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Everything posted by JN01

  1. Excellent bill.
  2. A while back, there were a bunch of surplus Beretta 71s that had fake suppressors installed in order to be able to import them to the US.
  3. The requirement is the state law referenced in my OP. It refers to government property which is not covered by other sections of the law such as schools, courtrooms, etc. I still haven’t found out if the fairgrounds is owned by the county or privately, which would make a difference.
  4. I guess I assumed the fairgrounds was owned by Sevier County, but I don't know that for sure.
  5. I went to a rodeo at the Sevier County fairgrounds last week. They had a large sign stating that no weapons were allowed, violators will be prosecuted. If I am reading it correctly, TN Code 39-17-1359(g) says that local governments can prohibit guns on their property, however, unless the property falls under the category of a sensitive area where concealed carry is already prohibited under other sections of the law, posting it requires that they provide metal detectors and personnel to check everyone entering. Since no security screening was provided, are the signs legally binding?
  6. If I am reading it correctly, the Senate adopted an amended version of SB765 which differed from the original in that there is no longer the requirement for the person to meet the qualifications to obtain an enhanced concealed carry permit which includes being a Tennessee resident. Does the amended permitless carry bill include non-residents then?
  7. I think Manchin will go with his party on that, but even if he doesn't, Romney and a couple other Republicans probably would support an AWB. If there is any chance of stopping it, I think it will be in the House of Representatives.
  8. The cause of many groups these days is the destruction of capitalism, the end of free speech, retribution against anyone that doesn't completely agree with them (especially if they are white), and replacing law and order with anarchy. Why would any sane individual help them in that cause?
  9. I think we will soon see a repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, allowing leftist scum to barrage the industry with lawsuits, driving them to bankruptcy.
  10. I have a S&W Model 19 that is a 3+3.
  11. Smoky Mountain Knife Works, next to Bud's, has a firearms department as well.
  12. The GOA has always talked a good game, but their accomplishments don’t equal their rhetoric. The NRA has been more pragmatic, and though some people don’t like it, have sometimes compromised to make steady incremental gains for the RKBA over the years. Unfortunately, the NRA hasn’t much to show for its efforts the past few years, maybe this is due to the lack of leadership. Perhaps a silver lining to the abomination of a lawsuit (brought by the woman who four years ago called NRA members terrorists, but who is now supposedly concerned about our welfare) would be getting rid of LaPierre and company. The SAF, though small, seems to be quite effective on the litigation front. You can contact NRA membership services and opt out of phone calls and junk mail, I haven’t received either for years.
  13. Mine is a range plinker.
  14. Is this old school enough?
  15. If the permitless carry bill passes, wouldn't you then still be able to carry in TN even if the HCP was suspended/revoked?
  16. I just looked up caption bills, very curious. Guess it might be a few days before they add the amended language. I am interested to see if people using the constitutional carry provision will be under the same restrictions as those with a concealed handgun permit or the less restrictive enhanced permit, or something entirely different. Seems like it could make the new concealed carry permit obsolete.
  17. That is a bill on criminal procedure.
  18. Back to the original topic, is there a bill number for the permitless carry proposal so we can read the actual language?
  19. I have a G44 that had 3 malfunctions early on, but aside from those, has functioned perfectly for over 600 rounds. The Glock Talk forums have several threads on the G44, there have been a few people with issues, lots of people re-hashing the problem guns from a couple YouTube videos, and quite a few people that have had minimal or no issues. It would suck to be the guy that gets one of the few bad ones, though.
  20. Another point on training: you can force people to attend, but you can't make them retain or utilize the information. Conversely, if some one is concerned and motivated enough to seek training on their own, it is more likely to stick with them.
  21. Those Vermont Yankees have had permitless carry for over a century. Fifteen other states have gone that way more recently, all after gloom and doom, blood in the street predictions of critics. It seems the dire predictions were wrong, it shouldn’t be any different for Tennessee.
  22. Looks like a fine one. Who is the builder?
  23. I had sent e-mails to my state representatives asking about this matter, I just received a response from Senator Swann: So I am left still a bit confused, but less concerned.
  24. Before I moved to TN, I lived a couple miles from AIM Surplus. The guns they sell are usually pretty close to the condition described, though many times they are better. Some of the other surplus companies tend to ship out whatever they lay their hands on, regardless of what grade it is supposed to be. One of the last guns I picked up from them before I moved was a S&W 6906 in very good condition. It is a great shooter. Magazines are a little harder to find than the full size S&W Gen 3 autos though.


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