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Everything posted by JN01

  1. The judicial picks made by the President can have a lasting impact for decades, so selection of the President does matter to some extent.
  2. I've wondered if those things allowed someone to fire bursts or if it was basically a run-away machine gun.
  3. If I'm reading it correctly, the constitution says that proposed amendments have to be approved by both chambers of the legislature twice, once before and once after an election, then if approved, it has to be voted on by the citizens during a gubernatorial election. So this would be a several years process?
  4. I agree. Property owners can require patrons to wear a shirt and shoes, but it is not a criminal offense if you walk into their store barefooted.
  5. Since they are allowed to make up or change definitions at their whim, what's to stop them from declaring all AR pistols, braced or not, to be SBRs?
  6. Thanks for your efforts and the update.
  7. Mark W Smith, SCOTUS Bar member, has detailed analysis of court cases. https://www.youtube.com/@TheFourBoxesDiner
  8. I'm fairly new to Tennessee and had no idea the governors veto can be overridden with a simple majority. That makes it more puzzling why a Republican led House and Senate can't enact better RKBA protections.
  9. For a short and sweet booklet that hits the main points: Hayes_SDLaw.pdf (armedcitizensnetwork.org)
  10. Kydex OWB holster at 2:00, concealed under an untucked button- down shirt.
  11. It's a little ways off, but there will be the 44th Annual Tennessee Kentucky Rifle Show in Knoxville April 21-22. Will be plenty of knowledgeable people there that you could show it to. 44th Annual Tennessee Kentucky Rifle Show – Contemporary Longrifle Association
  12. Excluding high-end guns like Korth and Manurhin, I'd opt for a pre-lock S&W 686 Plus or a Ruger Security Six. For current production guns, GP100.
  13. Someone on another gun board suggested shipmygun.com. I don't have any personal experience with them so I can't vouch for their service, but it might be worth looking into. Guns ship through a network of FFLs, $29 for a long gun, $39 for a handgun.
  14. Some of the sensitive area restrictions are ripe for challenge, i.e. parks and green spaces for the non-enhanced permits and permitless carry. Perhaps, also, the criminal charge for carrying on posted private property.
  15. I had a friend who is a HK nut, I don't think he owns any other brand. I've shot some of them and particularly liked the VP9. They have a nice fit and finish and I was able to shoot them well, but I can't say that, performance wise, they were all that much better than their competitors, and for me personally, not worth the extra cost.
  16. When the officers were trying to cuff him, that ATF agent sounded like a typical street thug- "I'm not getting on the ground", "I'm not resisting" (as he is resisting), "I have a medical condition", "I can't breathe", "My wife is pregnant". What a jerk drama queen.
  17. Glock has been one of the most naturally pointing pistols for me, same as a 1911 with an arched mainspring housing.
  18. Yes, signed by the governor on 5/11, effective 5/25.
  19. Thanks for the clarification. I can understand the reasoning behind that, though it seems extremely unlikely that it will ever go into effect. On the other hand, I never thought Roe v Wade would be overturned to activate the TN abortion law, so you never know.
  20. I read that last week the legislature passed HB 2509 and sent it to the Governor's office today. The bill would eliminate 39-17-1302(a)(4), removing short barreled rifles and shotguns from the list of prohibited weapons. Since they will still remain under NFA restrictions, what exactly is the purpose of this bill? They killed all those other worthy pro-gun bills but spent the time and effort to pass something that will have zero practical impact. I don't get it.
  21. Is this one seeing any movement in the legislature?
  22. The Justice Department that has taken legal action to prevent states from enforcing Federal immigration laws (that the Feds prefer to ignore) now wants to compel states to enforce Federal gun laws. Is the AG going to sue states that legalized recreational marijuana and make them enforce Federal drug laws? Just another example of the Dems shameless hypocrisy.
  23. Nice
  24. Sounds like common sense.


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