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Everything posted by Burnman5000

  1. I've heard that the Super Duty rifles are pretty nice. I've always wanted to pick one up. One day.
  2. Correct, it is the Dead Air SOLGW NOX.
  3. Looking for a complete or stripped Geissele lower with black finish. I know its a long shot but you dont know if you dont ask. Show me what you got.
  4. Last bump before I decide to keep it and build another rifle
  5. Man. What a fun thread. I get a kick out of fan-boi-ing on brand x-y-z. (*skip to the end if you just want to read about the thread subject "Glockstore"). I've gone back and forth so damn much it's ridiculous. I've liked Glocks. I've pretty much sold them all except for the Gen4 19 that I sent to Agency Arms for a full workover. That will never go anywhere and I love shooting it all day long. While that is a pricey direction to go, their frame cut/stippling is amazing. Their Gen5 guns are probably the best up to the this point. I didn't like the finger grooves and most come with front slide serrations which has always been important to me. I've owned multiple HK's and don't currently have any. The thing I hate about HK is how much they won't/can't support US Civilian gun owners, mostly with their rifles. That and the ridiculousness of proprietary stuff IE the USP accessory rail (which to me if the USP had a normal rail, the USP would be KING). I actually want to get another non-manual safety P30L in 9mm at some point if I ever come across one again but that's been hard as anything to get. I will say that the VP9 is a good gun and the trigger is one of the best I've pulled out of the box. My other favorite thing about the HK pistols is the paddle magazine release. I love it. I will say that when I bought a VP9, they were shipped with 15-round magazines and flush-fit 17-round magazines weren't a thing the couple of years I owned one. I won't touch FN pistols. While FN makes AMAZING stuff, I had a FNX 45 Tac and during a 2-gun match I did a mag swap and the way their mag release works when I inserted the next mag it got jammed in the gun as the tab on the magazine jammed into the mag release mechanism. I had to tear the whole frame apart to get the mag out. After that, unless they change the magazine release design, I just won't. But that's just personal experience. That's just an example of one. Sig. Sig has a lot of problems. Their 22X series guns were always great. I hate how much I love the P320/M17 series of guns. It seems like the kinks have been worked out, but I hate that Sig pretty much releases stuff and uses the public for testing. And if you want one of their cool new designs like the MPX or the MCX, good luck finding one and then you'll be tempted to sell it for 2x what you bought it for on Gunbroker. I could go on forever. I've also owned Beretta, multiple 1911 and 2011 variants, M&Ps, etc. I've never owned any Taurus, Hi-Point, Springfield XD series, or Ruger center-fire pistols and I doubt I ever will. Years of competition and the most problems I've seen have been with Springfield XDs and Ruger Centerfires. If you're still reading, congratulations on making it this far. The Glockstore retail space is like any other gunshop in Nashville. Sometimes cheaper, sometimes on par, sometimes more expensive. But they do carry more than just Glocks. Their range space looks amazing but I have not used it yet. They have a 280-degree range or something like that? I hope to get out there at some point because it looks like it could be great.


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