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Everything posted by TN9mm

  1. TN9mm

    Police vs EMS

    Now that's funny right there I don't care who you are.
  2. TN9mm

    Police vs EMS

    +1 hit the nail on the head. I am taking the PAT test in like....2 hrs to get into the academy. I want to eventually be a School Resource Officer and help be a + influence on some kids. I for one will be #1 on that list through and through.....as for #3 they are what they are and need to be replaced by more #1's.
  3. Sounds like a plan, if it feels like crap and points like crap for you then you will know, one of the best ways to see what you like and don't. Also be mindful of where all the controls (if any) are and how they fall in your hand as well. Something will fit and feel right and that will help you make your decision. Glocks feel and point like crap in my hands with that crazy rake that they have, but that is me, and that is why I don't have one. The 1911 grip angle works for me points w/o trying that is why all my guns have that angle my . Good luck happy hunting.
  4. Nice gun, it is dang ugly but kinda cool, sorta like a fugly puppy. I gave it serious consideration when I got my EMP, if I was into pocket carry I would have got her. But that dang EMP she is soooo sexy and fit my hand so nice, she made me spend the extra $$ on her. Plus she was the one I really wanted anyway. Nice pistol, in the fugly dog kinda way...seriously enjoy & congrats. BTW I don't blame you for carrying a .380 at all, and anyone who does will not volunteer to let you empty a mag into them either... so be safe and "carry" on.
  5. Here is my std daily load out: Crackberry--(In its Verizon tactical leather holster) Keys Wallet-(w HCP of course sometimes a few dollars) Gerber Paraframe I (Fine Edge w Titanium Nitrate Coating) Tactical Blistex (Mint) Special Edition wood handled Swiss Army knife Extra Mag Springfield EMP in Don Hume open top OWB Holster If I'm out after dark Eagle Tac P10A2 light (awsome light for the $$)
  6. Congrats! nice set up, you may want to try cross draw if you are carrying that far forward as well. :up: to you.
  7. Nikki- I am deeply sorry for you I know what this meant to you and for you. I hope and believe that the legislature will do the right thing and hopefully send a message back to the govenor for this spineless veto. Don't give up yet. Take care and try to have a good weekend.
  8. Carry...no, I've done it enough to know it is not really a good option at all, but no full size pistol is really. That said, protect my live....absolutely. I can not force that gun to malfunction even by trying to. I would trust my life to that gun without hesitation, I know it works, I know how it has been taken care of, I know it will go bang and where that bullet will go (can't ask for much more). Preferably if in a fire fight I'd have a 12ga, but you don't always get to plan for such things do you?
  9. You beat me too it I just read this myself...very disapointing. Hopefully the legislature will have the balls to override the veto.
  10. It definately is. If you were closer I'd be happy to get with you sometime to let you handle/shoot the gun.
  11. LOL...that is halarious. Joe I've said it before but you and your guys rock. Evil bunnies, squirles, and groundhogs beware.
  12. Dude... I was already jealous of your Grand Raptor II then this.... you really are a jerk man.... Just kidding that is a sweet Pistol, nice grab enjoy. Oh and some fine shooting BTW.
  13. TN9mm

    new to me

  14. Nice dog...the gun is OK too.... Just kidding congrats that's a good looking rig. :up:
  15. I'd go with the Ruger, actually I did. I have the P95 and for the money it is a great value. I have not had one issue with it period. If you go with the blued version you can be out the door for a good bit under $400 if you look around. It is a large gun, but it is what it is, a full size combat pistol. My bill was $410 OTD for mine but I bought a bunch of other crap from the gun store while I was there. I don't regret buying it and doubt I'd ever sell it (would not really be worth much if I did). I'm as accurate with it as I was with my Beretta 92FS that I let go. It is not a bad thing to have a gun that is a high value piece that your not sacred to use and abuse..... just my . Let us know what you decide.
  16. Oh you've come for my guns....what guns? I sold all my guns a while back, sure beat giving them to you. Good day sir.
  17. Glad it all worked out....done it once myself and was beyond paranoid once I realized what was up. Don't think it will happen again.
  18. +1 on the Punisher grips...nice set up!
  19. Yea....what he said! +1 mousegunner
  20. Perhaps, but I think the supposed puny .22 is vastly underrated and underestimated by many. Competent shot placement and high quality ammo are key, it can be a devastating round especially in a cumulative effect. There are many (very many) 6ft under that were a little more than just pi**ed off from being hit by a .22. All handgun calibers have succeeded and failed at stopping an opponent. Sure "bigger holes bleed more" and every other cliche you would like to throw out there. However, you can not argue that a .22 in your pocket when the SHTF instead of a .45 in the safe is way, way better. It's all about options, and what you are comfortable with. JMHO With that said, I carry a 9mm (what else would TN9MM be packin) and there are some, more than some, that think that is too small. I humbly disagree and that is fine. #1 rule to a gun fight.....have a gun!
  21. +1 Good advice. They are big and heavy but they are what they are.... a full size combat pistol. That said, it is a great first gun and would serve him very well. If he is looking for a carry piece would recommend smaller JMHO. He can always use this as his anchor to start the collection. Good luck let us know how it turns out.
  22. TN9mm


    Now you have my attention...can't wait.
  23. TN9mm

    Gun pr0n!

    Very Nice! Tough to make those Glock's sexy...but those Kimber's very SEXY! Cool dog btw!


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