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Everything posted by Ninja9

  1. I don't have enough 9mm +p to do any real testing. I did load a mag staggered with 4 115gr wwb and 4 125gr +p Gold Dots. I could definitely tell them apart when shooting, but the recoil difference wasn't as great as i was expecting. I am carrying a g-26 with a 3.46" barrel, and would like to carry +p 124gr to make up for the shorter barrel length. My concern is that if i were to ever have to shoot the +p rounds, my follow up shots would be off or slower due to being used to the practice rounds... Wondering if i should stick with carrying standard pressure loads until i can find/afford to practice with +p Any thoughts?
  2. My instructor had us do head shots with our final 6 rounds. Probably because no one was really in danger of failing. If you have shot much at all you will probably get 100%. If it makes you feel better, you can qualify with a .22. You should, of course, make sure you are proficient with what you will be carrying before you carry it though
  3. In the spirit of the new administration, i feel this ammo should be divided among all TGOers. However, those who have already saved up a modest supply should not receive any, but should chip in a few hundred rounds themselves....
  4. Mr. Nick is making progress, guys. He actually joined the NRA I say we cut him some slack. Have to admit Ann has said a couple things that i felt were over the top myself. Stuff i think was said for the shock value and publicity. But i think dis,was,right,,,,on, , ,the,,munnie
  5. Nice! Love my 26. Had a 23 before that. Will probably stick with glocks from here on out.... Unless it's a bug.
  6. CONGRATS Mine was just issued friday. So i have just entered buzzard mode
  7. fwiw: Cordova WM has about 5 boxes of 9mm blazer brass as of 30 min ago. And several boxes of 9mm wwb. Dude at the counter said it wouldn't be there tomorrow, and i'm sure he's right. I have started just buying what i shoot now that i have 1,000 rounds of reserve (can't afford more than that). Still on the hunt for some gold dots, hst's, etc though.
  8. Rock on, man We need more open-minded people out there like you
  9. I have 1,500 Winchester large pistol primers i purchased back around '90-'93 (was reloading 10mm). They have just been sitting in a closet. Should these still be good? I have been thinking of getting back into reloading, but sounds like that won't help as much these days with the cost/supply issues I know reloading can be a fun hobby on it's own though..... I would most likely be reloading for 9mm, and would need small primers anyway. Will probably be putting them up for sale/trade soon. Will post back here when i do. IF you guys think they will still be good after this long?
  10. Ninja9


    You could leave a suction cup dart in the barrel. No one over the age of 8 would ever think to steal it.... Maybe put a Hulk sticker on it somewhere too I was looking at that link Mugster posted, and think my opinion of these guns has been less informed than i thought. Might actually pick one up myself at some point.... Still think that green one should be on the next ban list though
  11. I don't pray as much as i should. But most every time i do, i pray for our nation and it's leaders to do His will.
  12. Heh. When i get my grendel working, i'm sure i will regret not picking up a box or two. Lot of people apparently have been looking for .380 for a while.
  13. Ninja9


    Now that's a gun that needs to be banned.
  14. As of 4:30pm they had 4 100 round boxes of wwb. I think they were like $25/box. Had some .357 too. But no 9mm, .40, .45, etc.
  15. Thanks, Lieutenant You two should definitely call in a week if you ask me. Good Luck! Sorry are having to wait so long, man :-\ I would think one more week will do the trick. I can't think of anything i did out of the ordinary, or anything out of the ordinary that may be in any files they would have on me... Guess i just got lucky for once. Just under 5yrs ago i lived briefly in at an address that i wasn't sure about the zip code for. Was afraid that may have slowed things down for me if i got it wrong... Maybe some little error like that could slow things down
  16. Oh no.... NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS! MOVE ALONG... IGNORE THE CRAZY MAN WITH THE FISH! You know someone is going to try that now
  17. just called... Will be issued today! 7-14 days Was printed around 3:30 on march 20 at Range USA. You get a free range pass for being printed there, btw.
  18. That makes sense. I was always surprised the politicians would jump right in allowing OC. Just thinking with my head and not my heart here - I think OC should be avoided for the most part unless you are in a more rural area. While we see nothing wrong with OC, the public would FREAK if all the CCers OC'd for just one day.... Would they get used to it over time? ...With our media's spin on it?
  19. Very cool of you to take the time to put that together. I'm sure lots of people will appreciate it
  20. Ninja9


    I think Hickock was being, er... ironical Awesome vids I need more glockses!!!!
  21. Daaaaang... Not saying you shouldn't, but that's not much of an incentive to inform them Can't imagine the consequences of them finding out on their own being much worse than that.
  22. I'm just thinking there will be less chance of being told to call back in a week. That seems to be a common response when one of the checks isn't back. Might be able to get away with a 2nd call before a full week I'm a little paranoid about getting bottom stacked or something though
  23. I don't think i have seen anyone calling before 2 weeks. Tomorrow will be the 2 week mark for me. Going to try and wait until monday IF i can
  24. I'll check it out, but became skeptical the moment i saw Alex Jones mentioned. I have heard him on coasttocoastam quite a bit (yeah-i keep odd hours). Most of his 911 claims are totally ridiculous to say the least. I know that doesn't mean there is no truth in the video though. I'll don my and try to watch. I'm pretty shocked to see it hosted on an mtv sponsored site!
  25. I have been wanting to try this myself. Looking forward to seeing your progress, and more tips from Metal Good luck


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