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Everything posted by kwe45919

  1. kwe45919

    New CZ-75 Compact

    I had one of those last year. I bought it used and beaten up. Never had any issues with it, shot great, no failures, easy to shoot and operate. Had a buddy shoot 100rds through it, tell me he was going to Wally World for more ammo, and came back with $350 cash from the ATM. I smiled and handed him the case and rest of the mags I had and told him to wear it out. You have just bought yourself a very nice gun. Possibly one of the best CZ's I've ever had the chance to play with. Congrats!!!
  2. Are we talking "good quality SD ammo" or your "WallyWorld special (ie Blazer Brass)?????? That makes a difference for me. Most accurate by hand, not benched, is my Kimber Pro Carry with Hornaday ammo..... My most accurate by hand, not benched, with WallyWorld "range" ammo is my Glock 19..... Yet I carry my Glock 26........accurate enough for SD purposes and has a great range life for years of play. Two packages in one......
  3. Jed.....you just struck "black gold" Quite a mint you have there, take good care of it.
  4. Really?? I only saw it post twice.....
  5. It's not a myth but definatly over exagerated. I've shot my G19C many times in the dark or at dusk, just to show people it wouldn't blind you. The flash of the muzzle from any firearm can blind you just as bad in an enclosed room as the "C" series would. If it is outside, it's like a bic lighter at a concert, your eyes adjust quickly and ignore the light....
  6. Most range sessions are 100 rounds of shooting and 100 rounds of training. I shoot to train and I train to shoot. Dry/unloaded practice runs are a must and anyone can do them at home in their spare time. People should practice drawing their firearm often to get a feel for doing so. It's not about speed. With speed, people often end up throwing their gun vs. properly unholstering it and preparing to fire. I've never seen a stop watch in a gun fight but I have seen practice and habbits save peoples lives.......
  7. More than likley, you'll have to do what we all end up doing. Most of the holsters that are recomended are holsters that are simply wonderful and do their job. The only issue is one might be more uncomfortable to someone then it would be for someone else or maybe the "draw" of the firearm is tough or hard to do. So, feel free to purchase a few holsters and try them out, you can always sell them to someone else to try if you don't like them......oh, and expect to buy a few before you find one you really like...... Sorry, that's the truth. For my G19 and my summer carry G26, (unlike "OhShoot";) ) I use a BlackHawk IWB. It's a single snap belt-loop leather holster and it is very comfortable for me to carry in the "4/5 O'clock " or "Kidney Karry" position. It's the only position I'd recomend for this holster though. I've tried other positions but they aren't as comfortable with this holster.
  8. Thumbs forward is usually the way I shoot......unless I'm shooting a 1911. for some reason, my hand is the perfect size to jab my thumb knuckle into the saftey lever. Even if it's the old short style, for some reason if I'm thumbs forward shooting, the recoil creats/slides my thumb knuckle upward. Now don't misteak this problem for not having a good grip. There's no issues with my grip or the strength of it. For some reason the stars and planets align just right to make my most comfortable shooting grip the most fatal with a 1911. It's one of the reason's I stopped carrying my Kimber. After a few "draw, shoot, /click safe/,now I'm dead" drills, I felt I needed to carry something with no external levers my thumb can hit. Beretta's, Sigs and tons of other firearms i have no issues with...just the beloved 1911.
  9. You kinda traded fairly. I'd perfer the Sig to the Smith but other will say just the opposite. If your happy the we're happy.
  10. The Matrix thought my post was sooooo awsome, it posted it twice for me.
  11. I carry a G26 and use one of the "mag" sleeves on my G19 mag which is used as my "back up" mag. They attach by a small "tension" screw in the back. I have never had any issues with mine and it makes my G26 feel more like a G19. I bought one and "tried" it out. I figured if I hated it, I could at least still use it on a G19 mag while I was at the range. I've wasted more money on things that never seem to work, so why not. I've never been happier with a product. Works great and the feel of the grip isn't to "different" to be able to shoot comfortably. Get I plan on purchasing a few G17 high cap mags and a few of the mag sleves for them just to use at the range.
  12. There's pro's and con's to each and everyone has their opinion. As a matter of courtesy BECAUSE I know when he runs my liscense my HCP will be reveled. Not giving the courtesy to the LEO could get you detained for a small peorid of time longer. Some "Rambo" cops will think your hiding something else because your hiding the fact you have a HCP and possibly have a gun. So why put yourself in a possible situation. Seriously, what's a LEO going to do knowing you have a HCP, you were completly upfront with him and you are showing him courtesy and more than likley, you will be on your way faster then attempting to hide your HCP status from him. On a personal note, I'd prefer to let every officer in my town know I'm a legal HCP holder and that I carry for protection. In the event something happened and I need to use my firearm, especially if I have to hold someone at gun point, I'd prefer to possibly encounter a LEO who might remember me and remember I have an HCP. I might get treated a little better and be delt with easier if I'm recongnized.
  13. kwe45919

