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About Cottonmouth

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    Memphis, TN
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  1. From my understanding, the 5000-series isn't really that much better than the 4000-series. We'll see once they become more widely available. In any case, whenever you're upgrading a system, you've got to figure out where the bottleneck is, what's the part that limits everything else. That may or may not be your graphics card if you've already got a 4070.
  2. Well I hope some of y'all made it anyway. I haven't checked this site in a few months and missed it, would have loved to meet some locals. Hopefully there will be another.
  3. Really? Last I heard it was close to a thousand bucks to get your foot in the door there, and four hundred a year after that. They just let any old riff-raff in off the street? If you can get them to let us have a little meetup there, that would be cool. I think the main problem is that people just don't check this forum that often. There's got to be a way to organize...
  4. Not a snubnose, something with a 4 inch barrel or longer. Cash, silver, bitcoin.
  5. I can take or leave a lot of popular sports, but the ocho is so much fun. My favorites I've seen on there are competitive 'tag' and motocross with sidecars.
  6. I like my Springfield Hellcat, which is a tiny subcompact thing. Especially after upgrading the trigger to an Apex. The P365 is another good choice, but I just like the U-shaped sights on the Hellcat better. It's pretty much perfect.
  7. Kel-Tec Sub-2000. It folds up and goes right in the bag, and takes Glock magazines. At some point, striker-fired polymer pistols, while nice and mechanically perfect, just get boring. I remember going to the range with my buddy, we pulled out half a dozen assorted Glocks and M&Ps and stuff, and laid them all out. Fired them all a few times. But we agreed, his revolver and my Sub-2000 were the most fun to shoot, and kept going back to those.
  8. I'm pretty interested in the Rossi RM66, a .357 revolver with a 6" barrel. The price is right (can be found for under $500) and people are giving it good reviews, from what I've seen. Has anyone got any experience with it? https://rossiusa.com/revolvers/rm66
  9. Shame that this hasn't gone anywhere since early 2020. Anyone near Memphis still up for a meetup and range day?
  10. 1 cup self-rising cornmeal; OR one cup regular cornmeal, 1/4 tsp salt, and 1 tsp baking powder 1 heaping tablespoon flour 1 large egg 2 tbsp oil 1 tbsp cider vinegar 1 cup milk 1. Preheat oven to 425. Grease a cast-iron skillet with vegetable shortening or lard and let it come up to heat in that oven. 2. Add a tablespoon of cider vinegar to a cup of milk, stir and let sit as it sours and curdles. 3. Mix the 'dry' ingredients, cornmeal and flour, in a separate bowl from the 'wet' ingredients: the egg, oil, and soured milk. 4. When the milk is soured and the oven is up to the right temperature, and the skillet is heated and ready to go, then, working quickly, mix the 'wet' and 'dry' ingredients together. Don't worry about getting it completely smooth, but do break up any big lumps. Overmixing the batter will cause the cornbread to come out dense and tough. 5. As soon as the batter is mixed, take the cast iron skillet from the oven, and pour the batter into it. Do not stir. 6. Return the skillet to the oven and bake until the top is golden-brown, has started to crack a bit, and the cornbread has begun to pull away from the sides of the skillet. This takes about 15-20 minutes depending on the size of your skillet. 7. Dump the cornbread from the skillet onto a cooling rack so it does not continue to cook.
  11. primerswarehouse.com is a scam I placed an order and then got a text from someone telling me to send money through Zelle to some random person whose name was not listed on the website. This seems to be a common theme. buymymags.com is a scam I placed an order and six months later it still hadn't arrived, and the tracking number showed that the label was created and nothing had been shipped. There's no publicly available email address or phone number for them to contact them about it, and the only way to contact them is through creating an account. So if you did a guest checkout, you're just screwed, because the order doesn't show up on your account if you create it afterward... such as to ask why your order hasn't been shipped after six months.
  12. I'd like this! Even if it's a pretty small one.
  13. good for you! i had an old homelite chainsaw that was my grandfather's, but it was lost in a move. now i've got a husqvarna chainsaw i'm trying to get running. apparently no one in town likes working on the things, so i'm more or less on my own...
  14. remember, the purpose of the mask isn't to protect the person wearing it, it's to keep the person wearing it from spreading the disease, if they have it, through aerosolized droplets of spit and such. when a surgeon wears a surgical mask, it's not to keep him from breathing in stuff from the patient, it's to keep him from breathing onto the incisions and causing an infection that way. i, for one, am glad wearing a mask in public is normalized for the moment, what with facial recognition technology coming into play.


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