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Everything posted by JN01

  1. Thanks. I read through all the statutes and couldn't find anything further regarding a suspension period for class B, though it is possible I missed it. I generally try to avoid giving my business to posted places, but sometimes you need to go anyway. I do my best to comply with the law, but every now and then, you can come across a business that is posted in a funny place or manner, or for some reason, you simply missed the sign. It is nice to know that lesser violations are not being made a priority. I'd hate to be that one guy they decide to make an example of though.
  2. Being a new resident of Tennessee and having recently been approved for a handgun carry permit, I have been reading Tennessee weapon related laws. I am a bit confused by a couple sections. TN Code 39-17-1352 states: (a) The department shall suspend or revoke a handgun permit upon a showing by its records or other sufficient evidence that the permit holder: (6) Has violated any other provision of 39-17-1351 - 39-17-1360 or 39-17-1366; Violations of these codes are for the most part Class B misdemeanors punishable by a $500 fine only. Further on in 39-17-1352: (f) (1) If a permit holder is convicted of a Class A misdemeanor offense, the permit holder shall surrender the permit to the court having jurisdiction of the case for transmission to the department. (2)The permit holder shall not be permitted to lawfully carry a handgun or exercise the privileges conferred by the permit for the term of the sentence imposed by the court for the offense or offenses for which the permit holder was convicted. (g) In order to reinstate a permit suspended pursuant to subsection (e) or (f), the permit holder shall pay a reinstatement fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) with one half (1/2) of the fee payable to the department of safety and one half (1/2) payable to the court that suspended the permit. If I am reading this correctly, Class A misdemeanor offenders may have their permit reinstated, but less serious Class B misdemeanor offenders have no mechanism to have their permit reinstated. Is my analysis wrong? If someone inadvertently or intentionally disregarded a posted business and had his permit revoked for that violation, he could never get his permit back?
  3. Nice set. I have a Cheetah (81BB) and a 950BS myself. They are great guns. The .25 doesn't really have a practical use, but like you, I like mouse guns. It is fun to shoot.
  4. Glock 26 Gen 4 98% of the time. If I'm wearing a heavy coat and can't easily access the Glock, I will carry a Beretta Pico or NAA Guardian .32 in the handwarmer pocket of the coat as a secondary gun.
  5. Yeah, apparently the state did its job, who would have thought that a division of the Federal government would be incompetent?
  6. Finally got my permit. After the Dept of Safety and Homeland Security mailed it to me on Dec 10th, USPS, rather than delivering it to me, returned it to DSHS- after SIX WEEKS! DSHS re-mailed it to me as soon as they received it.
  7. I don't know if they changed the design, I was wondering if they had (to add the Enhanced permit wording, for example) which might account for a longer delay in sending them out. I should be accustomed to waiting as my last two Ohio carry permit renewals didn't go that well. By law, the Sheriff's office is supposed to mail your renewal out to you within 45 days. The county I renewed in decided that should be 45 business days (not what the law says) so I didn't get mine for two months. The next renewal (in a different county) again went over 60 days, my thought was that they were misinterpreting the same provision of the law. After another week, I called the Sheriff's office and was told they mailed it out the day after my application, but since I never received it they would print out another and I could pick it up that day. Got to love government efficiency.
  8. I also wondered if, because the law changed Jan 1, they changed the design of the permit and were waiting to issue the new design rather than send out the old one.
  9. I applied for a handgun carry permit which was approved on Dec 5. The TN e-services web site indicated that it should be mailed out in 10 business days. I still hadn't received it by Dec 21, so I checked back on the web site and they had changed it to read that I should receive it between Dec 19 and Dec 30. Still haven't received it. What is the normal time frame for them to be mailed out?
  10. Looks like an awesome range and not that far to travel- thanks for the tip. Thanks to all for the welcome.
  11. I ordered one, think it will be a fun gun. I have an AA conversion kit that runs so-so, I'm hoping the G44 will be a bit better. 15 round magazines would be nicer than 10 round, but doesn't really bother me that much. I had been considering a Ruger SR22 to fill the same role, but I'm used to Glock triggers and don't really care for the backward SR safety.
  12. I retired from 30 years of service with the State of Ohio (Corrections Officer) on Halloween and moved into a new house just east of the Sevierville city limits. Still learning when to avoid the peak tourist traffic, but am learning the back ways around pretty well. Love the mountain views. One of the great things is having a newly re-opened indoor range about 3/4 of a mile from my house. I am looking for an outdoor range where I can shoot muzzleloaders. I am aware of the Gatlinburg Sportsmans Club, but don't really want to pay for another range membership fee just to burn black powder occasionally. Anyone know of a place in or around Sevier County?


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