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Everything posted by TNinfidel

  1. I guess I'm not surprised Taylor is still on the list.  Maryville even voted themselves a sales tax increase.
  2. I am involved in the Beat Lamar campaign.  We are committed to removing Lamar's progressive, statist butt.   http://www.beatlamar.com/   Attend a your local meeting this Saturday and get fliers, t-shirts and volunteer to spread the word.   Facebook page is here with lots of updates- https://www.facebook.com/BeatLamar
  3. For quite some time now, they have been stacking the armed forces leadership positions with dedicated progressives.  Col. Bateman is a traitor as are probably most of the presently serving generals and upper leadership.  These people would have no problem firing on Americans and that, I'm afraid, is exactly what Obama and the rest of the statist henchmen are counting on.
  4.   I think you mean citizens as the police are supposed to be civilian as well.  Militarized police forces are part of the problem today and will run roughshod over rights and liberty.  Any country that has a militarized police is rife with corruption and serious human rights abuses.  I've seen it first hand in Russia, where people are as afraid of the police as they are the criminals.
  5. Too bad Taylor can't be voted out.  The councilmen that voted him in can be though.  If they can kick them out up in Pennsylvania, we can most certainly give them the boot here.   http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/11/17/PA-Town-Goes-Bitter-Clinger-Keeps-Guns-Jettisons-Mayor
  6.   +1       I couldn't agree more.   :clap:   If I remember correctly, in ancient Greece they considered actors to be on the same level as prostitutes.  That's about right I'd say.
  7. This woman is the typical deluded "progressive".  Check out her take on the 2nd Amendment and what she thinks of its supporters.  And to think, this vile person is raising two children...    http://heatherwhaleyusa.com/2013/05/29/treason/
  8. Show her YouTube channel some love!  I bet she's sure to add some anti-American cheese to that recipe. :down:   [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZIHkambJrU[/media]  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZIHkambJrU   Real classy woman: [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=989lnnVPRZA[/media]
  9.   That magazine was Recoil.  The issue was former Recoil editor Jerry Tsai's comments on who should and should not be allowed to own the H&K MP7.   Read more about it here- http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/09/robert-farago/readers-recoil-from-recoil-magazine/   And here- http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/09/robert-farago/statement-from-recoil-on-jerry-tsais-resignation/   You will find links at the bottom of each article relating to the subject as well.
  10. Wow, great news they stepped up and canned his sorry statist ass earlier than planned.    Thanks for the link!
  11.   Perhaps you should read the column he wrote in Guns & Ammo.  While he may not be completely anti-gun, he is definitely anti-liberty.  In spite of the elitist credentials he touts in the article, he still doesn't seem to understand the meaning of "well regulated" as written in the 2nd Amendment.  Instead he spews "progressive" talking points as to why government should tell you what Rights you should and should not be allowed.  By his logic, the right to keep and bear arms should be limited to only those who can afford to pay the fees the state may impose.     I would hardly call Hornady's response reasonable especially with the silly analogy of firearms and nuclear weapons.  They are just enabling more of the progressive statist philosophy that is destroying this country.
  12. Dick Metcalf, a contributing editor at Gun & Ammo, And his twisted view of the 2nd Amendment.  This fellow is one of the jokers that helped draft the 1986 Volkmer-McClure FOPA.  Being true to his Illinois roots, he believes government should dole out your rights as it sees fit.  Metcalf also completely misinterprets (on purpose or sheer ignorance I don't know) the meaning of "A well regulated Militia".     Unbelievable they have a gun control advocate writing columns at G&A.   http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/11/05/Guns-Ammo-Editor-All-Constitutional-Rights-Need-Regulation-2nd-Amendment-Included    
  13. We need more people standing up putting the other traitors in our government on notice.  As I remember, Corker was/is all for supporting the jihadis in Syria also.  The current resident of the White House is guilty of treason as well but not a word from the media.  
  14.   His votes to confirm Holder and Sotamayor should be enough reason to can his traitor butt.  Sad how so many will blindly vote for him regardless.  
  15.   Weaver did not open fire on the "cops".  They opened fire on him.  Maybe you could tell us what Weaver was finally convicted of that warranted the murder of his son and wife?   You should remove the American flags in your avatar and replace them with something more appropriate for those who love tyranny.
  16.   Wow, just wow...   :puke:
  17. I too am Spartacus.
  18. My reply to the editor at the Daily Times,   "Daily Times , your reporter failed to mention that the MAIG is an extremely controversial anti-gun coalition funded by Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York City.  Your reporter also failed to point out that the guns that Tom Taylor is railing against are 100% legal.  The truth is he wants to institute another "assault weapons" ban and to make guns like the AR-15 illegal to own by the common citizen.   Over all this article is very poorly written and heavily biased in favor of curbing 2nd Amendment rights.  To say otherwise is a feeble attempt at deception or maybe just deluded."   Not sure if they will allow this to stay up since they seem to think there was no bias in their reporter's article.  Nothing but leftist bias in media local and national... :down:   http://www.thedailytimes.com/Local_News/story/Maryville-Mayor-Tom-Taylor-joins-group-against-illegal-guns-id-039374
  19. I pointed out the anti-2nd Amendment bias in the article at the Daily Times and they claim in a response that there is none.  Are they really that deluded?
  20. What this amounts to is this "progressive" lackey, Taylor, only supports the parts of the Constitution he likes.  The â€œI have a friend who is retired military. He said there is only one place assault rifles should be and that’s on the battlefield” statement is priceless.  As if somehow his friend's military service gives his anti-Constitutional views extra credibility.   I served in the military too but that doesn't make me a higher class of citizen.  That tactic is pathetic and shameful.   http://www.thedailytimes.com/Local_News/story/Maryville-Mayor-Tom-Taylor-joins-group-against-illegal-guns-id-039374
  21. Maryville's Facebook page has now been updated at the top to read,   "The purpose of the City's Facebook page is to provide information regarding events, road closures, and other items as it effects residents' daily life.  If you would like to address any other topics, you are invited to attend our council meetings held every first Thursday at 7 p.m."   They deleted everyone's comment there except the two of mine.
  22. Been on an overnight backpacking trip with my son.  I see they deleted all the comments but mine from the Facebook page.  They deleted my comment and site rating (where it says "What do you think about this place?").  Strange doings.   Gun sane, did you ever get a call back from the Managing Editor of the Maryville Daily Times?  I'm going to give the Taylor and the the Times a call on Monday as well.  After the huge 2nd Amendment rally we had at the court house you'd think these politicians and their minions would have taken notice.
  23.   Thanks for checking.  If any of you with a Facebook account want to jump in an comment on their page it would be a great help.  May put a bit of pressure on them.
  24.   I still see both my comments there.  Maybe it is a glitch with book Facebook?


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