I have a 229 in .357. I don't think it is excessive for the gun. I carry it with Gold Dots, and they don't have any more muzzle flash than a .45 or .40. I find the recoil in both a Glock 32 and the 239 to be better than a .40 recoil. It is the difference in being slapped in the hand (.357) and being punched (.40). The recoil out of the .357 sig is harsh, but more not any less manageable than a .40. I think it is a whole lot less than that of a .45. The 229 handles the round better than the polymer frame on the Glock 32. The Glock 32 is a little easier to conceal than the 229.
Both the 32 and the 229 have drop in barrels that convert them to a .40. The magazines are compatible with both rounds. In a Glock the conversion barrel runs around $98, and a little more in a 229. I think S&W makes a M&P .357sig that is probably comparable to the Glock. H&K makes one in the USP series, but I am not a fan of those, personal preference. FN makes the FNP in a .357 sig that comes with 3 hi cap mags. It is a nice option for a polymer frame.
I love the ballistics of the .357 sig. Gold Dots are around 1450 fps and 1525 with Doubletap ammo. Buffalo Bore has a low flash round that is 1425 fps.