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Everything posted by RWF
once the barrel is replaced how is it different than a G34 or G35
the follower i am talking about is brown abd not the mag pul
they are contract mag suppliers. the difference is the brown follower is for goverment use only, the ones you buy have green.
I just want to publicly tell you all thank you so much for what you have done. we have not even been to Gallatin in a few years, but we have known Robert since we first started shooting as a husband and wife team. Henry county is were i started, with lots of laughs NTPS is a great place, with great people. love the USPSA game and the people thank you all so much and hope to see you all at the range, when get stronger and feel like i can be safe shooting from my wheel chair. i am hoping for april/may start. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR!!! Thank you RWF for those who do not know, about a week after the 3 gun nation pro/am i broke my neck C6 & C7
blade tech black ice,, shooting practical (not IDPA) get it with L.E. drop and offset, you must ask for the L.E. if not you will get the standard plus they make a holster not idpa legal that only covers the front sight area and looks like a limited gun holster http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h446/rwfilidei/work%20in%20progress%20on%20limited%20gun/IMG_6080.jpg
samson, troy or JP the samson is what we use and is light. troy makes one that looks just like it. but it is all up to you
JP= Yellow the 3-3.5# red 4-5# with spring only when done right red can give you a under 4# feel with a factory trgger and doomlight (sorry) style kit and some tuning can can be awesome.
WOW!!! thank you so much!
it has expried and i can not renew "i do not have permission or invoice canceled, and it will not just let me join as a new member. so can some repost my renewal invoice please. thanks.
[quote name='Capbyrd' timestamp='1355172971' post='858015'] If it was a kinda squared off shape then it was an Osprey. If it was round, it was a Maxim style from YHM but those have been discontinued I think. [/quote] kinda squred off
only in cold weather with light loads on a M2 bolt 0-20 mobil 1with just a little mil-tec added, nothing else
i am not sure but i do not think it is a money thing, could be. i know at least one one the reloaders that poated use jacketed bullets. for some with the 1911-2011 i do think it is a matter of the gun setup or tuning. hammer and recoil springs for exsample set up to run X PF. were store bought on that set up would have heavy recoil with the slide hitting hard on the frame. just guessing also hope all is well.
sorry i do not remember the brand but the wife and got to shoot one that had all the suppresser body below the standard 1911 sights. looked funny at first but after shooting it loved it. and it was a dry can.
thanks again for the kind words and encouragement! Robert and Wanda Filidei and have a great turkey day
i wish well, everyone says i am doing better but need that mental strength thanks all
[quote name='CZ9MM' timestamp='1353418410' post='848699'] A coworker was on a deep sea boating trip. To make an extremely detailed story short, they hit a wave and he flew up into the air and then his spine landed on a concrete chair. The captain "thought" he was just being wimpy and denied bringing him back to shore. Thus, it was a very long time before he got help. The doctors said he would never walk again, and for a while it looked like that would be the case. But when it was time for physical rehab, he surprised a few folks. Has to use a cane, but I suppose a cane is better than a wheelchair. Keep your head high. [/quote] spent about 60 days in the hospital in rehab, now they come twice a week. i do have high hopes.
[quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1353380644' post='848589'] IMO tnwngr has some of the best advice going. Stay involves with your sport and communicate your desires to your physical therapists to see what they can do. My heart truely goes out to you on the matter, I'm not much a biblical man but brother I will try praying for a healthy if not speedy recovery to get you back out doing what you love. Most important is have patients and don't give up hope. Start making plans NOW for what you'll be doing LATER, stay positive and ends the limit. [/quote] trying the 1st day home i tryed to lift my 3 gun AR and could not. and i have told my P.T. what my goals were and he is working on a plan. i even showed him some shooting USA video of my self so he would have a good understanding
[quote name='klamb5' timestamp='1353373633' post='848509'] Be strong ,time and persistance pays off I pray God give you strength to endure. [media]http://youtu.be/tlMz2sCDCA4[/media] [/quote] WOW!
they say i should get some arm strengh back but not walk again. got to get my mental srengh up, i will try to kept you in mind as i get stronger physicaly and mentally
[b] [/b] as most of know i broke my neck C-6 & C-7 [b] [/b] i tryed to shoot my open pistol, its a M & P with a 2.5# trigger. I COULD NOT PULL THE TRIGGER!! not strong enough, got it to fire with 2 fingers or my midle finger. very upsetting but at least i did break down crying. this time
thanks. so very much! for those who do not know i broke C6 and C7 in my neck and after 70 days in 2 hospitals i am home. 2 weeks in Vandy= $237,800 plus xrays etc. still waiting for ins to pay there part. i am in a front wheel drive wheel chair and have to relearn how to use my hands, it been roungh but i do plan to be shooting next year from the chair. i do know there will stages i cannot do but i do plan on giving it my best.