Slippery slope that we would be going down if it were to be proposed. Food for thought, that's all. Stay warm tonight, folks. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. I like to go camping... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Red beans and rice... I know what's gonna cook in the crockpot all day tomorrow! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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