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About Brewer

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    Nashville, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Mine too! Can Santa bring us one for Christmas? Really helps for reading in a dark room.
  2. So what does this older, now called "enhanced," permit offer that the new and streamlined permit doesn't? Bingo. Rather join the 16 states that already have Constitutional carry.
  3. The victim's gesture looks like he was asked something innocuous like where to find the bathroom, lowering his guard. That and being frozen in the OODA loop. Nice shot from the guy who ended it. Just imagine how long it would take for police to respond if there were no armed congregants!
  4. Ha, not a chance. Everyone here comments on my Southern accent.
  5. This is why we have the electoral college -- otherwise NYC, LA, and Chicago would decide every presidential election. Founding fathers called it "tyranny of the majority". If only we could implement a similar electoral college on the state level. Exactly. I like the plan but agree with your prognosis.
  6. Greetings from Massachusetts. I was raised in TN though all my adulthood has been elsewhere, longest in central MA. The shooter community really sticks together behind enemy lines in New England. Our virtual rallying point is northeastshooters.com where I'm an active member (same name/avatar). Recent developments in Virginia convinced me 1) we need to monitor and support the 2A community outside our own regions and 2) nowhere is safe from 2A-intrusion, whether after one or several elections. I want to keep a finger on the pulse in TN, support local organizations, help preserve rights for the friends and family I visit several times every year. Thank you for having a similar regional forum to make these things happen. I intend to lurk and learn at first but hope to become an active contributor to this forum as well as NES. "A republic, if you can keep it."


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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

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