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Everything posted by kwe45919

  1. Glad you got a kick out of the Staples comment. My wife actually said that to me one day when I grabbed my paddle holster and put it on while getting ready to head to Staples. My only reply was , "I paid $210 and 8hrs of my time to be able to play cowboy when ever I want to. Where's the keys to my horse?" And I ducked out the door....
  2. You can find used G19's for around $400...new would be close to $500 or higher....
  3. All firearms are always loaded unless stored in my safe. My safe is the only place an unloaded firearm is kept.
  4. Isn't it wonderful to have an imagination......
  5. Trust me, I'm not offended and I always give my attention to others who are chatting with me. Are my "narrow minded and completely contradictory statements" I make wrong?? They could be, but there's always more to it then a few paragraphs typed in and online forum. I look around me where I live and where I go. Wal-Mart, work, a few choice gas stations, my parents house etc. These areas I'm in are/have not been known for violent crimes much less crimes in general. Seriously, Knoxville isn't like Detroit, Miami, Houston, LA, the Bronx, Philly or tons of other places I've passed through. Sure KnoxVegas and the surrounding sities have "bad/ruff" places....I've naturally never been around those areas in the 33years I've lived in E.TN. The area's I subject myself to in public are not likley targets for robbery or rapes. Who really holds up a Staples?? "Put your hands up and give me all your ink cartriges!!" The actual need to worry about the possibility of something happening is very small. IF somthing was to happen, I am more prepared to deal with the situation then most around me. I can see the point and usefullness of a BUG. They are needed and a must in certain situations or by personal preference because of job or area of dwellling. My situation is different than others but still well thought out. Maybe one day we'll chat in person about this subject instead of typing about it. I appreciate that but critisim good or bad should still be listened to and considered at all times. It's only polite. (Besides, my grandmother and father beat listening skills into me) That way, hopefully a sound judgment can be made from the information that will benifit yourself. Because of a small paragraph, it was assumned I'd never attended any type of self defense course when in fact, I've been through a few. I try to explain my thoughts when typing but emotions through words aren't my strong point!!
  6. I am of sound mind with very rational thoughts,not a dipstick. You don't think I will try everything in my power to live another day?? Gun, knife, pen, coat hanger, snickers bars, hot coffee, my fist in your face or my foot in your butt....I'll fight to the death and I'll fight dirty!! Carrying a gun or not, your still going to kick the bucket. Does it really matter about the actual "how, who or why" of your death?? Crooks, God/various supreme beings, self-inflicted GS wounds, thugs, runaway train, falling bird poo, what ever it may be, when it's your time, it's your time. You will have no power to stop your death contrary to your own thoughts when the actual time comes. Just because you might be able to cheat death once, doesn't mean you'll get away from it the second time. We all know opinions will vary on this subject. I understand your view and others completly, mine is different. My firearm, knife, lighter, flashlight and other items I carry every day are tools. That's all. Call them "Survival Tools" if needed. Like any tool, yes it might fail but I don't go buying 2 cars to put 2 set of automotive tools in them because I'm afraid one might fail. I just don't feel the extra hassle of a second gun is needed knowing my firearms are beyond well maintained and always have premimum ammo for use in them. Besides, we all know there are people in this world who have never handled a firearm in thier life that can kill you just as easy. One last thing......I'd be afraid of a "dud" bullet/bad primmer waaaaaaaaaaaaay before I'd be afraid of my gun failing me. Even then, if that happened, I believe I could clear the round faster than attempting to pull another hidden firearm.
  7. I will hand my permit out of courtsey to any LEO without them having to ask. I could care less if they know I carry or are currently carrying. Every time I have been through a road block, I have never been searched or even asked to step out of the car. Usually all I get is "Sir, your cleared to go. Have a nice day."
  8. I've been to a few classes as well and I understand the point. I am well aware of my surroundings and "outs" if they were needed to be used. I'm not a cop or a soldier so why do I need to carry extra equiptment? Pocket pistol or not I see no use in carrying 2 guns.(rifle/pistol combo's don't count) I don't have 2 cars cause one might fail. God didn't give me 2 lives cause one might fail. Because something mechanical "might" fail means nothing to me. Hell, all pieces of machinery fail eventually. I've got better things to worry about other than my gun failiing me. Sure, the gun might fail and I might die. What's the point?? I'll die someday when God decides it's time. Until then, I'm paying for life insurance for my family's benifit, I take advantage of everyday to the fullest, I spend as much time as I can with my family and friends and best of all, I DON"T worry about what's gona happen around the next corner or if my gun's gona fail. I'm not paranoid nor do I see the need to have the "what if" mentality. I'm totally comfortable with dying when it happens. Still not a valid enough point in my mind to worry about it as much as some do. I understand the theory and the worry behind a back up gun. See my above mentality state....
