I have had several family and friends asking about owning their first firearms due to the recent riots, and money is usually a factor. My break down for them is usually this: if you're a decent shot or willing to train first buy a good used handgun and a good holster (m&p, glock, Springfield,..etc brands that are common and reliable even after heavy use). A handgun can be kept on you at all times, you have two free hands, and if you need to be out for whatever reason its concealable. Next get a decent shotgun like a mossberg 500. My reasoning is that first, they can be bought used for 300 bucks or less. Second, they are always gonna go bang even with a beating, and lastly they're not the best shots, and its a shotgun it's a one-and-done if you give a potential violent attacker a load of 00 to the chest. When asked what caliber/guage I usually say. "Whatever you can find the most of" and leave it at that. I have found most newbies will pay 450 for a used glock 17, but nearly throw up at the thought of paying 600 for a new one. I just try to keep them away from Taurus.