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Snaveba last won the day on May 6

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About Snaveba

  • Birthday 03/28/1969

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  • Interests
    Rocks, rock crawling, camping, shooting, bee keeping
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
  • Carry Weapon #2
    CZ p10s

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  1. Im wondering if this is a fake. The scale of the bike to the man seems way off. Or its a little kid shooting over a Harley.
  2. Well, there’s one in my inlaws’s pantry still going. It was in the kitchen of our house when we bought the place 25 years ago. We moved it to Mississippi and it’s been there working ever since.
  3. Good ole Mickey’s Big Mouth
  4. And Cisco, and Boone’s Farm, and Ripple, and Thunderbird….. For some reason in college we got on a bad fortified wine kick (binge) and it did NOT turn out well.
  5. Hopefully you caught yourself and didn’t crash to the floor. I’ve come close to the dreaded attic miss-step.
  6. That was quite a good game. I was thinking after the win “Vandy might be playing the #1 ranked team again the last game of the season”. Probably not any more.
  7. Wow. Good thing I’m not into bolt action rifles. GLWsS
  8. Price drop. $900 for rifle, $1050 for rifle with the peep sight
  9. Pets are as much (or more) family as anything. We invite them into our lives. They share our homes, they share our joys and our pains. I’m so sorry your friend is gone. We also lost one of our older cats a few months ago to kidney failure.


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