    Deal or no deal???

    Not a bad score at all......
  14. Congrats...
  15. kwe45919


    Nice red X........ Coal Creek was cool when they first opened 5 years ago. That's who I bought my Kimber from. They gave me a great price on the Kimber, a holster and gave me two boxes of ammo and a free range pass all for about $800. I've tried many times to purchase from them since then, but they just won't budge on prices to compete. It's like, "that's the price, there's the door!" Now days, I only use them for the range. Their prices aren't near where they used to be. Hopefully they did you right and let you take home the G27 for around $550. They were sitting there for $499 about 3 or 4 weeks ago so with tax maybe $560?? Sound about right??
  16. My father and I made the trip down there today. He decided he wanted to go and keep me out of trouble. We walked around and I let my dad lead and shop. He ended up picking up a knife outside in the tent. I think we were there for 30 or 45 minutes and he was ready to go. He kept complaining about the # of people and how he was having trouble seeing some of the displays. I told him to stop being a grump and suck it up.
  17. I fish all the time as long as it isn't freezing. No fly fishing though. Never was any good at it. Can't use bait cast reels either, they always just get tied up. The lakes were up last week and the weather was nice, I spent about a 6 pack fishing one day...man, it was nice to relax.
  18. If she got your liscense plate and called it in and if the plate is registered to you, your HCP will also show and they will more than likley ignore the call unless you're waving the gun around causing a disturbance. The cops have better things to worry about then a lady who saw a gun in a holster when the info comes back that you are legal to carry... The LEO's were polite and tactfull about it all, as was I. There never was a questionable action by either party. The LEO's were just useing thier training "in case" I happened to start "trouble". Their action of "flanking" me was actually expected and not surprising considering I would do the same with my partner, if I was a LEO, in the exact situation. As a LEO, I'm sure they never know how stupid people will be or what they are willing to do but after years of watching the TV show "COPS" everyone has an idea. Like I said, no issues with what they did. I agree I should have at least put on an over shirt or light jacket and I wouldn't have be in that situation.
  19. I hear ya....maybe I'm just used to them so I don't notice them anymore. They are everywhere in LA and NY....after a few weeks there you just start to ignore them.
  20. Normally, I carry IWB with a shirt over it. Occasionally, I'll carry my paddle holster and not worry about covering it. Last week, I went to Walgreens for the wife at 1am. Grabbed my paddle and my G26 and trotted out the door. Got to Walgreens, got out and walked in. Got what I needed and headed to the check out. 2 Oak Ridge cops standing there talking to the register attendent about what ever. One of the officers casually asked (casually litterally) do you have a permit for that? My response was "I'd better or I'm fixin' to have to do some explaining, right?" The cops laughed and said that's the best response they'd heard yet. So I grabbed my receipt and was on my merry way out the door......................... . . . . . . . . . . when both cops took flank on opposite sides and ask to see my permit. I gladly chuckled and said I kept it out for ya. Showed it to them and was on my way, no further delays or questions.....
  21. Craigs used to sell to civillians years ago. Not sure on the story but I think they were reported for selling LEO/Military items to civillians at the discount. Last time I bought something there was maybe 5 years ago or so...
  22. ^^^ Nice link. There's some sweet stuff on there. I sure wish I could afford that British Vickers .303 for 4,599Euro
  23. Heard good things about them from a few guys at the range but never new where you could get them from. Might have to buy a pair to try out.
  24. Try looking into a good leather IWB for your next purchase.
  25. Wow...um, I just keep a running total in my head of what I've shot. I usually shoot in 200rd increments per gun per range visit.


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