  9. True...I've lived here for 33 years and never had an issue even when the old "Underground" bar was still going strong back during HS! There are always the dark area's people shouldn't go and avoid at night... Quoted for truth. Dude?? I've been going to that station for years. I've been shipping items by Greyhound alot here latley. As a matter of fact, I was there shipping out a fender last week. A car fender shipped to South Dakota was $37, you just can't beat it. You can ship a 200lb item for less than $50 so why not save some cash these days. There's nothing scary about that place or the general Central road area the Greyhound station is on. Apperantly you've never been to Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New York, Houston or other LARGER cities with waaaaay worse areas that make Knoxville look like childs play......trust me, Knoxville is safer than you think.
  10. Sweet collection.....
  11. Looks like my wife's shooting..... Awsome job!!
  12. No actually they are not kidding at all. They would prefer you to "de-chamber" your live round and put the mag in your pocket....for later use of course. Then you are free to do as you please since you have complied with the sign....
  13. Spyderco Endura......main carry Have carried various Frost Cutlery, Gerber and CRKT
  14. The more the merrier.....I guess!!
  15. Apperantly I might be the only one whom really doesn't carry a "bug". I don't feel the need to carry a back up of any kind. I always carry a fairly large folding knife (spyderco or the like) and a small LED flashlight but never really felt the need to carry anything other than my primary firearm. I am quite confident in my Kimber Pro Carry II as well as both of my Glocks. They all have gone bang from day one with absoutly no issues at all. Every round, every time with tons of different types of ammo. The Kimber is the only pickey firearm and that's just because of the "tight" (sometimes to tight) tollerances which can lead to having to fire premimum ammo all the time (of which I do). This was a lesson learned on a previous Kimber as well as knowledge gained from some fanatics....
  16. Has anyone actually had their G26 "print"?? I've tried and it's real hard to actually make out anything other than a "hump" (the bottom) while bending over or stretching. About the only thing that actually shows is the single strap of my BlackHawk IWB...... God love the G26.
  17. Most of the gun shows I attend usually have officers posted at tables at the entrance. If they see a firearm, no matter how it's carried, they usually zip-tie the slide/bolt open and detach the mag before they allow you to carry the firearm inside. There are multiple signs around "screaming" no loaded weapons peorid. You will go to jail. However, I have carried in to a few gun shows completly forgetting what I was doing. Usually chatting up with someone as I'm walking in and pass the table with the officers. Apperantly I was the only one who had any idea. Then again I have noticed a few people who were carrying their firearms (usually handguns) with the "action" closed and a mag in the well. Some, upon further inspection, you can clearly see a "loaded chamber" indicator popping up...makes you wonder if they carried in their or just bought more ammo and loaded while there.....
  18. I'm sure you didn't offend any of us. Hopefully most of us will never know what it's really like. Mentally, I think I am prepared to find out, emotionally I think I can deal with it. With that said, after a lot of thinking and reading about the subject, I know I can and will pull the trigger and end a persons life if it comes down to "that" type of situation where my family or I are threatened.
  19. Your gona get some mixed answers on this one. You'll get some "big, brave" types who have to carry in the projects every day and will admitting to "having to pull" thier weapon often. There are others whom, even if they have pulled thier weapon, they don't care to share the detals because of the bold experiance that took place. Yet others will admit they have "used" thier weapons but don't even own a gun or a permit to carry. The realization and truth is, hopefully, you'll never be in the situation to where you'll have to pull your weapon much less actually use it againt someone attempting to do you harm. Keeping aware of your surroundings and staying on the alert when your in a bad area usually keeps you from being the target. So with that being said...good luck on your permit and don't worry about what others have or haven't done. Worry about what your gona do when the situation arises....
  20. Then again....the old debate of "if I'm concealed, how would he know?" comes into play. Consider all of TVA's property to be Federal. No matter what state they are in. Every park or parking lot on TVA property is considered Federal. Remember, TVA has Federal wetlands and "eco" parks on some of thier property.....
  21. They can give you a BC in less than 5 minutes.......
  22. kwe45919

    Big gun auction

    I may try to make it to the auction......been looking for a few good rifles.
  23. Awsome for your first try....
  24. I've picked up a few awsome holsters using e-bay. Really hard to beat when your "trying" different holsters for your new gun. Considering I've purchased a few for $25 for various guns I'll keep browsing around.
  25. Great, now I can spend more money I don't have on more ammo I shouldn't need.....


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