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Everything posted by kwe45919

  1. I work for an airline and usually there isn't any issues with guns. Does anybody have a clue how many people are flying somewhere to hunt at any given time?? Most every aircraft in the sky has either a handgun or a rifle on it and I'm not joking. Flights to Alaska, Montana, Washington and other "hot" hunting spots most always have some type of fire arm on it. The percentage of a firearm dissappearing is maybe 1%. Most airlines have "contact" names from the ticket counter, to the gate agent, to the bag room attendant and to the loaders. If the firearm turns up missing, they have people to chat with. Airlines take firearms seriously and the FAA requires doccumentation, especially if ammo is on board......
  2. Dual 995's??? I can bring the factory stock to swap out so they look the same...... I want you all to know that once again I will be shooting after being up for 38hrs straight.....forgive me if my aim is a little off.
  3. That's already been done. Unfortunatly, that bears no meaning to an insurance company. If it's valuable enough to insure, we need the papers proving it......
  4. How are XD's not ugly but a Glock is?? They both look like bricks with handles???? Neither is sexy, both are functional work horses!! As far as the saftey issue with Glocks......there aren't any. Not sure why so many people are afraid that these things will go bang on thier own. Sure there are idiots and accidents that happen, but there have been more mishaps and accidents with 1911's then any other pistol. (of course they've been out longer than with Glocks) Remember, you have to litterly pull the trigger fully to the rear to make a Glock go band. You can throw it on the ground, drop it off your house, run over it with your car, and it will not go bang. The biggest thing to remember about a Glock is, if ya do drop your gun, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CATCH IT. Glocks rock as do XD's.......for most it's the fit and feel of the weapon. Purchase what is comfortable for you as you will be trusting your life to it.
  5. So what are your considerations?? Any manufactures you refuse to purchase from?? Full size, compact or sub-compact?? For a compact or sub compact... I'd say a G27 or a Springfield XD40.....easy maintence, not a pistol you need to worry about keeping in pristine condition, great for all types of weather, easily concealable, light weight, both are work horses and both have great proven track records and both are right now under $550 I have a Kimber Pro Carry but my Glock26 is what I carry every day. BTW....some Kimbers do look like !!
  6. The cleaver things you think of when you can't sleep.......... Trying to get the wife to join me on Saturday. Think I'll bring the SKS, the Glocks and the HP 995.........should be fun!!
  7. My Father-inlaw has a Navy Colt Revolver he aquired 50 years or so ago. It functions and seems to have all matching numbers but has quit a bit of surface rust on it. He's wanting to know what it's worth. I told him he needed to get it apraised and he just snickered and put it back in the safe. I don't see him taking the time to do anything at this point except let it sit in the safe. Which bring me to my question. In the E. TN area (preferably) who/where is an apraiser. If someone has had a good experiance with someone let me know. I searched this area of the forum and only found 1 number and of course Goodletts (I think). If I have to drive accross TN, I will. The ammount needing to be paid for the appraisal doesn't matter to me, as long as the person has a decent reputation and didn't start his job last week. Thanks guys. 8/18 Pics added The number 26360 can be found in 5 places on the pistol. 1 on the cylinder and 4 on the bottom in different places or parts of the pistol On the cylinder are the words: Colts Patent No26360 Below the above on the cylinder: Pat Sept 10 (after that it lookes like a small #17 underscored) 1850 Placed under the 1850 in cocked letters are "BB" On the wooden handle is a very faint "BB" carved in cursive.
  8. kwe45919

    Yugo sks parts?

    Not sure actually. Keep in mind, your SKS could be over 50 yrs old depending on which model your have. It's old, old, old technology and parts. Breakin peorids are pretty much not talked about because of the sloppy tolerances created from mass production. They were built simple and made to fire surplus ammo. Kinda like the 1911's except no one produces any kind of updated model today!!
  9. Hmm......maybe?? I'll have to see if I can get to the police station before Saturday and get squared away.
  10. If ya have any questions, feel free to ask....
  11. kwe45919

    Yugo sks parts?

