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Everything posted by Tedro2022

  1. I’ve been doing some reading about 6.5 Creedmoor. That’s sort of what got me itching, honestly. @Chucktshoes do you have one? Do you prefer it in a bolt action or on an AR platform? @Greyfox54, I’ve got a .22 in the safe as well, but I may pick up a Ruger 10/22. Can’t ever have enough of those!
  2. Tedro2022

    New Rifle

    Ok, so here’s the deal. I want to build, or acquire a new rifle. I have the following calibers already in the safe: .223 .308 .556 .300 blackout .300 win mag I’m ok with building a rifle, or buying one straight out. Not torn at all between an AR15/AR10 platform or bolt gun. Just looking to add something to the collection. I like to hunt (a little) and target shoot (a little). So my question for the forum is this, what should I get? I know that’s a broad spectrum question, but I’m welcoming all answers/ideas. Thanks in advance, Tedro C.
  3. You’re right, it was a Safer at Home order. My apologies to all, I had no intention of spreading bad information. Guess I’ll start cleaning guns and loading mags and organizing ammo. Been a while since I’ve been in the gun room.
  4. Cooper just announced that Metro Nashville/Davidson County will shut down all “nonessential business” for 14 days. Shelter in place and social distancing are to be practiced. Hope everyone is prepared for what comes next.
  5. Got up early this morning for my, much anticipated, fall turkey hunt. Thought the rain might ruin it. Havent heard so much as a peep since I’ve been out here.
  6. I thought it had gone down from previous seasons. That said I haven’t seen as many in the last couple years either, probably why the reduction in the limit.
  7. Anybody getting excited to get some fall turkey hunting in? I hate that I missed this spring, and this fall is a short window, but I’ve gotta get out next weekend!
  8. it ain't spring but I'm cleaning out the house. This isn't firearms related but I've got a Weider Power Tower that I no longer need. Its 6 years old and still in very good condition. Not missing any parts, free of rust, and great for someone looking to get started on a fitness plan. Looks almost exactly like the one that's below. First person to pm me and come out to pick it up in Lebanon can have it.
  9. I just picked up some Lawn Weed & Crabgrass Killer (Bayer Advanced brand) in a concentrate yesterday. Figure I'll give it a shot first and if it doesn't work I'll run by Tractor Supply and try the other 24d stuff. I just moved into a new construction subdivision late last year and the front yard was sodded, there's crabgrass coming up in places and I'm convinced that it's because my awesome neighbor doesn't mow his yard. He waits until it's ridiculously tall and then has a lawn service come out My back yard I seeded, and the guy behind me mows his back yard once every other month. You can see where the crabgrass has spread under my fence from his yard into mine. He makes me just as as the guy next door to me. I don't speak to them much. Momma told me if I didn't have anything nice to say...
  10. I'll have to read the book. What at I just picked up on in the movie was the "terminal" part. I'm no physician, but doesn't that pretty well mean that you're gonna die?
  11. So I'm watching the movie again (bored on a Friday night, start making fun now) and I have one question... If the answer is to infect humanity with a TERMINAL illness, what's the point? Doesn't that wipe out humanity no matter what? Apparently I missed this the first time around. I suppose the answer is that they make a vaccine to a terminal illness and that works, but in reality how long does it take for that to actually happen?
  12. Coffee this morning was hot until I got out of church, which never happens. Ice water tonight has been frigid since I filled it this afternoon (that includes an hour in the parking lot in the hot car while I was grocery shopping). This thing is gonna be my new best friend!!! Good thing I've got one stashed away in case this one gets stolen!
  13. Mine were sitting on the front steps when I got home this afternoon and they look great! Thanks again David!
  14. I have a bottle of their small batch rye, very tasty. You'll not be disappointed!
  15. That's a lot of boxes! Thanks for putting this together David! Can't wait to get mine in the mail this week!!!
  16. I just got an email from Pandora yesterday morning saying that they had a security breach and that my account login and password had been posted up on some internet site... SEVERAL MONTHS AGO And this is the first I'd heard about it??? Now they're supporting BLM? Why do you as a music streaming business need to support an organization like that? Why do you even release that statement? Well, revenue of course. So now you're making money off of police officers being murdered? Nah, I'm good. I'll be checking out Apple Music, Spotify and the rest to see who I'd rather use.
  17. I Am Legend and Book of Eli both got me thinking and started preparing for a "what if..." after I watched them. Very different scenarios, both very real possibilities. Book of Eli probably more so, I don't want to have to think about what may or may not be left after a nuclear war here in the US of that magnitude. If it were an I Am Legend type scenario it would seem to be a little easier to rely on your stock pile of goods until the initial hysteria, etc died off and then you could further fortify and forage. I suppose my firearm of choice for just having one gun would be either my Franken-AR or the Remington 870 12 gauge. Probably lean toward the AR for more capacity. Both rounds should be easy to scavenge in a SHTF scenario, and both rounds are very practical and capable of doing what you need them to. The idea of a pistol crossed my mind but if you're using your pistol, aren't you using it to get to your long gun?
  18. Went last weekend, didn't see a posting and didn't get a pat down of any sort either. Made no difference as I didn't have one with me though. Had started day drinking with a plan of staying home until I got a last minute call from a buddy who drove us down there. It it is a nice park, don't remember who won the game though...
  19. Just ordered two 20 oz tumblers, can't wait to get them!!!
  20. My sister and her family live in southeast New Mexico on 40 acres. If it weren't for the river cutting through their land it would be almost inhospitable. She and I have had the same talk though, she wants me to head that way if it ever happens. I'm more inclined to find a way to stick it out here in TN until it's just not possible. At that point all bets are off.
  21. Yep, earth toned preferred... I'm in for a couple either way.
  22. I'm in for a couple 20 oz'ers. They look great! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. I believe it was at that point that Carol shot the big propane tank and caused the explosion.
  24. I'm tired of the stupid look on Rick's face when he's thrust into these situations. It's starting to wear on me that he's just always got a look like he's bewildered that these things are happening to his group. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Alleluia! He is risen indeed! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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