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Everything posted by kwe45919

  1. I hate sitting at work waiting..... Looks like 7 more hours till shooting time!! Man I'll be tired.....
  2. As of right now I plan on making it. I've got to work 3rd shift on Friday night so I doubt I'll stay too long. Need to sleep sometime. Figure I can blast through 300rds or so and excersise my Glocks. Doubt I'll be bringing anything else to lug around..... Hopefully I see you guys for morning grub....
  3. Wow...didn't realize these things were going to be that small. Guess I better start saving.
  4. Congrats SigGirl Envious of you.....
  5. I almost want to laugh at that....^^^^ But neither of them are worth my chuckles!!!
  6. Ya know...I've always thought my Glock26 needed to be all white, frame and grip. Why?? Cause I always wear white T-shirts.....easier concealment.
  7. Awsome job. I wish my wife had your attitude.......
  8. ^^^^ The above is a logical response that make perfect sense. All information supplied is in accordance with someone who has a brain and knows how to use it. If you prefer to not pay attention or use the information improperly, then may God have mercy on your soul.
  9. Kinda the same suggestion........but give him a gift certificate for $500 from the local awsome gun shop. Have HIM buy what he wants. If it's over $500, he can pay for the rest. Man, wish my friends were as cool as you guys seem. My friends wouldn't even give me .25 for a piece of gum out of a gumball machine.
  10. So, what have we learned here..... First off, say as little as possible and try to breif about what happened. Attempt to make note the need to see a doctor ASAP for a "check up" due to the tramatic situation that just occured. Ask to contact a lawyer to help you better relay the situation to LE. Kinda sum it up??
  11. kwe45919

    Whats next....

    I need to go "rifle".....looking for something in .308
  12. Simple fact is.......I like guns, all types and sizes.....as long as their in my hands!!!
  13. Funny thing.....the absolute best, most awsomness 1911 I have ever owned was my first one, an Auto Ordance. It had over 20K worth of rounds through it when I bought it so I decided it needed rebuilt. I bought all Wilson replacement parts and sent it down to Dallas, TX with my uncle to take to his local gunsmith he's used for years. When I got it back, it shot like butter. Felt like butter in my hands. Even smelled like buttered gun powder.....Mmmm so sweet!! Then I became ignorant and sold it thinking I really had to have my Kimber Pro Carry. God was I stupid!! Still, to this day, I'd say some of the best affordable 1911's are the Springfields or Tauras'.....just my opinion though....
  14. $60 for one?? GunBroker is absoutly insane!!!
  15. I'm usually so excited to be at the range again my hands automatically shake. They usually sweat for the first few minutes then when I get calmed down they turn cold......the Doc says it's blood pressure dropping after getting so excited to be there....
  16. It took about 3K worth of GD's to "work out" my Kimber Pro Carry to feed reliably and function 100%. It's almost like the tollerances are "too tight" and the slide and other parts need to be banged around a bit to loosen up a little. It's the only gun I've bought new that had issues straight from the box. Now, it's a functional carry piece that's good to go!! Never had any issues with Glocks, Sigs, CZ's, Taurus', H&K's, Wilson Combats or Springfields....
  17. kwe45919

    Customized RIA

    Sweet.....now take pics of it in action.
  18. I have had no issues with any of my KCI mags. I currently have 8/15rnd mags for range use only. They function 100% with no failures. Putting 15rds into them is just like putting 15rds in to the standared Glock mags. For the price, these are a steal. I plan to get a few more to stricktly have extras for the range. Before long, I'll be able to load all my KCI and Glock Mags and have about 500rds loaded up and ready to go. Less reloading time and more shooting time!!!
  19. I only try to purchase ammo at fair prices, like WalMart prices of 8.97 a box for 9mm and 12.97 for .45ACP. Generally I find an average of 200rds every couple of weeks to a month. Finally after 2 months of WalMarts in my area, I've purchased enough to hit the range, excersise all my firearms and still have a good start on ammo for the next range session.
  20. Well, if those people who wear those fake badge thingys reeeeeeallly want to get harrasses or shot first.......I say go ahead and let them pay the money for the problems!! I can spend my hard earned $ else where....
  21. I purchased the last 4 boxes of 9mm (Blazer) my WallyWorld had last week at $8.92 a box. Have the receipt to prove it too!! This was the first time in 3 weeks they've gotten in a shipment of ammo and it was in a very small quantity. They received 500rds in of 9mm and it was placed on the shelf at 8am. By the time I got their after work at 8:17, there were only 4 boxes.....kinda ticked off the guy behind me who was wanting a couple of boxes and told me to share.
  22. Congrats on the purchase of a Kimber.
  23. Awsome job on making a Glock malfunction!! That's kinda hard to do these days.....
  24. kwe45919


    Wow...just caught this thread. I've shot a HighPoint .45. I didn't like it. The person shooting it had no issues with it at all and was very happy with it. He even joked about the difference in prices between his HighPoint and my Kimber. He had no jams while he was at the range and it shot great.....for him. I hated the way it felt and shot. To me it's like the Cobra .380....so damn bulky and akward to hold, it makes shooting it a bad experiance. If it were Zombie time and that was all I had to fight with, I'd be better off just throwing the bullets at them.....I was really that bad with it.


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