    Look guys.......please check out this site. It has all the info you need for for the SKS's. Parts can be replaced including firing pins etc. I just got through building a Norinco myself. This site can help you out a ton!!! It's called the Survivors SKS boards. If ya want to check out my small build, look in the show and tell section... Chinese If you have any questions please ask, I'm willing to help.
  12. No issues, but as with any mass produced mags you can always get a lemon. I used common sense and first pushed down on the follower with fingers and thumbs to make sure nothing was catching then loaded 10 rounds and let sit over night. The next day I took my thumb and pushed each round out to see if the next would spring into place. Since it did, I loaded 15 rounds and did the same thing the following day. With no issues I loaded 20 rounds and let it sit for 2 days, used the thumbs to expell the rounds. With no issues the true test before live fire was to load 20 rounds, insert the mag and pull the bolt back to insert the first round into the chamber. Then, slowly, one by one I would pull the bolt back and allow each round to eject (threw the rounds 4 ft away) and let it slam back into place allowing each round to be loaded. When everything fed and ejected smoothly, I did the same thing except I racked the bolt 21 times as fast and as hard as I could to "simulate" actual firing. Now that my hand was hurting pretty bad, I felt that I could take that mag and attempt live fire. I've done this with my 5 mags and only 1 in 5 had an issue. The issue with it was "flashing" left over from the mold on the follower caused it to hang up. I took apart the mag and fixed the issue..... Ehh....range smange. I know I can pop water bottles at 75yrs and can hit a steel slab at 100yrds standing so it's good enough for me. I'm no sniper nor do I plan on trying to be. But to answer you question, I haven't gotten to a range yet to test MOA accuracy. Maybe one day I'll care enough to take the time and see just how good/bad it shoots. She was going to pay me $20 for moving boxes and taking out some trash so I suggested the pieces for payment instead. She still insisted on giving me the $20 but I wasn't planning on taking her money anyways. She's on a very limited S.S. budget and I enjoy her cakes and cookies she makes for the wife, daughter and I so fair is fair. Besides, it was my good deed for the week. And how else would I be able to relay my lovely story to ya'll...... See above for first long winded response..........
  13. Knowing the guy in MY car has tools and hasn't budged, I'd take a few steps back with my gun raised and wait. The guy will come out of MY car sometime, either because of the police, or because he's finished doing his theiving. Either way, he will then be actively moving in my direction with a weapon (tools). At this point, it will depend on the thief. One wrong twitch and I might shoot. If the guy starts to walk off, he'll get barbs from a tazer in his back. If I feel the need to shoot, there won't be a civil suit from him, as he will be dead. I'll deal with his family later since I am now safe as is my family. I can't say I'm afraid to go to jail nor am I afraid of being in front of a judge and jury. I am however, afraid that if I do nothing, this punkass bitch might come back one day and harm my wife or daughter. That is why something like this needs to be addressed with force of some kind. Doesn't matter if it's the door slammin' on his leg, you letting a dog loose, baseball bats or crowbars, humans tend to learn through force and brutality. This situation is no different. P.S. I also believe in spanking my child for doing wrong. Now I didn't say "beat" I said spank. Most of these teens commiting crimes usually haven't had any disipline in their lives. I think it's time to step up a adults and teach our children the manners needed for life. I remember my grandmother used whoop me with a skillet when I talked back to her and then when my father showed up I got whooped some more. It only took a time or two until I kept my mouth shut....
  14. I always wondered why it felt so natural to do that......... You can spot a new HCP holder by watching them attempt to get caught carrying. (meaning they're proud to be a HCP holder) I did this for the first 2 weeks a few years ago to see just what I could and couldn't get away with. Sad part is......no one noticed or cared. People just don't pay attention.
  15. I personally have/use a BSA. My thoughts are this, with one you have a wider field of view which would/could help out with targeting at a farther distance. Use actually varies per person and the persons sight. My BSA is on my SKS. I use my SKS for 100yrd shots or less. I would imagine you should get a better "scope" for your AR if your planning on using it to it's full capabilities. If your just a plinker then the reddot should be fine.....
  16. kwe45919

