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Everything posted by Ninja9

  1. Congrats! If i were getting a new handgun right now, that would be it. Hard to resist trading my glock 19 for one If i hadn't invested in all the mags and stuff for it and my 26 to share, i'd be all over it.
  2. Thanks Reefer Yeah. I found some really helpful vids on youtube. Answered quite a few questions.. Looks like my biggest obstacle will be finding buckshot that's cheap enough or casting my own... Still researching
  3. Very interesting. Thanks for the idea!
  4. I got a Lee Load All II over 20yrs ago, and never used it :/ Doesn't look like they've changed in all that time(?) ...Anyways. I'd like to replicate some of the 9 pellet low-recoil (1150 fps) stuff I've been shooting from brands like Fiocchi.... I'm not really interested in loading anything else right now. Slugs would probably be next. Anyone know of a good recipe(s) for what I'm looking for? And is there anywhere to get 00 buck shot at a price that makes sense, or will i need to cast my own for reloading to save me any money? I'm in an apartment, so that would be tricky :/ If this question is a lot more complicated than i'm thinking , links would be appreciated too. Thanks!!
  5. There seem to be a lot of people that don't like Nutn. Is it something he believes, his attitude, selling out to certain brands or what? I've watched his channel off and on for yrs. mostly off lately. I may have missed something?
  6. I have only carried iwb (@ about 1:30), and really love it with my modded "Glock sport/combat" holster and g26. But just got my first owb holster yesterday, and trying to find a way to conceal it at 3:30-4:00... Not having much luck so far. A simple t-shirt definitely isn't cutting it... I have gone back to the iwb, and *I* can't even see that i'm packing It's really comfortable too. I just don't like sweating on my gun Guess i will try picking up a over-sized short sleeve open shirt to try wearing over a tucked t-shirt. I agree with Shark that it will seem odd to wear in this heat. Maybe i'll check out those "fishing" shirts barewoolf mentioned. Looking forward to others' suggestions on this too
  7. I was uneasy carrying with one in the chamber at first, but i don't give it a 2nd thought now. Only thing that worries me is fumbling for it in the dark under stress. So at night it is partially inserted in my holster on the night stand... Night sites help you grab it quicker too.... Unless the intruder is already in the room, i'm probably going for the 12ga first anyway though.
  8. VERY nice, Bigshot You're not helping with my itch to go back to the range though Trying to hold out for another week :-\
  9. Yep. Had some old post-its stuck to my desk, and figured why not.
  10. Herez how it went for me... 3.20.09 - Fingerprinted 4.03.09 - Called - "Permit issued. Allow 7-14 days" 4.15.09 - Permit Arrived Good luck
  11. You guys are all doing some great shooting here! No surprise there Sorry. Forgot to fill in the score. 69 if those 2 in the upper left count as 6's? This is my first time scoring a target Guess i should have put 9mm in the "ammo" field too... This was my best of 3 targets.
  12. Every knife in this thread is in the process of being banned. BELIEVE IT! http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/newsworthy-reports/22426-our-knives-danger.html (please post your thoughts there rather than pollute this thread ) To get back on topic.... Here is what i carry DAILY until my rights are further infringed. There are some other things i add to this from time to time.... edit: That's a g-26
  13. Really scary stuff for you both, i'm sure! Glad everyone is ok, and hope the cleanup/repair goes well
  14. Yeah. That thing is crazy loud when you are that close. I'm in the apartments right by it too Just went out to Range USA. Been looking forward to "shotgun night" for days .....They're closed Sign on the door said it was due to a power outage.... Swung by the bartlett walmart and scored some 9mm though. They had more wwb than would fit on the shelf, and quite a bit of blazer brass too.
  15. Yeah. Payback is a birch... sorry
  16. I had been wondering the same thing. I shot a couple boxes (9mm) last week. My accuracy didn't suffer at all with it, and it functioned as flawlessly as the blazer in my g-26. Not sure how clean it is compared to the blazer. My hands seemed a little dirtier, but i shot my little beretta 21a more than usual that day too i think. Maybe someone else can speak to how clean/dirty it is?.... fwiw: I'm not going to hesitate to buy it when the blazer or wwb isn't available, and it remains $8.96
  17. Yeah. Was pretty crazy. I was just leaving the cordova walmart when it hit there (ammo shelves pretty bare - no 9mm) Saw a few runaway carts on my way out of the parking lot. You would have thought they had sails on em... I don't remember ever seeing it that dark at that time of day. Needed ear plugs with that freaking siren right there across the street... Didn't see any significant damage first-hand, but did see several huge limbs like the one that was aparently targeting Punisher I could see that my power had been out, but was back up when i got home. Thankful for that
  18. Too freaking cool, man All it needs now is a light! ....and maybe some mud flaps
  19. Yeah. Nice job Must have been fun too! I too would be interested in hearing how that paint holds up.
  20. Cordova wm has a good supply (pulled my 2 boxes from under counter instead of display). But they had the Federal Champion 115gr 9mm in the Blazer slot. Selling for the same 8.97/box. Anyone heard anything about walmart switching from blazer to federal? Or know if these as good as or better than the blazer brass? fwiw: They had some 44mag (wwb i think) and some .45 blazer brass on the shelf.
  21. I just submitted my feedback less than an hour ago, and got a very positive response from Duane Dominy already. Wasn't sure if i should paste in his response. But he is, without a doubt, one of us
  22. Just finished The Road. Thought it was a great read. Powerful stuff... Reminded me of Stephen King's Gunslinger (another quick read) in some way. It's worth a look if you liked The Road, and don't mind some scifi/fantasy mixed in... I have only read the first two books in the series, but thinking about starting on the third now.
  23. Just skimmed this thread, but have to say i was surprised to see all the punk/hardcore listed. Wow I have been listening to Primus, Gorillaz, and Fatboy Slim pandora stations lately. BUT have stations that include everything from Misfits to Minor Threat and Dag Nasty... Stuff i listened to back in my sk8r days (80's)
  24. Just hung up with them, and that's what i understood them to say. With 6 box limit they may last the rest of the day(?) 9mm Blazer Brass
  25. Just got mine early last month, and i'm already on there. Was hoping they would be forced into doing the right thing before being listed :-\ Hearing about them making the list public actually played a small part in pushing me into getting an hcp though.... Just cuz i don't intend to ever be intimidated by any underhanded pinko commie tactics.


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