    Desert Eagle

    Really?? How funny. Most indoor ranges are "pistol calibers" only which includes .50AE. Whether it's a S&W 500 or a D.E. the indoor ranges should let you fire it in there.....
  17. Dang. Wish I knew you were going. I would have tagged along. Any who, I was there for about 2hrs. Got there at noon. True it was the same ole' same ole' stuff. Much of it was left overs from the last show or two if people pay attention to the vendors inventory. Not many people really buying anything this time of year. Ammo was stupid high. One table WAS selling WalMart ammo that you can get for $9 a box for $14 a box. When I asked why so high, his response was "You can't find 9mm anywhere in TN except for the gun shows kid. Try to buy some at a cheaper price." Kid?? Kid?? I'm friggin 34 years old!! For that response, I walked down 3 tables and purposly bought a box of 9mm for $12 and then walked back to the stupid guy and tossed that receipt plus another from WalMart 2 days ago at him and told him how much cash he's going to loose out on for being ignorant.
  18. WTF?? My friggin' eye fell out!!! Glad you're OK. Just wait, someone will post a story about their bad "smithing" experiance and make you feel all better......
  19. Most people don't have any issues with them but some have. I understand when you start to modify stuff, sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes changing 1 thing will screw up everything else.....
  20. Thanks. I feel like I resurected the dead on this one......imagine it was just junk at one point.
  21. It all started with me helping an older neighbor lady clean out her attic. While I was cleaning out here attic I found a box that had a barell sticking out. As I looked further I figured out what it was. A Norinco SKS. As I said it was just pieces as shown below and I needed to aquire a few more pieces to see if it would even fire. So then I had to get a gas tube and piston, bolt and carrier and a stock. I finally aquired everything I needed through e-bay and the Survivors SKS boards. So I put her all together and racked the bolt a few times and pulled the trigger to hear it go click. BINGO!! I was now in buisness.... My first "mod" actually done was a firing pin. The origional Russian SKS's had a spring loaded firing pin. For some reason the Chinese decided it wasn't needed. 2 problems with that. One, if the firing pin gets dirty it can get stuck causing a "slam fire" situation. Another problem is you can't use soft primmered ammo such as WalyWorld Winchester since the firing pin will slightly tap the following round chambered. Once again causing a possible slam fire. I purchased a "Murry's firing pin" and swapped them out to ensure my chances of a mishap at any range. Now that the firing pin was taken care of, it was time to actually shoot the darn thing. So I loaded a stripper clip, loaded the mag, and fired away!! All was going my way. Now I needed to make sure I was 922R compliant. I purchased a Tapco T-6 stock in black first, but everyone has a black Tapco'd SKS so I traded and went with the "dark earth". I definatly like it better. New stock: My Bubba'd SKS....... Hope you enjoyed the show..... Now in it's current configuration:
  22. All right everyone. Rest assured, you need no bolt modifications or feed ramp modifications to "transform" your SKS. The only major thing I've done is replace my factory firing pin with a spring loaded firing pin to keep the possibility of slam fires eliminated. The origional Russian design had em' so I figured it should have one. Plus it allows me to use WalMart ammo and other soft primmered ammo.... Mine works fine. I have the Tapco T-6 stock and Tapco 20rd mags. No issues with feeding or ejecting. The only issue I have is not being able to shoot the crap out of it.....
  23. ]You cannot use Tapco mags with your wooden stock unless you "trim/carve your wooden stock to properly seat the Tapco mags. The Tapco mags are slightly wider than the stock wood. Any of your "aftermarket" stocks work well with the Tapco mags. DO NOT buy Pmags for an SKS. They are worthless. Tapco's 20rd mags seem to be the best. This isn't an opinion, it's been a proven fact. I personally have just finished up my SKS build and will post a few pics for you. I now have the Tapco T-6 stock and a few of the Tapco 20rd mags that work flawlessly. Simple suggestion is Survivors SKS boards. http://www.sksboards.com/smf/index.php?board=3.0 TONS of info there. There are people from TN on there to that I have told about this board. I think one or two have now signed up here. If you have any questions about your SKS, feel free to PM me. No they are not a waste of money. They work perfectly well. Most people who purchase them attempt to use them in their wooden stocks and then figure out they don't fit and they sure as hell do not want to cut the factory stock so they automatically say they suck and don't work. The Tapco mags only work in after market stocks. The one on top is the SKS. I cannot tell if it is a Russian, Chinese, Romainian, Albainian. It is not however, a Yugoslavian as it doesn't have the grenade launcher on the barell nor the gas valve. If you are thinking about purchasing one, check the link above to the Survivors SKS boards and read up on the SKS's. The you can decide for yourself if you want one and what type is sitting in the store you're talking about.
  24. My wife liked the Taurus millenium as well......until she shot one. She said it wasn't as natural to shoot as it was to hold. So she got a Glock.....


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